Read Books Novel


“Not as good as you look on me, Gates.” I purred the words as he maneuvered the bottom of my dress all the way up to my hips. The glass top of the desk was cold underneath my backside but he was so hot and hard in front of me that I didn’t even notice. When the sides of his shirt fell open, my eyes landed not only on that massive scar that now ran all the way down his breastbone but on the new black-and-gray ink that covered his pectoral muscle right over his heart. An old lock was firmly snapped closed and attached to a thick chain that wound its way in ink all across his chest, over his shoulder, and down to his wrist. He didn’t wear a ring like I did, but that tattoo was his way of telling the world he was taken, locked up and bound, and I was the Key. I had the symbolic key as well. I liked his tattoo so much, was so moved by the gesture, that I had gotten a dainty little skeleton key tattooed on the inside of my wrist. We matched and I loved it.

He used his finger to push some of my hair out of my face and bent forward to kiss me. I ended up leaning back on my elbows and almost knocking his laptop to the floor. He didn’t seem to notice, so I let him make love to my mouth while his impatient hand tugged at the top of my dress, trying to get at my breasts. The material was too tight for that, so he gave a frustrated groan and bit down on my lip. These were my favorite times with him, when it was half making love and half fucking like wild beings. It fit the two parts of the man he was and I felt it in every touch and every swipe of his tongue along mine.

Since he couldn’t get at my breasts or the nipples that were pushing against the fabric, all but taunting him, he took a step back and sat back in his chair. I fell all the way back so that my head thunked against the glass when he grabbed each of my ankles in his hard hands and lifted them up so that my fancy purple shoes were next to my bare ass and I was wide open and exposed to his heated gaze. It made me shiver even though I felt like it was a thousand degrees inside the office.

He started off by kissing the inside of my knee, then trailed his tongue in a searing path up my thigh. It made my skin quiver and my tummy dip. I couldn’t imagine a more wanton and vulnerable position to be in, and that’s what made it so sexy. One of my hands curled into a tight fist of anticipation on my stomach and the other buried itself in the midnight locks at the top of his head. I knew exactly where this was going and knew from experience I needed something to hold on to.

He blew a hot breath across my slick center and then I felt his teeth nip at the most sensitive part of me. It was a stinging touch that had my back arching and my hand yanking on his soft hair. He just chuckled into my folds and repeated the motion, only to follow it with a penetrating lick of his tongue. The stinging and soothing went on like that until I couldn’t see straight. The tiny burn of pain so quickly followed by the assault of pleasure was making me crazy. I could feel my body shaking, my muscles quivering, everything inside of me getting loose and wet. I was muttering his name over and over like some kind of incantation, and that just drove him on further.

I felt his fingers slide inside of me. Felt my body drag and pull at him as it begged for release. He curled those talented digits into me and stroked and wiggled until I was sure the top of my head was going to blow off at the double stimulation. I gasped in outrage when all of it was suddenly taken away right on the brink of an orgasm that I was sure would turn me inside out. I was going to scream at him that he better finish what he started when I looked down to see him brushing his mouth and chin, which were shiny with my desire for him, against the inside of my thigh before he climbed back to his feet and yanked his belt off and his pants open.

I loved when his eyes looked like melted gold and flowed like a river of want and need all over me. I adored when he got impatient and ruffled in his need to be inside of me.

He grabbed my ankle again and this time maneuvered my leg up so that my foot was resting on his shoulder as he leaned forward and aligned his straining erection with my opening. His hands hit the desk above my shoulders, and as he pressed into me a glint of humor sparked in his eyes.

“Have I ever told you how happy I am that your years of dancing made you so flexible?”

If I hadn’t been full of hard cock and on the verge of exploding, I would’ve rolled my eyes at him or maybe smacked him. Instead I grabbed either side of his shirt and pulled him down so I could kiss him as he started to move in and out of me at a frantic pace. The position he had me in let him go so deep that I felt like he was in places he had never been before. I groaned and held on to him even tighter as he began to pound into me hard enough to move us both across the top of the desk.

We panted into one another. Breathed one another in, and when he pushed himself up just enough to get a hand between where we were joined so he could rub firm circles across my clit with his thumb, that was all it took for me. I came on a breathless wail and in a wash of pleasure so hot and fierce I was surprised it didn’t scald him.

He kissed me hard, put my other leg up on his shoulder, got better leverage for himself, and hammered into me a few more times until he found his own completion and filled me up in a rush of his desire.

When we were both replete and wasted, he pulled out of me and I knew he was watching as he did so. He was always watching the different ways we were connected to each other and it always made me feel so special and important when he did.

He flopped back in his big leather chair and pulled open his desk drawer. Like I said, it wasn’t the first time this desk had been used for funny business instead of real business. We were prepared now. We both cleaned up and got situated back into our clothes. He kissed me hard on the mouth and pulled me down into his lap.
