Read Books Novel

His Possession

“I’m too heavy,” she whispered, not wanting to break the spell.

“You’re perfect.”

He kicked open the bedroom door, placed her on her feet and removed the robe covering her. She stood in the peach silk nightgown she’d worn the night before. Taking her hand, he led her over to the bed. Pulling back the covers, he helped her in.

“I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Shouldn’t I have my own bed?” she asked as he was about to enter the bathroom.


“Wouldn’t your girlfriend mind? People don’t share a bed unless they’re….” She felt the blush spread up through her body. “You know. If they’re doing … stuff.”

“Are you offering yourself up to me?” he asked.

She shook her head. He let out a sigh, pulling his shirt up over his head. She stared at his na**d chest. His muscles were clearly defined. Biting her lip she stared down the bed as he walked over.

“You stay with me. I won’t argue with you, Violet. I want you in my bed and so much more.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Violet. Only ask questions that you want to know the answers to.” He took her hand and laid it across his chest. The heat radiated off his chest, down her hand and warmed her heart. He looked so solid and safe. “I can wait. Ask me the question when you’re ready for me.” Cadeon kissed her on the lips before disappearing into the bathroom.

She lay in the bed, her fingers brushing along her lips where he’d touched. Her hand felt warm where she had laid it on his chest. She heard the shower switch on followed by his humming. He’d left the door open. Could she go and take a peek? She shook her head. People deserved privacy. Rolling over with her back to the door, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. Minutes passed, and then the shower cut out. Violet heard him moving around. The bed dipped, and she opened her eyes. Cadeon lay in front of her, his chest naked.

Violet made to move away, but he caught her to him. “I’m not going to hurt you. Settle down and relax.” She rested her head on his chest. Her hand was lying flat out in front of her.

“Do you do this with every girl you bring home from work?” she found herself asking.

“No. You’re different.”

Violet smiled despite feeling worried. No one had ever spent time with her.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked.


“Where are you from?”

The smile vanished. In order to stay safe she had to remain quiet and alone. Extracting her hands from him she pulled away. She rolled over and faced away from him. The warnings from her mother rang in her head.

He curled round her, his leg going between hers and pressing against her mound. She bit her lip to stifle a moan. Then she became aware of his na**d state. Violet jumped out of the bed with a yelp. The covers were still over his body.

“You’re naked.” She glared at him as her body was on fire.

“Nothing is going to happen. Get into bed, Violet.” She heard the command in his voice, and she hated it. She hated the way her body wanted to submit to what he said.

“No. I want you to put some clothes on, or I’m sleeping somewhere else.”

“I’m not putting any clothes on. Trust me, Violet.”

She shook her head and walked to the door. As she pulled it open a hand went by her head and slammed it closed. “You’re not going anywhere but back in my bed.”

Cadeon pressed against her back, pinning her in between his hard body and the door. He pressed against her neck, and she heard him inhale. Was he sniffing her?

“Please. Put some clothes on.”

“Turn around,” he said instead of listening to her.

“I don’t want to.”

He grabbed her arm and turned her before pressing her back against the hard door. Cadeon stared at her. She shut her eyes to try and blank him out. When she looked at him it was harder to ignore the demand of her body.

“Open your eyes.” She kept them closed. His hand touched her cheek, his fingers running over her face. “Please,” he whispered.

Moaning in frustration, Violet opened her eyes. Cadeon didn’t say a word. He grabbed her hand and brought it down between them. Using her hand, he guided her down to his cock.

She tried to pull her hand away, but he held her firm.

“It’s nothing to be afraid of. Like your body, this is mine. You’ve never seen a na**d man before, have you?” he said.

Tears shone in her eyes. She felt cornered. There was no escape not even from her curiosity. While she wanted to pull her hand away and scream at him for being rude, another part of her wanted to explore what she held in her hand.

She shook her head, taking a deep breath.

“Look now,” he said. Cadeon stepped away, giving her a full frontal view of his body. She pulled her hand away and stared.

He was large for a man. Not that she had anything to compare it to. His muscles caught her attention first. With the thick expanse of his arms, he didn’t look the conventional type of business man.

“I work out,” he said. “I’ve got a gym and lift weights. I’ll let you watch some time.”

His chest and stomach were both broad. Then her eyes stopped on his shaft. He stood long and thick.

“Take your night dress off,” he said.

“What?” She stopped looking at his body and stared at his face in shock. Her hands folded across her chest as he stepped back close to her.

“Your hungry little eyes are staring at me. I think it’s only fair I get a chance to look at you as well.”

His hands reached out to her, and she batted them away.

“I don’t want you to look at me.”

“I want to look at what’s mine,” he said.

A shiver went up her spine at his words. “But you’re not mine.”

Cadeon grabbed her hand and pressed it against his c**k again. “Feel that. That’s yours. I’m yours, Violet.”

She stared into his eyes and saw the determination in his eyes. Her pulse fluttered in her throat. His hands began pulling her gown up. When he reached her stomach, she stopped him, covering his hands with her own.

“I’m not ready for this,” she said, not sure if she even meant the words she’d spoken.

“Trust me, Violet. I’ve never hurt you before.”

Biting her lip she stared at him. She fought between the desire to give herself to him and the warnings her mother had given her about men. That men only ever wanted one thing. What would happen to her when Cadeon finally tired of her?
