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His Possession

“Come for me, Violet. I want to hear you scream for me.” She melted. Her body shook as she let go, the release rushing through her. Biting down and sucking on her neck, Cadeon shot his seed in the shower stall. The white cum washed away down the drain as their bodies came back. He turned off the water and helped her out of the stall, rubbing her down and drying her hair before doing the same to himself. Cadeon picked her up in his arms and walked her back to their bed. Everything he owned was hers now. He couldn’t imagine living life without her.

He laid her on the bed and turned off the lights before joining her. They didn’t go to sleep straight away. For the longest time, they lay in the dark, staring at each other.

“Is it always like this?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never been like this with anyone.”

“I haven’t either. No man has ever made me feel the way you do.”

“How do I make you feel?” He cupped her face, stroking the smooth cheek.

“Like little explosions going off inside my body. When you are near me, I know I’m safe. That nothing bad is going to happen. You make me happy. No one has ever made me laugh before. You make me feel normal. This life seems so surreal to me. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.”

“Do you think you could tell me that with the light on?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

Cadeon leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She opened for him instantly. Never had he been with a woman and lain na**d with her in a bed for a week or so, and not made love to her. Being with Violet meant more to him than having a quick f**k. Simply holding her gave him so much peace that he imagined he could live without f**king.

Her moans vibrated down his body, getting his c**k hard instantly. It didn’t matter how many time he was with her, he never wanted it to end.

Hours passed, and they lay kissing each other, their touches burning like flames between them, an unexplained force bringing them closer together. When he pulled away, he held her in his arms as her breathing changed and sleep took hold.

Staring at her in the dark, he watched her sleep. Her face turned up to him. One hand rested on his chest as the other lay down by her side. She was so still and beautiful, utterly mesmerising to him.

“I love you, Violet Moore,” he whispered, kissing her on the temple. Cadeon closed his eyes. For the time being, his instincts were at bay. He wondered how long that would last when his very future lay in his arms.

Chapter Twelve

The following morning, Violet woke up to the scent of coffee. Even in the large house, the rich Italian blend could be smelled. The only reason she knew it was Italian was from her hunt of the kitchen cupboards the night before.

Stretching out her body, she glanced in the dip of the bed where Cadeon had been hours before. She thought she’d heard him moving around earlier but had been too exhausted to get out of bed herself.

She got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. Once she finished with the toilet, she stood na**d in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. Not much had changed in the last week. She was still Violet Moore with a past she didn’t want to think about. Looking at herself, she wondered if it was possible to forget the past and move on. To be able to have a future without fear. Running fingers through her bed hair, she thought about her life. Dominic wouldn’t bother to come for her. For one, he had no knowledge of her existence. The second, why would he risk his life for the sake of a whore’s daughter? None of her earlier fears made any sense to her.

Smiling to herself, she brushed her teeth, combed her hair and got some clothes on. Her mind was made up. Fearing about her past would only ruin her future. She liked Cadeon, could possibly be in love with him. She wanted to be with him completely, to have with him something her mother never could have: love.

Life was about taking chances. This could be her chance to find something for her life.

Violet walked down the stairs to see a woman hanging off of Cadeon’s arm. Violet stopped as she took in the scene. The woman stood with her arms wrapped around his body, every part of her begging him not to let go. From the distance away from the couple, Violet saw the emotion on her face. Tumbling back into her old world, she remembered seeing many women with the same expression on their face. Begging the men to stay with them one extra day. To pull them out of the life of misery and sex.

“Please, give me another chance. I want you. I love you. I can be everything you need.”

“Get up off the floor, Olivia,” Cadeon said. Violet froze from the cold sound of his voice. She’d been within for a few weeks, and he’d never spoken to her with such anger in his voice.

“I can’t go another day without you, Cadeon. There is no other man out there who can satisfy me as good as you.”

“You should have thought about that before jumping for the next man with a decent pay packet. We’re done. I want nothing to do with you.”

The woman, Olivia, sank to her knees. Her hands, with her nails painted red, travelled up his leg going to his crotch. Violet couldn’t contain the gasp from between her lips as the woman continued to touch him. The sexual display shocked her to her core. Is that how Cadeon saw her? As a sexual person to be used and discarded? From his own words he’d been intimate with the woman.

Cadeon looked up and stared at her.


Olivia turned to see who he was talking to. Violet felt frozen in place. Cadeon wasn’t her man. She was just the woman he made sleep with him, in his bed. Whom he touched at night and during the day.

“I should go,” Violet said. She moved down the last flight of stairs, shocked as Cadeon moved away from the woman. He was not giving her the courtesy of his time; he was brushing her off as if she were nothing, not a woman with feelings.

“Cadeon, let the girl go.”

“For f**k’s sake, woman, get the f**k out of my life,” he shouted.

Violet opened his front door which he closed immediately. “Let me go.”

“No. I told you. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go.” His hands rested either side of her, trapping her.

He took her arm and led her back. Grabbing Olivia by the arm, Violet watched the scuffle which took place. Cadeon got the upper hand and threw the woman out of his house, slamming the door. Violet stared at the spot where she’d been begging for his attention. Her thoughts upstairs as she faced herself in the mirror came back to haunt her. Giving herself to him could be the biggest mistake of her life. He walked back into the room, his face red with anger.
