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His To Control

“Why not? She took everything away from me. My life, him, so I f**king hate her. I should have killed her when I gave birth. That bastard would never touch me even when I showed him the f**king truth.” Tracy screamed each and every word. William heard her voice going hoarse.

“I’ve never done anything to you, Mom,” Daisy said.

William looked at his woman and saw the tears in her eyes. Hate filled him like a disease. This woman in front of him holding a gun had destroyed the love inside Daisy for the last time.

“Please, you’re a filthy whore. The first chance you got you left me for a man. I mean, he’s a sick pervert who likes to tie people up and hit them. If I knew it was a beating you needed to keep you in line, I would have done it more often.”

With each word the bitch spouted out, the angrier he got.

“Which one of my fathers had the affair with you?” Paul asked.

“None of your business. I like you not knowing which brother left your mother.”

“Do you really think you’re getting out of here so easily?” David asked.

William stared at the gun. Did Daisy’s mother even know how to use the blasted thing? Shit, his mind was whirling and his gut tightening. In forty-five years he’d never met a woman who was as passionate and caring as Daisy. William knew he couldn’t do without her. He’d never do without her for the rest of his life.

Once they had got out of this little pickle, he’d show her how important she was, how much he loved her. He’d finally show her.

“I’m the one with the gun.”

“You’re going to kill Daisy, but she won’t bring you any peace, Tracy. Daisy means nothing to you. Think about it. She’s worthless to you,” William said. He got what he wanted. The older woman trained the gun on him instead.

“I know what that girl cares about. I see it in her eyes when she’s looking at you. I’ll kill you, pervert, be sure on that.”

“I’m no pervert. You are for abusing your own daughter. Hurting her over the years is what makes you a disgusting excuse for a mother. You’re a shameful human being even in Cape Falls.” William began taking small steps closer. The more steps he took, the more her hand holding the gun started to shake.

“William, please, don’t,” Daisy said.

“I’ve got this, pet. Be quiet and do me a favour. Do your pose for me,” William said. He heard rustling as she got to the floor in her submissive pose. She wore her clothes, but her mind would be surrounded by him and not about him walking closer to her mother. He needed her mind elsewhere so she didn’t get herself into trouble. With her head bowed down in submission, she was safe.

William knew he’d do anything to keep her safe. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and without looking he knew either Peter or Edward were slowly moving behind her. His heart was racing. At any moment he could have misjudged the situation and she could fire that weapon at any of them. Killing them.

It was ironic. He was actually safer in a city with a lot of wars going on among rival gangs than he was in the small town of Cape Falls.

“Why do you hate your daughter so much? ” he asked.

Tracy’s gaze moved back to his. She was no longer looking with disgust at Daisy. “She’s happy, and I never was. I gave him everything, and all he did was take, take, and then leave me for his wife. He told me we could never be together. How can I let her have what I never could have? A home, a life, and a place to call her own. If I can’t have those things, neither can she.”

William grabbed her arm that aimed the gun. He pointed it up to the ceiling as the first blast went off.

“Let go of me,” Tracy hollered. Peter grabbed her from behind as William took the gun out of her hand.

“Tie her hands behind her back,” William said to the younger man.

“With f**king pleasure.”

Edward helped David and Paul while William went and stroked Daisy hair. “Look at me, pet.”

Tears were streaming down her eyes. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Master,” she said.

“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you alone. You may get up and give me a cuddle if you want.” She got up, wrapped her arms around his waist, and refused to let go.

He held her as he sat on one of the couches he kept near the bar. Peter poured everyone a stiff drink. William saw the other man glaring at Tracy. He clearly didn’t like being drugged.

Gabriel came by with a few of his deputies. He took one look at the scene and turned to William.

William raised a glass in salute. “Trouble follows me everywhere.”

His friend shook his head, got the statements he needed, and then escorted Tracy McAllister out of the club.

That night Daisy stayed wrapped up next to William. Her hand lay on his chest against his heart.

Chapter Eleven

Gabriel went to see them at the club a few days later. Daisy was stocking the alcohol behind the counter as Peter ticked off stock items. David and Paul were talking with Edward. They’d all gathered round at the club hoping for news about Tracy. William knew Daisy was growing anxious. He’d spanked her ass that very morning in order to help her deal with what was coming.

He’d spent the past few days training her to be his woman. She’d taken to being tied up extremely well. Daisy loved being tied up and her control taken out of her hands. Her submission was the sweetest and tastiest William had ever had the pleasure of having. She’d stopped going to work and decided to change careers. She began working for him. He loved having her around.

Gabriel took a seat and stared at all of them.

“Tracy tried to convince the doctors she was insane. They didn’t believe her, and she is currently on her way to the city to be convicted for having illegal substances and attempted murder.”

“She tried to pretend she was like Amy’s husband?” Paul asked.

“Yes, pretty much.”

“Is Cape Falls built around a load of crazy people?” Peter asked.

“Well, I’m definitely staying. This place rocks,” Edward said.

All but Gabriel and Daisy chuckled. William watched his friend turn to her. “She’s not saying who your father is, Daisy. She isn’t saying a whole lot of good. I’m required by the law to tell you, she doesn’t want you anywhere near her.”

Daisy was nodding her head. “I’m relieved. She was never the nicest person anyway.”

“If you need me, give me a call.”
