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Holidays with the Walker Brothers

Holidays with the Walker Brothers (Alluring Indulgence #4)(30)
Author: Nicole Edwards

Letting her body relax into the butter soft leather of their sofa, Zoey closed her eyes, riding out her orgasm and enjoying the sexual satisfaction that overtook her.

Forcing her eyelids open, she crooked her finger at her husband, beckoning him to join her on the couch. When he did, she shifted, propping herself up on the cushioned arm of the sofa and spreading her legs wide to receive him into her body.

“Zoey,” Kaleb grumbled as he slid inside her, his thick shaft finding the perfect spot as he moved gently.

“Love me, Kaleb,” she whispered.

“Always, baby. Always.”

Kaleb began to move, his pace slow and steady, but the intensity of their joining caused electric sparks to ignite over her skin. She loved when he made love to her. And here, in the dim light of their living room, the only light that from the Christmas tree glowing softly only added another romantic element to the mix.

When Kaleb began to increase his pace, his chest muscles tightening beneath her palms, the cords in his neck standing out from the effort it required to hold himself above her, Zoey knew he was close.

“Come for me, Kaleb,” she encouraged, shifting her hips slightly to change the angle and causing him to groan deep in his chest. The animalistic growl made her pussy throb, and she tightened her internal muscles around him. Within seconds, she was no longer in control of her body’s reaction. He was pushing her faster, closer…

“Kaleb. Oh, God, I’m coming!”

“That’s it baby, come for me,” he growled, pushing deeper than she even thought possible, his body stilling above her as his muscles flexed, the twitch of his cock inside of her signaling his release.

When they’d both caught their breath, Kaleb rolled to her side, then shifted so that he was behind her, her back to his chest. He pulled her against him as he pressed his lips to her hair. The position was so comfortable, so familiar, just like every night when they fell into bed. The nights came quickly, both of them usually exhausted from trying to get the resort up and running, or ensuring that everything would be ready for the baby when he arrived. Zoey loved cuddling up against Kaleb, his warmth infusing her with a sense of safety and security that made everything right in her world.

“I love you, Zoey.”

“And I love you,” she whispered, fighting the urge to give in to sleep as she listened to Kaleb’s breathing slow.

Elbowing him gently, she tried to rouse him.

“Hmm?” he murmured.

“I’m hungry.”

Kaleb chuckled from behind her. “Of course you are.”

Chapter Twelve



December 20th

“Anyone seen Jessie?” Brendon’s question was apparently directed at everyone in the bar, and surely, if Jessie was in the room, she would’ve heard him. Zane hadn’t seen her, but didn’t feel the need to mention that. Brendon would figure it out soon enough.

Everyone had gathered at Moonshiners for a pre-Christmas get-together, including Zane’s father, Curtis. For the last half hour, his brothers had been playing pool and keeping the conversation to a dull roar, the Walker family and friends taking up most of the available space in the back of the small bar.

“Haven’t seen her,” Travis called out, his hand on the pool stick. He was eyeing the ball, but Zane knew no matter how hard his brother concentrated, he wasn’t going to beat V at this game. She’d proven time and again that she could kick all their asses and quite frankly, she made him proud.

Then again, everything she did made him proud.

Watching her, Zane listened to Beau and Sawyer chat about nothing in particular while Gage and Kaleb argued over whether or not the Dallas Cowboys were going to do a damn thing anytime soon. Yes, they were devoted Cowboys fans around these parts, but honestly…

Zane didn’t care much for football talk. At least not tonight.

Instead, his mind was overwhelmed with his own issues. He was beginning to get nervous that he hadn’t found the perfect gift for V, even though he’d spent a full eight hours online browsing through every damn place he could think of and still he’d come up empty.

How the hell was he going to be a decent husband if he couldn’t even pick out a gift that his fiancé would love?

“Problems?” his father asked, slapping Zane on the back as he joined him at one of the corner tables.

Glancing up at Curtis, Zane considered asking his advice. After all, the guy had spent half a century with the same woman and managed to keep her around after seven boys. He had to be doing something right.

“What am I supposed to get V for Christmas?” he blurted, clearly having made a decision to approach his father for help.
