Read Books Novel

Holding On

Holding On (Memories #1.5)(10)
Author: Emma Hart

“No, you cannot.” Mum frowns at him.

Dad sticks his bottom lip out. “You let Samuel.”

“I didn’t want to hurt his little heart if he fancies our Jen.”

I roll my eyes and Dad snorts. “He’s a grown man, Emily, let him deal with his own issues of the heart. If Sam and Jen and meant to be, then it’ll happen, remember that.” He looks at me sternly. “And don’t you go interfering, Alexis.”

“Me?” I put a hand to my chest, putting on my best innocent face. “I’d never dream of interfering.”


Chapter Five


I follow Jen around Cowling & Wilcox art supply store, pulling a full basket of art supplies. When she called and said she’d missed a few things and asked me to go to the shop with her, I didn’t think a few things translated to two baskets full.

“Are we done yet?” I whine.

“You sound like Alec and Bing when we went to Laura Ashley.” She puts two boxes of pastels in her basket.

I look around at the stacked shelves. “I can’t even draw a stick man right, Jen, so although I can shop for England, art shopping isn’t really my kinda thing.”

She mutters something under her breath before sighing. “Fine, let’s go. I think I have everything.”

“I think you have several of everything,” I muse.

She glances at me, unamused, and turns to the counter. I shrug to myself, pick up the basket, and set it on the counter. I tap my foot as the guy behind the counter rings it through.

A loud bang makes me jump, and I turn with my hand pressed against my chest.

“Holy macaroni with extra cheese!” Jen exclaims. “What was that?”

“Sorry,” a voice mutters. “Dropped the box of brushes.”

A shadow moves from behind the counter, and the person ringing Jen’s stuff through shakes his head, muttering about “incompetent pretty boys.” I purse my lips when I recognise the pretty boy.

“Adrian.” I smirk. He looks at me with his hazel eyes, and his floppy blonde hair. He really is a pretty boy in every definition of the word. His hair is always perfectly styled, and if he has – God forbid – a spot, he won’t leave the house. Seriously. I’ve been to his place with Jayna, and the guy has more facial creams and spot solutions than Mum and I put together.

“Lexy!” He grins at me, and leans against the counter. I raise an eyebrow. I know that smile. “Little birdie tells me you brought yourself a real boyfriend back from Devon.”

I lean against the counter in a movement that mimics his, and smile. “That little birdie told you right.”

“I’m surprised. You didn’t mention it at the weekend. Or wait, was it that Alec guy?” His eyebrows quirk slightly. “What was it, us city boys not good enough for you? Did you need a country bumpkin to keep life exciting?”

Jen coughs behind me.

“No, not at all,” I reply. “City boy or country boy, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that Alec isn’t a pig-headed, egotistical ass**le like most of you city boys.”

Jen snorts.

“C’mon, Lex, you know I’m not like that. You just never gave me a chance.”

“I never wanted or needed to give you a chance, Ade.” I straighten, and grab some of Jen’s bags off the counter. “There was no chance we’d ever happen. You’re a friend, not a boyfriend. Accept it.”

I spin and follow Jen towards the door.

“You never know what could happen, Lexy,” Adrian calls after me. “I hope your little farmer can handle it in the big city.”

“Is that a threat?” My eyes narrow as I look back at him, anger spreading through my body.

“Oh, no!” Jen shakes her head and drops her bags, storming across the shop. She stops right in front of Adrian, jabbing her finger in his chest. “Listen here you little shitbag. I don’t give a crap if you’re a city boy or a goddamn alien, no-one threatens my best mates. Do you have that? Lay one finger on that “country bumpkin” and this country bumpkin will string your f**king balls from Big Ben. Are we understood?”

The guy behind the counter snickers, and Adrian looks to me. “She’s a firecracker, this one, Lexy. Where did you find her?”

Jen grabs his shirt. “I’ll firecrack your ass to the bottom of the River Thames if you don’t shut your pretty boy mouth.” She steps back and looks him up and down. “Good thing you never went there, Lex.” She turns, glancing over her shoulder at him. “He’s probably as physically mature as he is mentally, if you get my drift.”

She grabs her bags to the sound of the other guy’s laughter. I follow her from the shop, fighting the urge to let my laughter erupt from me.

“Let it go, honey, let it go!” Jen leans against the wall around the corner and bends over, her shoulders shaking.

I put the bags down, resting my hands on my knees, and let the laughter take over. My stomach hurts, and tears form in my eyes. Oh, yeah, Jen won’t have any problems surviving in the city. Her attitude is probably more city than the city itself.

I wipe my eyes after a few minutes, composing myself. We grab our bags and start making our way back to the underground station.

Jen might be able to handle herself in a city, but was Adrian right? Would Alec be able to?

I remember how fiercely he fought for me, for us, in Devon. But he had no competition.

I know Adrian. I know if he says Alec had better watch out, Alec had better watch out. Adrian knows too many people for it to be brushed off. One sentence from him is all it would take to start rumours circulating around the circle I used to run with. Those rumours reach my brother’s circle, and they’ve reached Alec.

I bite the inside of my cheek. For the first time, I’m wondering if Alec coming to London was really the best idea.



“How was your first day?” Lexy asks.

“It was okay.” I shrug. “It’s work, y’know? It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but it’s much better now I’ve seen you.”

I step towards her, and slip my arms around her waist. Her arms go around my waist in return, and she buries her face in my chest. I breathe in that strawberries and cream scent that’s so Lexy. We stand for a moment, just holding each other. I try to pull back, and she tightens her grip around my waist.

“Princess?” I say softly. “What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing.” She sighs. “I just wanted a cuddle.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Are you sure? You don’t sound okay.”

“I’m fine, Alec. Really.” She pulls back, looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, and moves to look through my kitchen cupboards. “So Dad wasn’t too hard on you?”
