Read Books Novel

Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(48)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 21


I didn’t know what was going to happen now that Sue only had a short time left. I knew Vessa wasn’t going to leave her and it gave me time to convince her to stay. I don’t know what I was thinking when I volunteered myself to go with her to get the kids. It was a bad idea.

I knew it.

She knew it.

Except, there was no way she was going alone. To make sure she didn’t leave without me, I slept with her body tangled up in mine. There was no way she could crawl out of bed without waking me.

I could tell she was nervous when we got dressed. It didn’t help that she had to wear my clothes, which she swam in. “If you had clothes here, you wouldn’t have to look like you’re homeless.”

She tossed her shoe at me. “Shut up!”

I was beyond standing back and letting her make the decision to stay. This was my life too. If I was willing to take her and the kids in, then I wasn’t about to let her make the decision to walk away all by herself. I was going to fight for her, whether she liked it or not.

“The only way I’m ever going to get eggs and bacon is if you start staying the night. I’m just saying that it would benefit both of us.”

She walked past me and went into the bathroom. I leaned against the door and watched her using my toothbrush. She knew what I was going to say and just shook her head. “Don’t even. I have to brush my teeth, you know.”

“Yeah, I can see that. What if I don’t want to share my toothbrush?”

“What if I don’t want to share a bed?” She spit and rinsed the toothbrush before handing it to me.

“Oh, I see how you are.” She laughed as she exited the bathroom. Once I was finished, I joined her in the living room. We put on our shoes and she tied back her hair. “You ready?”

“I guess. I just want to get back to the hospital.”

“Let’s hit the road then.” She let me hold her hand as we walked to the truck. I don’t even think she understood that every minute that I spent with her made me fall more in love. If she left me I don’t think my heart would survive. This wouldn’t be like losing Katie and Jules. No, Vessa would still be out there somewhere, living her life like I never existed.

Okay, maybe she wouldn’t just forget me, but it would still be the same to me.

I wanted to be the one to take her pain away. She was the reason I changed. She brought me back to life. I owed her everything. Vessa gave me a purpose. She made me love again.

Losing. Her. Could. Not. Happen.

We set out on our morning venture to pick up the kids. I couldn’t help but start teasing her, even though I knew how serious the topic was. “So, maybe I should have brought older clothes in case Gavin wants to go for round two.”

Her eyes were wide when she turned and looked at me. I loved that she took me so serious. She was finally getting to know the old me. “So help me God, Ramsey.”

I patted her leg. “Calm down. I won’t leave any noticeable marks. This time I’m going for bones.”

She slapped me. “Would you please stop. I’m so nervous that I need a valium.”

“Or a shot. Although, I don’t know of any liquor store that’s open at seven in the morning.” She wasn’t getting a shot, or a valium. Everything was going to fine. She needed to relax and I needed to shut my mouth.

“So, what kind of wedding do you want?”

She put her hands over her face and shook her head, sighing loudly. “Oh my God. I am still married. Do you really want to talk about this?”

I held my hands up. “What? It’s a long ride.”

“Well, my only family is in the hospital and my best friend is you, so that’s my list. I know what you’re doing. Stop making me crazy!”

“My parents are going to love you.”

Vessa brought her legs up to her chest and hid her face. “I give up.”

I reached over and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop,” I said as I laughed again.

“They are going to look at my arm and shun me.” She didn’t realize that she was saying we were going to be together.

“Nah, they’ll just say shit behind your back.”

She pushed me again. “What is with you today? You’re like a comedian or something.”

“I guess I’m just happy. I know you aren’t used to it. It’s probably all these antidepressants I’ve been taking.”

“What? You’re taking medicine? Is that why you haven’t been drinking?”

We didn’t have time for it, but I pulled the truck over. “Seriously, Vessa, I can see why you keep your hair blonde. I’m not on any medicine. My doctor prescribed it, but I haven’t felt like I needed it. Well, the other night I could have used some, but other than that, nothing. As far as my drinking, I guess I did that to drown the pain. With you by my side each day hurts less than the one before it. No bullshit either. I mean that.”

“Please stop putting me on this pedestal. I’ve never been anything to be proud of. You act like I’m some saint. I hustled you in pool to try to get to know you. I let you think I was your wife, just so I could kiss you. Your job is in danger because of me.”



“We shouldn’t be bickering. It always ends the same.” I raised my eyebrows and got back on the road.

After driving a ways, she sat up and started giving me directions. As we pulled onto the street, I could tell she was getting nervous. “Ramsey, promise me that you won’t fight with him. You’re still on probation and this could hurt your trial. You probably shouldn’t even be near each other.”

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Chill out. We’re going to get the kids and leave. No big deal.”

I would have liked for things to go smoothly.

They didn’t.

When I pulled up into the driveway, it was full of cars. Vessa looked over at me and shrugged. It was still morning, so it wasn’t likely to be a gathering or party. “Does he have roommates now?”

“Not that I know of. I was just here the other day.” We both got out of the car. She gave me a look but I followed behind her anyway.

When we got close to the door, we could hear yelling. Vessa didn’t waste any time knocking. We stood there waiting and nobody came to the door. She ran down the steps and pulled me with her. “Where are we going?”

“To look for my kids.”
