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His Possession

His mind was running riot with every possibility of what could happen to her. Everywhere he went, he couldn’t find her. It was as if she’d never been there. The park was deserted, and Violet wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Cursing, he stopped and pressed his fingers against the top of his nose to try to calm himself down. The panic he felt wouldn’t help the situation. In a matter of hours, he’d found out some scary crap about the woman he loved and learnt one of the dangers from her past was intent to hurt her. To add insult to injury, the very man Violet was running from was seen near his house. His day was getting worse by the second.

Cadeon took a breath, opened his eyes and stared at the ground. The beating of his heart began to slow as his adrenaline began to ebb. Then he found the glinting jewel on the cement. His suspicions had been right. She’d run to the park. She’d probably been terrified, thinking he wouldn’t want anything to do with her. Tears running down his face, he picked up the necklace he’d given her as a token of his affection.

There was no way Dominic could have gotten to her this fast. He refused to believe the chance he may never see her again. Staring at the necklace, he opened his mobile phone, pressed the speed dial button for Sean’s number.

“Cadeon, man, where are you?”

“They’ve got her.”

“We’ll find her. We’re at your house. Get your ass back here.” Cadeon shut off the phone, the calm he felt suddenly evaporating as the extent of the f**ked up situation dawned on him. He threw the phone away from him. The device smashed on contact with the pavement. His anger erupted. He’d promised to protect her, and he’d f**king failed her.

He walked back in the direction of his house. Cadeon held her necklace in the palm of his hand. The front door to his house was open. Tate stood outside waiting for him. He docked out his cigarette.

“They’re all inside,” he said.

Cadeon didn’t question him. He moved past and walked into his home. Sean, Kevin and Stephen were there along with a couple of other men. He didn’t recognise them.

They were all talking but stopped when they saw him.

Sean came to him. “This is an old team of mine. A couple of buddies who’ve been after Dominic for a long time.”

“He’s taken her. How did he find her so fast?” Cadeon asked.

Sean looked over his shoulder, and Cadeon turned in time to see Olivia crying. She collapsed on the floor in a heap. Her face was bruised.

“They found her wondering around. A couple of guys claiming to be friends of yours. Tate’s going to take her to the hospital. She told them where to find Violet.”

Cadeon moved away and knelt in front of the other woman. She looked so scared. Nothing like the fiery submissive he’d known days ago. Dominic had done a number on her. The pain on her face alarmed him.

“I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it.” He couldn’t be angry with her. From the look of her injuries she’d had more than her share of pain.

“They wouldn’t stop. I told them and came here as soon as I could but I was too late.” Cadeon held her as she cried. The fight was completely burnt out of her.

“I’ll find her.”

Tate came inside as an ambulance pulled up outside.

He saw her onto the vehicle before he turned back to the men.

“I want to help,” he said.

“This isn’t a place for civilians,” the biggest guy said.

“Lucas, I’d let him come,” Sean said.

Cadeon stared at the man known as Lucas. “I know this guy is dangerous. I understand why you don’t want me to be part of it, but I want you to understand something. That woman he took means the world to me. I’m not giving up until I get her back. Wherever she goes, I go.”

“Do you know how to shoot a gun?” Lucas asked.

“I was taught as a kid. My dad liked to go hunting at times.”

Lucas handed Cadeon a gun as all the men began talking.

“We don’t know his current situation, Lucas. He could be surrounded by back up. This mission could be dead before it’s begun,” another of the men said.

“No. This is new territory for him. He’s not prepared. This is our perfect opportunity. If we leave it too long he’ll be ready.”

“I know why he’s here,” Sean said, grabbing their attention. “In recent years he’s been spreading out into different countries, spreading the trafficking business into America. There are a lot of wealthy men who want girls matching certain descriptions. My contacts informed me Dominic was checking out a shipment of girls and drugs at an underground joint. It’s like a warehouse where anything goes. Fighting, sex, drugs. Anything illegal can be found here.” He pointed at a place on the map.

“Okay, that narrows down our search.”

“Also, Mr. Green owns a mass of bunkers in this deserted part of the city. No one goes there. Not even local cops. He’d either got her at the club to go with another shipment, or she’s in one of the warehouses.”

“Before we even try this, you’re going to have to make sure Dominic is where he says he is.”

Sean nodded his head.

Cadeon listened to the plan. He knew they had a small window in which to take Dominic down. He thought about Violet. She was his main priority. He wanted her back, and when he did, he’d never let her out of his sight.


Violet was panicking, her heart pounding in her chest. Sweat covered her body. Dominic stood in front of her. He stared at her for long moments. She took a shaky breath waiting for something to happen. Tears ran down her face, and she clenched her teeth together.

Cadeon will come for you. Fight this bastard. Be strong.

Pain exploded inside her head as he struck her face. Three slaps one side and three the other. On the last slap, a cry erupted from her ending in an ear-piercing scream. The fight inside her had been awakened.

“So the little mouse does speak.”

“Leave me the f**k alone,” she cried, going frantic on the rope that kept her in place. Dominic laughed, but his men looked ready to do murder. She stared at them and knew she’d caused them pain.

Come on, you bastards. I’m f**king ready to fight.

For too long she’d been thrust down and forced to keep her anger at bay. Twenty-one years of waiting. Eighteen of seeing her mother taking the crap from men like them. She stared at Dominic and knew she would f**king kill him if it was the last thing she did.
