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Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(33)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I put my arms on the roof of her car and leaned in the window. “I want to talk to you. If you’d just stop being so damn stubborn and listen to me, we wouldn’t be here arguing right now.”

“Look, I get it. You needed a push and I was the one to give it to you. I’m happy that things are going better for you.”

I was going to have to force her to listen, but people were outside the bar smoking and I didn’t want them watching us. “Just forget it!” I walked back to my truck, without explaining and pulled out of the parking lot in the direction of my house. Once I saw her pull out and head in the other direction, I turned around and followed her.

We reached a patch of woods with nothing around us and I saw it as my chance. I turned on my police lights and waited for her to pull over. Of course, to make sure she couldn’t pull away, I put my truck in front of her car. She put her head on the steering wheel and kept it there even after I got to the window.

I knocked on the glass. She reached over, without looking and rolled it down. “What now?”

“License and registration, please.”

Finally she turned and looked at me. “You can’t pull me over. I’m out of your jurisdiction and I wasn’t speeding.”

“I pulled you over tonight because you have a taillight out, ma’am.”

“Screw you!”

“I’m going to need you to step out of the car.” I stayed professional.

“I’m going to need you to move your truck and leave me alone.”

“Are you refusing to cooperate?” It was so hard not to laugh.

She threw her hands up. “This is ridiculous!”

“Step out of the car!”

I couldn’t see because it was so dark, but I knew she was rolling her eyes. She climbed out anyway and slammed the door shut. I got up close to her, pushing her body back against the vehicle. Our lips were almost touching. With the back of my hand, I drug it up between her legs. “Do you think about that night?”

She moved her head to the side so I couldn’t brush my lips against hers. “I try not to.”

“Do you ever wonder what would happen if you’d stayed that night?”

“Why are you doing this to me?” It was a plea. She was frustrated, but still not giving in to me. It was risky, but it had to be done. I pulled out the cuffs from my back pocket and got them around one of her wrists, before she even noticed that I had them. “What the hell?”

“Vessa, I’m sorry for what I’m about to do, but you’ve given me no other options.” I secure the other hand and threw her over my shoulder.

She was pounding her attached hands against my back. “Put me down! Get off of me! I’m going to have you fired, you c**k sucker!”

I ignored most of what she was screaming, while getting her fastened into the backseat of my truck. Once I knew she couldn’t get out, I grabbed my cell phone and called Sue’s bar.

Hey, it’s Ramsey. I just want you to know that Vessa is with me and she’s safe.

How come she isn’t calling me?

She’s cuffed in the backseat.

Come again?

She wouldn’t listen to me, so I pulled her over and cuffed her. She’s too pissed to call you at the moment. I just didn’t want you driving by her car and getting worried.

How long are you planning on keeping her?

She’ll be in my custody until she hears me out.

Ramsey, don’t make me regret pushing the two of you together.

I hung up the phone, while she was still threatening me. If my plan backfired, that woman was going to skin me alive.

After grabbing Vessa’s purse and pool stick, I locked her doors and headed back to the truck. I should have known she would still be cussing at me.

“Ramsey Towers, you get me out of these cuffs, right now!”

“You have given me no other choice. I’m taking you to my cabin and you’re going to listen, whether you want to or not.” I adjusted the mirror, to be able to see her while I drove.

She spat out a few other profanities on the way back to my place. I was amused by the way she was acting. In fact, it was turning me on. The more angry she was, the more I wanted to pull the truck over and show her what I wanted.

Once I was parked in front of my place, I proceeded to get her out of the backseat. “If you think you are going to take me in there and have sex with me, you are dead wrong.”

She was handcuffed from the front, so it was easy to lift her arms above her head and shove her against my truck. I pressed my body into hers and used my free hand to rub against her jeans, right between the legs. I rubbed her hard, right where her little clit was. She closed her eyes tight, trying to fight what I was making her feel. I put my mouth against her neck. “I bet you taste amazing.”


I kissed the base of her neck, letting my tongue lead the way to her ear. “Don’t what? Don’t stop?”

She said nothing.

My hand slid up under her shirt. I could feel the edge of her bra. Instead of going underneath, I stayed on top of the fabric. Her little ni**les were hard and I pinched at them one at a time. “You’re so damn, sexy. Let me taste you, Vessa.”

I stood up and pressed my lips against hers, slowly letting her hands come down over my head. With her arms securely wrapped around my neck, I picked her up. As soon as I felt her legs wrapping around me, I knew we were on the same page. I pressed her body against the truck and teased her with my lips. My dick was already trying to bust out of my pants and we weren’t even in the house yet.

I kept a good hold of her while I carried her into my cabin. With my foot, I slammed the door shut. I leaned against it, with her still in my arms, and my hands on her ass. She pulled away from my kiss and looked right at me. “Free my hands.”

I kissed her again. “Are you going to smack me?”

“Is that what you want? Are you into that kind of thing? I wouldn’t know, since you wouldn’t tell me anything.” I took the key out of my pocket and uncuffed her. She rubbed her wrist for a second, while keeping her eyes on mine. “Why am I here? You said we couldn’t be together.”

She backed away from my reach and stood behind the couch. With the furniture between us, I stood up straight and just looked at her. “You’re right. I did say that.”

She waved her arms around the room. “What is this then? Why did you bring me here? What the hell was the kissing about?”
