Read Books Novel

Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I’d been asked this a million times before, except then, I really did have a man. "Sorry guys, I have a girlfriend."

Did I actually just claim to be a lesbian to avoid these guys?

Oh yes, I really did. To make matters worse, I said it loud enough that even Ramsey heard it. I saw him shake his head before finishing off his drink. I knew there were amazing parents out there that were homosexual, and had nothing against them, but it upset me right away that I had lied about myself like that. Still, in my line of work, it was worth it.

The bar filled up shortly after that and soon I was too busy to care about what I should or shouldn’t have said in front of the sheriff. I still don’t understand why I even cared about his opinion anyway. I had too much on my plate to worry about. Ramsey came up to the bar and I quickly gave him a refill. He didn’t smile or even say thanks, so I was feeling like he had major issues in his life and maybe he was just a mean person. It was a shame, because he really was a nice looking man. Had his attitude been better, he could probably have any woman he wanted.

My eyes followed him walking toward the pool tables. After a brief couple of words to the two men, he was grabbing a stick and starting a match. I missed shooting pool and socializing with all of my old customers. Here, I was just a new face. It would wear off and I would be stuck tending to overly horny truck drivers and an ass**le sheriff of the town over. It didn’t sound very appealing, at all.

The sounds of the balls breaking were louder than the jukebox and I couldn’t help but look over every time I heard it. The familiar sound kept my attention and I found myself staring at the men playing.

I gasped when I watched Ramsey bend down and stroke the stick, before cutting a ball in the side pocket. He clenched his jaw when he concentrated. It was extremely sexy. Every muscle in his arm moved when he held the stick. He didn’t see me looking and I was glad. Maybe it was because I had not had sex in so long, but watching him gave me chills up my spine.

When I noticed that his drink was getting low, I scurried over and sat a new one where he was sitting. He looked down at the glass and then up to me. "I have legs. If I need something, I’ll let you know."

I wanted to kick him in the balls. I was just trying to be nice and he was being a complete dick. What was with me being attracted to ass**les?

I pouted behind the bar, only looking into the room when necessary. By the time midnight came around, the bar emptied and only the three men in the bar remained. I could tell that they’d all had too much to drink. Their voices were loud and they were rambling on and on to each other.

Finally, the two truckers pulled out money and handed it to Ramsey. I couldn’t believe the ‘good sheriff’ was gambling. If he was nicer, I would have teased him about it. Honestly, I wanted him to just walk out and leave. Instead, he headed right for the bar. Without saying anything, he pulled out thirty bucks and slid it across the bar. Then he adjusted his hat and walked out the door.

I shook my head and started cleaning up so that I could close and go home.

Nearly thirty minutes later, I was locking the door and heading out to my aunt’s car. I rummaged through my oversized purse to locate car keys. When I had them in my hand, I dropped them on the ground, by accident. Laughing caught me off guard, coming from behind me. This was just a little town. There was barely any kind of crime here, but I still felt scared.

When I turned around, I spotted one of the truck drivers. He was fast approaching me. "It’s a shame you only like pu**y. I could give you a real good time, if you’d let me."

I backed myself up against my car. "I bet. Did you need something?" My teeth were chattering. I was so scared.

He got closer and brushed my blonde hair away from my face. "Maybe you just need a good f**k to turn you back to straight."

I ducked my body and moved away from him. He smelled of beer and motor oil and I wanted nothing to do with the situation. "No thanks. Maybe you should just head out."

He grabbed me by both of my arms. "Why don’t you come back to my truck with me? I got a big bed in the back with plenty of room for both of us."

As I struggled to free my arms, the man’s arms were jerked off of me. When he fell to the ground, I looked up and saw Ramsey standing between us. "You alright?" He looked right at me.

I hugged myself and backed up against the car, without answering him. I’d just been assaulted and I wasn’t sure how I was feeling.

Ramsey grabbed the guy by his shirt and pushed him towards his truck, and away from me. "Get your ass out of here, before I put you behind bars for the night!"

His threat worked and the guy hauled ass to his truck. Ramsey waited until he pulled out of the parking lot before turning around to me. "Miss, you alright?"

"It’s Vessa. My name is Vessa."

"Are you alright?" He reached for my arm, but I pulled away.

"I’m just peachy."

"We’ll then, get in your car and go home. Those guys were talking all night about what they wanted to do to you. I parked around back and waited to make sure it didn’t happen. You need to be more careful."

"I’m glad you were here."

He clenched his jaw again. "Just try to be more careful, miss."

When he started to walk away, it irked me that he kept calling me that. "It’s Vessa!"

He never turned around and acknowledge me or my name. Instead he climbed in his truck and waited for me to pull out of the parking lot before he did the same.

That man was annoying and an ass. I was more certain of that then before.

Chapter 7



That is what she was to me.

A real pain in my ass.

Ever since Sue had filled me in on letting her niece take over her shifts, I had avoided the bar like the plague. There was just something about her that I was drawn to and I didn’t like it.

After nearly taking off her face with the door, I stayed far away, keeping our conversations to a minimum. I wasn’t ready to open up and clearly, she had her own skeletons in her closet. Who else travels in the middle of the night with two kids? There was definitely something going on with her.

I think it made things easier after she announced that she wasn’t interested in men. Of course, it made me wonder if that was just a ploy to get those guys off her back. I knew the one was going to be a problem. The whole time we were shooting our matches, they were deciding which one of them was going to get his turn first with her.

I wasn’t new to that game. Most of those guys went weeks without seeing their wives. They were horny and willing to do anything for a piece of ass. Vessa wasn’t like the women that usually ran these types of establishments. She was beautiful and had curves in all the right places. Hell, even her hairstyle was too nice for this rundown place. They’d probably mistaken her for some ex-stripper, the way she was all done up for work.
