Read Books Novel

Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(50)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“So Gavin’s in there. Is she in there, too?”

“No! She took my police vehicle and got the kids out of here. I was just waiting for you to get here.”

“Any idea what’s going on?” Since he knew Vessa, he seemed to be comfortable enough to believe that I was a cop.

“I know he’s under the influence. I didn’t get close enough, but his eyes were messed up. His words are slurred and he seems unstable. I could hear things breaking and a female screaming. Vessa thinks more than one other person is inside based on the vehicles. Also, she said he has a handgun.”

They both looked at each other and then back to me. “She should have took it when she shot up the house. He tried to press charges on her, but I kept losing the paperwork. Gavin’s an ass**le. The best thing Vessa could have done was left. I’m going to call for backup and then we’ll go in and figure out what the hell is going on this time.”

“This time?”

“We were here last week and last night. All he does is party. He’s got that baby in there and I don’t think his girlfriend is even twenty one.” He grabbed his radio. “Five one five six I’m going to need backup at my location. Can you have officer Tanger respond?”

Once he got confirmation he put his radio back in place. It beeped again. “Five one five six please be advised that a report of children missing just came in for your location.”

He put the radio back up to his mouth. “Copy that.”

I held up my hands. “We didn’t kidnap anyone. Vessa’s right down the road.”

He drew his gun, but walked by me. “Stay here!” I watched him walk to the front door. “Police! Open up!”

The door opened and Gavin came walking out. “What seems to be the problem Officer Friendly?” He laughed at what he called the guy.

“What’s going on Gavin? We got a call for a noise disturbance. You fighting with your old lady again?” They were talking like they were friends. I didn’t like it.

His partner walked up behind him. “You mind if we come in and make sure everything is alright?”

“Yeah I mind! You got a warrant?”

“We don’t need one when we can smell marijuana coming out of your windows.” I stood there and watched them handcuff Gavin. It was going to take a lot more than pot to make sure he left us alone.

Another cop showed up and ran in the house. I sat on the curb and watched them put Gavin in the police car. A few minutes later and ambulance arrived. They went running into the house and came out with a female on a stretcher. I ran over to the girl. She was conscious, but had a busted lip and a wrapped up leg. “Is she going to be alright?”

“She might have a broken leg. He locked her in the closet and knocked her around. She’s crying about her baby, but there’s no kids in the house.”

The other officer came walking over toward us. “I need you call Vessa and tell her to bring the kids back. We’re going to need to interview them and get the baby to her grandparents.”

I walked over to the window and grabbed my cell phone from the ledge.

Ramsey? Please tell me you’re okay?

I’m fine. The cops need you to bring the kids back. Gavin’s in the back of the cop car, so he can’t hurt anyone.

I’ll be there in two minutes.

As soon as she pulled up, the police crowded around the truck. I think the other cop was shocked when he saw her pull up in my police vehicle. She pushed through the officers and ran into my arms. “I was getting worried.”

“I’m fine. They need to interview the kids.”

Another female came walking out in cuffs. She looked around as she was pushed in the back of the car. Vessa’s cop friend walked up to us. “We got him on possession and assault. I’m hoping his girlfriends family will convince her to testify.”

“Thanks, Tommy.” Vessa gave him a hug.

“I thought you told me, you’d never date a cop.”

She turned and looked at me. “I might marry one.”

Tommy’s eyes lit up. “Really? That was fast. I mean, you’ve only been gone for like a year.”

“She’s just trying to skip the dating part,” I teased.

“Well, congrats. You got a great girl there. Be good to her.” He started walking back to his patrol car.

She turned and wrapped her arms around me again. “Are the kids alright?”

“Yeah, they’re shaken up. I hate that I have to tell them more bad news. I mean, they just watched their father get arrested. How much more can they take in one day?” She was so stressed and we hadn’t even been to the hospital yet.

“The good news is that I recorded him admitting that he set me up and the police have enough on him to make sure that he won’t ever be able to take your kids away. I know it’s going to be an adjustment for the kids, but I’m not letting you out of my sight. I think we need to sit them down and give them the good and bad. Together, of course.” At first, I thought she was going to shoot down my idea. I could only push her so much before she felt smothered. She was depressed and I was ecstatic. I’d felt so damn guilty about putting herself in danger of losing her children.

“Together sounds like a plan. After all of this, I’m just so glad that you were here with me. Can you imagine how bad it could have gotten?”

I kissed her on the top of the head. “Get in the truck. I’ll give them all my information to get in touch with you, if they need it. We need to get these kids to the hospital before visiting hours are over.”

When I opened my door to get in, Logan climbed over the seat and hugged the back of my neck. “Thanks for rescuing us. You’re the best hero, ever!”

Chapter 22


The kids didn’t say much on the way home. I could tell that they were completely freaked out. About halfway down the road, we stopped to eat. Asha needed to go the bathroom, so I took her while Ramsey and Logan ordered our food.

When we got into the ladies room she hugged me. “Please don’t make us go back there again.”

I held her close and then kneeled down to be on her level. “What happened honey?”

“Daddy got so mad. He kept yelling. Grandmom came to get us and he fought with her. She said she was going to call you and he told her that she would never see us again if she did. I just wanted to go home.”

“You’re safe now, baby.”

“Is Ramsey your boyfriend again?” I had to laugh at the way she asked.
