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Hunt the Darkness

Hunt the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #11)(11)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

“Why?” He shrugged. “I like speed.”

“Yeah, well I like diamonds, but I wouldn’t spend a half million on one,” she muttered.

Without warning the silver eyes darkened. “I would.”

“You would what?”

“I would spend half a million on diamonds if it pleased you,” he said, his voice low, rough.

Her mouth went dry. “I was just kidding.”

“I’m not.” With a fluid movement he was standing directly before her, his fingers trailing down the curve of her throat. “This satin skin should be draped in the finest gems.” His brooding gaze followed his fingers as they traced the loose neckline of her sweatshirt. “And champagne.”

Excitement tingled through her body, her nipples tightening with unspoken need.

She struggled to think clearly.


“I have a rare bottle of Dom Perignon I intend to lick off your body.”

Her gaze lowered to the sensuous promise of his mouth, the vivid image of being stretched on the bed while he licked her from head to toe stealing her breath.

He would be slow, thorough, wickedly skilled.

Oh . . . hell.

This wasn’t supposed to be happening.

No sex with the yummy, aggravating vampire.

Even if it was fantasy sex.

With an effort she forced her reluctant feet to take a step backward, breaking contact with his destructive touch.

“I don’t suppose there’s any reason to linger here,” she mumbled, awkwardly tugging at her sweatshirt.

There was a flash of fang as Roke struggled to regain control of his own hungers, assuring Sally that whatever was happening between them wasn’t one-sided.

Did the knowledge please or terrify her?

Impossible to say.

“Have you considered the fact that our only means of transportation was my motorcycle you so recently mocked?” he demanded.

Well, of course she hadn’t considered that fact. She’d been zapped around the country by Yannah for the past three weeks, she hadn’t had to consider transportation.

She frowned. “The village—”

“Is locked up tight for the night,” he interrupted.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to hotwire a car.”

His brow arched. “And you feel up to walking the fifteen miles in the cold?”

Her lips parted to point out that he could easily carry her that distance only to snap shut.

Roke was as aware as she was of the option.

Which meant that he intended to make her beg for his help.

Yeah. Hell would freeze over first.

“Then what do you suggest?” she instead gritted.

“Cyn will be here by tomorrow night.” He glanced toward the window that overlooked the bleak, windswept emptiness that surrounded the cottage. “This is as good a place as any for meeting.”

Tomorrow? She shook her head. “I thought you said he was in Ireland?”

“He is.”

“Is he a magical vampire?”

He snorted. “No, just one with a private jet that’s built specifically to carry vampires even during the day. Once he arrives in Canada he’ll use a helicopter to reach us.”

She blinked. Somehow she’d never considered vampires jet-setting around the world.

Stupid considering they’d embraced every other technology.

Now she was going to be stuck in the cramped cottage with yet another vampire.

Of course . . .

Her heart gave a sudden leap. There were options.

Sensing Roke’s sudden suspicion, Sally grimly slowed her pulse and smoothed her expression.

“The marvels of modern technology,” she said in deliberately light tones.

He narrowed his gaze, but thankfully didn’t press for an answer.

“Is there anything you need before the sun rises?”

She shrugged. “Where do I start?”

“Food? Clothing?”

“A wooden stake?” she sweetly added.

“I’ll take that as a no,” he snapped with a sudden burst of impatience. “Have you eaten dinner?”

She hesitated. Had she?

The past days had been a blur.

“I think I had an apple earlier,” she at last said.


She should have been used to his lightning movements, but it still caught her off guard when he captured her hand and ruthlessly tugged her out of the bedroom.

“What are you doing?”

His pace never faltered. “Making sure you take better care of yourself.”

She tried to tug her hand free. “I’m capable of taking care of myself.”

“I need to do this, Sally.” Coming to a halt in the center of the sitting room he whirled to face her, shoving up the sleeve of her sweatshirt to reveal the intricate crimson tattoo that ran beneath the skin of her inner forearm. “So long as you carry my mark, I’m compelled to protect you.”

Her irritation at being yanked around like a misbehaving child faded as the ever-present guilt returned.

Because of her demon powers they both carried the mating mark. And Roke was instinctively forced to fulfill his role as her own personal champion.

She heaved a rueful sigh. “Even from myself?”

“Especially from yourself,” he dryly agreed.

“Fine.” She waved a hand toward the kitchen. “I don’t think Levet could have eaten all the food.”

He gave a bark of laughter. “Clearly you underestimate the appetites of the stunted creature.”

She was struck by a sudden thought. “Yannah insisted that we bring extra. Do you think she knew Levet was coming?”

“More than likely. She’s a strange demon.” He grimaced, giving her hand a gentle tug as he steered her toward a nearby chair. “Sit and I’ll serve you.”

She sank onto the worn cushion, telling herself that it was easier to give in to the stubborn man than to continue a worthless fight. But deep in her heart she knew that wasn’t the entire reason for her capitulation.

The truth was that she was hungry.


For the first time in three weeks her mouth was watering and her stomach growling at the mention of food.

Crap. Was Roke right?

Was she one of those demons who couldn’t physically tolerate being away from their mates?

No. She shook her head in fierce denial.

Not even her luck was that crappy.

Was it?

Refusing to contemplate the hideous thought, Sally pretended she didn’t notice the satisfaction on Roke’s face when he returned to the room and she nearly snatched the plate loaded with shepherd’s pie and apple pie from his hand.
