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His to Take

His to Take (Wicked Lovers #9)(50)
Author: Shayla Black

“Use your head.” Sean’s voice might be a bit softer, but the message wasn’t. “What happens if these thugs track you down? What happens if you have to flee with Bailey suddenly . . . only she doesn’t trust you enough to take your outstretched hand? Could that hesitation cost both of you your lives? Do you want to take that chance?”

*   *   *

BAILEY was sitting on the bed, towel drying her hair, when she heard a knock. She tensed, but rose to answer the door. Then remembered that Joaquin had locked it last night after he’d spanked her and run. Son of a bitch.

Cautiously, she approached the door. If he’d come back to berate her or rev her up and flee again, he would find that she didn’t have much to say. Making sure the borrowed robe covered the essentials, she leaned against the solid portal. “Who is it?”

“Callie. I’ve got your breakfast.”

So Joaquin wouldn’t even feed her now? Because he was worried? Embarrassed? Ashamed? It shouldn’t matter, but Bailey still wished she knew the answer.

“Come in,” she told the other woman.

A moment later, Callie unlocked the door, holding a plate in one hand, with a paper shopping bag dangling from the other.

After she shoved the keys in yet another designer bag, the woman looked up with a smile. “A bagel and some fruit?”

As Bailey took the plate, she frowned. She was hungry, and now probably wasn’t the time to mention her usual high-protein, low-sugar nutrition. “Thank you.”

“And some more clothes. I shopped for you a bit. I hope that’s okay.”

Anything Callie brought her would be better than the nothing she’d come with. Not to mention the fact that the woman had great taste.

“Absolutely.” She took the bag from Callie’s outstretched hand. Inside lay some yoga pants, workout shirts, a few new thongs and bras—all in the right sizes—and a pair of flip-flops. How had Callie known the sort of wardrobe she preferred? “This is perfect. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I know when I’ve been stranded in an unfamiliar place with virtually no clothes, it always made me feel better to have something comfortable to put on my back. There’s also a little bit of skin care and makeup in there. I guessed on what you might like . . .”

Bailey peeked in the bottom of the sack again and saw that everything remaining came in a lovely little box with the interlocking back-to-back Cs of Chanel. These items weren’t necessities, but downright indulgences.

“You didn’t have to go to this much trouble, but I really appreciate you.”

Callie smiled, her eyes warm with understanding. “I’ve been in your shoes more times than I care to remember. Not that I was abducted, I mean. But unfamiliar surroundings, unfamiliar people, unfamiliar situation. I didn’t have any money or time for more than the bare necessities. And I didn’t have any friends. I could have used a few.”

Bailey couldn’t imagine anyone not liking the heiress. Then again, Callie’s life on the run hadn’t allowed her to form many bonds.

Impulsively, she hugged the other woman. “I need one now, so I really appreciate you.”

“It’s my pleasure. Did you sleep last night?”

“Finally. It took a while. I—” Bailey stopped. The other woman probably didn’t want to hear about her spanking dilemma with Joaquin. “Just a lot on my mind.”

“Sure. Totally understand.” Callie cocked her head and studied her. “Mind if I ask . . . was it about being Tatiana Aslanov or about Joaquin?”

So much for trying to keep a casual front. “Honestly, both. And there’s not much I can do about either.”

“Was Joaquin mad?”

“Yeah. Weren’t Sean and Thorpe?” Then a terrible thought occurred to Bailey. “Did I get you in trouble? I know you like a bit of it, but . . .”

Callie laughed, a light sound that lilted with happiness. “Let’s just say that a little disobedience can come with a lot of rewards. It’s called ‘funishment’ for a reason. Besides, I already know I’m in for more tonight.”

“Why do you think that?” What was going on around here?

“I’ve got something up my sleeve. Just wait.” She winked before her expression turned more serious. “You want to talk about what happened with Joaquin?”

He spanked me and I liked it. I wanted it. I hated myself for it. “No.” Then she realized that sounded rude. “Sorry. It’s just—”

“No apology necessary. I’m here if you change your mind.”
