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Highland Protector

Highland Protector (MacCoinnich Time Travels #5)(50)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“The key is on the hook in the kitchen. There’s a cell phone in the car.”

Kincaid offered thanks and moved through the library with purpose. The western wall, three shelves up, he found the book titled Contingency. The same book was situated in the exact space in his time. There, he removed the book, opened it, and found several bills of the currency of the time.

“What the—?”

“Mr. Dawson’s legacy is embedded in this library. The man knew more than he let his wife know.”

Simon stood, crossed the room, and looked at the hollowed out book filled with hundred dollar bills.

“Emergency money is always here, no matter the time or the currency used.”

Simon frowned. “What do you need all that for?”

Kincaid sucked in a breath. “My wife.”

Showered, clean, and ready to take his wife on their first date, Kincaid met Amber at the foot of the stairs as she walked toward him. She wore black slacks with a tiny black halter shirt and sheer black cover up. She was dressed like him, and it didn’t go unnoticed. It was impossible to notice the little things that hadn’t been there before. The small amount of makeup, the way her hair was slicked back. Put her in tight leather, and she would resemble the exact image of a female warrior of his time.

Damn she was beautiful. The large dark gaze, the full sensual lips…the smile.

He envisioned the stream he’d seen in her head for days to keep her from seeing every thought inside his mind.

He offered his arm, which she took with a coy smile.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her.

A rose blush filled her cheeks.

What are you up to?

Her voice pushed through his head.

“Let’s try and speak out loud,” he suggested.

“All right.” She stood back, only her fingertips touched his arm. “Where are we going, Mr. Kincaid?”

The stream ran in his head, he hoped his thoughts were hidden. “You don’t know?”

“Nay,” she told him. “I do not.”

“Good.” He winked and pulled her out the door. “My guess is you haven’t been outside of this house much since you’ve been here.”

They walked down the steps of the manor to the waiting car.

Amber hesitated at the door of the car, and her anxiety wavered over him.

“Twice. I’ve left this home two times since my parents left me here.”

Kincaid paused and opened his mind. You’re safe with me, Amber. Always.

She offered a nod, but her anxiety was palpable.

He tucked her in the car and moved to the driver’s seat. He hadn’t driven a gas-powered vehicle in years, but much like anything learned as a child, he knew enough to make the car work.

As they left the sanctuary of the manor, Amber’s anxiety increased.

With purpose, Kincaid reinforced the barrier between the two of them and the world. “I won’t let any other emotions hit you,” he promised her.

“I keep waiting for their return,” she told him. “The voices.”

“You’ve managed to wield my power since our bond. Have the emotions of others returned?”

She watched the world pass by. Her hand gripped the handle on the door. “Nay…well, only when I searched for them.”

“What about my gift? Do you have to concentrate on it for it to be there?”


“Which is it?”

“I need to think on it now, out here. At the manor, I don’t think about it. It’s just there. When I feel burdened by the thoughts of others, I bring up your shield.”

“Our shield.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

He wove through traffic; his destination embedded in his mind.

“I don’t have to think about your gift. I sense others, their feelings. I thought it might be important for both of us to experience life outside the manor for a couple of hours. It’s hard to judge other’s true feelings when you trust those around you the way we do.”

“I trust my family,” she told him.

“Trust is important in the manor. Always.”

“Throughout time?”

He moved off the highway and toward his destination. “If someone isn’t trustworthy, they’re banished. There are few exceptions.”

“With the gifts of perceptions and premonitions, it would be very difficult to deceive the occupants.”

He nodded. “In my time? Yeah, that’s true. Not in this time. It’s something Simon and Helen need to fortify.”

“Why Simon and Helen? Why not us?”

He glanced at her. “I’m not sure we’re meant to fortify the future of the manor, are you?”

“I’d ask my mother if she were here. But nay, I don’t know if we’re meant to stay in this time.”

He wanted to ask if her desire was to stay here now, but he wasn’t sure he’d like the answer.

Kincaid pulled into the parking lot and ignored the stares of those as they exited the sporty car.

Amber moved close to his side and watched the mass of people as they walked by them.

“I have you,” he whispered in her ear.

The tight smile on her face had him squeezing her hand. He ushered Amber inside the high-end mall and guided her into a jewelry store.

“What are we doing here?” she asked.

He pulled her closer. “We’re married, Amber. I don’t want anyone thinking you’re not taken.”

She turned toward him. “I’m not around anyone who doesn’t know of our status.”

Kincaid shrugged. “Humor me.”

She did.

They picked out a diamond-studded band that Amber insisted reminded her of her mother’s. He in turn, placed a titanium band on his finger before they left the store.

Amber’s anxiety hovered like a mist. Unlike any other woman who might enjoy a shopping trip, she kept pace with him for a speedy exit. The threat of so many people around her sent a cold sweat over him.

“Should we find a quiet place to eat?” he asked.

“The manor?”

He shook his head. “I was thinking a restaurant.”

She glanced at those coming and going from the mall. Is it safe?

I wouldn’t take you if it wasn’t.

Inside the car, Amber followed his lead, buckled her belt, and sat back with a heavy sigh. “I keep waiting for everyone to crush in.”

He covered her hand with his. “I know you do. Just think of my shield, see the blue color grow solid, and know it will hold. It’s never failed me.”
