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Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(21)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I put my hands on my hips and waited for his answer.

He turned to face me, moving his body closer to where I stood. When I looked up into his eyes, I wasn’t sure if I was afraid or turned on. “It means that you can’t offer a man something, or anything.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to get what he was saying.

“Oh. Oh! I wasn’t suggested that…I mean…”

He laughed again. “It’s fine. I know what you meant. I’ve already told you that I don’t talk about my life. It’s nothing personal, Vessa.” I sat down and basically pouted. I wasn’t crying or acting like a baby with my lip out, but I just looked down at my drink and avoided eye contact. He sat across from me and waited for me to look up at him. “It has nothing to do with you. If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t hung out with anyone like we are right now. I am a terrible excuse for a friend, but I suppose if you really like my company, you know where to find me.”

“Friendship goes both ways, you know. We can’t be friends if I know nothing about you. I mean, wasn’t that the reason that we were playing pool, to get to know each other?”

“I didn’t say that, you did.”

“You knew what it implied. I wouldn’t have played you if I didn’t want to know you. Whatever it is, you can tell me.” I reached my hand over and touched his.

Right away, he pulled away from me. “Don’t! Sorry. I should get you home now.”

I held up my glass. “You just made me drink liquor. I can’t drive home.”

“I’ll drive you home, Vessa. Then I will have someone get the car to you in the morning. Consider it my part in this new friendship that you want so much.” Ramsey stood up and grabbed his keys out of his pocket. He leaned over and took the glass from me, then walked it over to the sink and cleaned it.

After we turned off all the lights, we both headed toward the door. At the same time, both of our hands grabbed the doorknob. His warm hand was underneath mine. Bravery wasn’t my strong point, except when alcohol was involved. I scooted myself in between him and the door. Our faces were almost touching. When he tried to pull away, I squeezed his hand. “Kiss me.”

His eyes got big enough that I could see the white in them, even in the dark. “Vessa, that is the alcohol talking. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

I didn’t let go. I held my body close to his and let my lips brush over his. I was surprised that he didn’t fight me. He just held his body still. “My ex told me that no man would ever want me again. Don’t tell me what I want.”

It was clear to me; at that moment that this was the first time since losing his wife, where Ramsey had been in this position. He was weak and I was taking advantage of that. “We need to get you home,” He said as our lips made contact again.

“Just kiss me.” My other hand reached up and grabbed the collar to his shirt, pulling him into my lips. I opened my eyes and saw that he’d closed his. In a matter of just seconds, what started as light pecks, turned into a full-blown make out session. His breathing increased, as did mine, while our tongues mingled. He pulled his hand away from mine and grabbed my hair. I kissed his cheek with my lips and slip of my tongue. The stubble tickled me, but made him release a low groan.

When my hands began to move around, he grabbed both of my arms and pulled away. His lips were on my forehead. “We need to stop.”

I nodded, knowing that this was as far as it was going to go. As hot as I was between the legs, I knew we weren’t going to sleep together.

We said nothing on the ride to my aunt’s house. I didn’t know what to say to him. Our second kiss had felt even better than the first. After both times, there was only one thing that I knew for sure.

I wanted more of Ramsey Towers.

Chapter 11


She was under my skin now and I wasn’t sure if I wanted her there. Don’t get me wrong, sexually, she was definitely a weakness. I wasn’t a fool. I knew that my wife was gone, but as far as moving on, well, I’d never even considered it. Because of me, they’d lost their lives. It wasn’t fair for me to want to be happy again.

I can’t say that I hadn’t thought about her puffy lips and what they would feel like against mine. Hell, I’d thought about a whole lot more than that when it came to Vessa. In the short time that I’d known her, she’d made me open up more than I had since the accident.

It also meant that it made me feel guilty over my actions.

I didn’t want Vessa to feel like she wasn’t attractive. She needed to know that her husband cheated because he couldn’t keep his shit in his pants. She was stunning. Everything about the woman had the potential to get my blood flowing. Unfortunately, I wasn’t going to go there. This friendship that she wanted was going to have to end. I couldn’t continue to get close to her.

In no time at all, I fell asleep on the couch. Just like every night, my dream was more of a memory. I’d just come off of a long shift where we had a double homicide. The family had been at the scene and it was just hard to not bring that kind of shit home with me.

I found my girls asleep on the couch. They were covered up with a small throw blanket. Quietly, I made my way to the chair across from them and started to remove my boots. It was difficult to not wake up Jules. She was the lightest sleeper that I’d ever known. Her eyes opened and she caught me watching her.

I think right away she knew that it hadn’t been a good night for me. After being a cop’s wife for a while, she just knew. She scooted herself off of the couch, without waking Katie and then made her way over to my chair. Jules said nothing as she climbed up into my lap, straddling me. Her lips found mine and I accepted the only cure for my shitty night.

Her erotic tongue moved with unique technic. I was always a sucker to her seduction skills. She was like that Bon Jovi song, Bad Medicine. Her dark hair was pulled back and I took it upon myself to free it from the clip, so that I could see her waves fall down over her shoulders.

Realizing that our daughter could wake up at any moment, Jules climbed off of me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up the stairs with her. I followed like a little puppy, waiting for a reward for being a good boy.

While she went into the bathroom for a moment to herself, I started ripping off my clothes. I didn’t want to waste a single second when she came out. Our mattress was new and a pillow top, so I flopped down on it and closed my eyes while I waited for her to join me.
