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Hotter After Midnight

Hotter After Midnight (Midnight #1)(32)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“Well, hello to you, too,” she muttered, shutting the door. After the kiss in her office, she’d certainly been expecting a different greeting.

Correction, she’d been expecting a greeting, period. “Guess you had a bad day at the office, huh?” She trailed behind him. After just one visit, the guy sure seemed to be making himself at home.

Colin tossed his jacket onto the couch, then began to pace in front of the fireplace. “Bad day? You could say that.” A muscle ticked along his jaw. “I need to ask you a few questions, Doc.”

He sounded serious. Very serious. A nervous flutter tickled her stomach. “Uh, okay.” She sat on the couch, pushed his jacket to the side, and tried not to dwell on the fact that the evening was not going according to plan.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew Gillian Nemont?”

She blinked. “What?”

He stalked toward her. “You heard me.”

Emily shook her head. “I didn’t tell you because I don’t know her.” What, did the guy think she’d been holding out on him?

“She had an appointment to meet with you last Friday. At one.”

“No,” she told him, meeting that piercing blue stare head-on, “she didn’t.”

His head cocked to the side. “Your name was in her day planner. Your address.”

“I’m telling you, I don’t know the woman. Look, why don’t you just ask her and—”

“Can’t do that. Gillian Nemont is missing.”

“Missing?” Oh, that didn’t sound good.

“Neighbors said they saw her last Wednesday. She stuffed a suitcase in her car and left as fast as she could.” He was watching her with expressionless eyes, waiting, gauging her response. “She hasn’t been to work since then.”

She felt his suspicion, heavy in the air. “Look, Colin, I don’t know the woman and—”

“She’s not a patient?”

“I just said I didn’t know her!”

“But you’d protect your patients, wouldn’t you, Doc?”

There was too much insinuation in that question for her to ignore. Emily shot to her feet. “I’d protect their confidentiality, yes, but I wouldn’t protect someone who was involved in a murder, if that’s what you’re asking.” Asking, implying, same damn thing in her book.

Her heart was racing now, her fists clenched. Colin thought she’d been lying to him, thought that she might even be protecting a killer.

Talk about a lack of trust.

But you don’t trust him either, not completely. Or else you would have made love with him last night, a nagging inner voice reminded her.

It looked like they both had trust issues. Not a good sign. “If you don’t believe me, why don’t you just go ask Vanessa? She’ll tell you that I didn’t treat Gillian.”

“My partner is interviewing her right now.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So if there is anything you need to come clean about, Doc, now’s the time.”

The bastard. “I’m working this investigation with you.” In case he’d forgotten. “I’m not one of your suspects, and I sure as hell don’t appreciate being treated like one.”

A faint beeping sounded from her kitchen. Dinner.

Emily pushed past him. She felt like an idiot now. An absolute idiot. There was no way the two of them were going to sit down for a romantic dinner. The jerk thought she was—aw, hell, she didn’t even know what he thought.

She opened the oven and took out the lasagna she’d so painstakingly prepared. A master chef she certainly was not. But over the years, she’d learned how to perfect a few dishes, and her lasagna was one of them.

She placed the dish on the stove top, turned—

And found Colin standing in the doorway, a bemused look in his eyes as he took in the tidily set table, the two plates, the two candles.

Heat rushed into her cheeks, and it wasn’t due to the warmth of her oven.

“You cooked.”

Well, wasn’t he just Commander Obvious.

And wasn’t she just the queen of stupid? He’d told her that he was coming over to talk about the Other, not for a date.

But she’d still wasted all that time on the meal. Wasted time showering and dressing. She’d even left her hair down, not that Colin had seemed to notice.

“Yeah, well, I have to eat,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. How was she going to get him out of her house?

His nostrils twitched. “Smells good.”

“Umm.” Her right foot began to tap. She decided to try the direct approach. “I want you to leave.”

Colin blinked.

“Now, actually. I want you to leave now.” Before she got even angrier.

He shook his head. “We need to talk more about the case—”

“You mean you want to question me more.” From profiler to suspect in twenty-four hours. She bet that didn’t happen often.

In fact, she bet it happened only to her.

The Monster Doctor strikes again.

His lips thinned. “I’m doing my job. I have to ask—”

The distinctive chime of a cell phone ring cut through his words.

Emily arched a brow. “Bet that’s Brooks.” Calling to report about his talk with Vanessa.

Colin growled and jerked out his phone.

Emily stared straight at him, eager to hear at least his part of the conversation.

“Yeah, Brooks, I’m here now.” A pause. “So she confirmed an appointment?”

What? Not damn likely. There had been no appointment scheduled with a Gillian Nemont.

“Huh. Yeah, that is interesting.”

Interesting that she had a client she didn’t remember? Yes, she’d certainly say so.

Colin gave a short burst of surprised laughter.

Laughter? Oh, the man was starting to get on her nerves.

“I guess that’d be pretty interesting too.” A brief pause, then, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Eight o’clock, right.” He punched a button to disconnect the call. His head cocked to the side as he studied her. “Seems you did have an appointment scheduled for last Friday.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I. Did. Not. Have. An. Appointment. With. Gillian. Nemont.” She spaced the words slowly, deliberately.

“No, you didn’t.”

His sudden, easy agreement threw her off.

“You had an appointment with a Michelle Tome. Something Vanessa called a meeter.” He slipped the cell phone back into his pocket. “Mind telling me just what a ‘meeter’ would be?”
