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Hustle Him

Hustle Him (Bank Shot Romance #2)(8)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I can’t describe the look on his face when he came in that door and expected to get laid.

Instead, as he approached me, I took a bottle of beer and threw it right at him. “Fuck you! Do you see this body? You will never touch this again. I hate you. You’re nothing but a liar. I gave you my heart and you ripped it into pieces. You deserve that little slut and whatever diseases she might be carrying.”

He put his hands up. “Hold up! What the f**k are you talking about, baby?”

“I saw you, Gavin. I saw you with that little bitch. I know you’ve been f**king her.” I couldn’t cry. I wouldn’t let him think he’d crushed me. I needed to stay furious.

He put his hands into his face and sank down into the chair. “Vessa…I…”

“Don’t, Gavin! There isn’t anything you can say to make things better. This was the one thing I said I could never go through again and you did it anyway. Obviously, I meant nothing to you.”

He looked up at me and had tears running down his cheeks. “Please don’t leave me.”

“It’s going to take me a few weeks to figure out where I am going to live and how much I can afford on my own. In the meantime, the kids and I will stay here. It’s up to you to explain this to the kids. I refuse to be the bad guy here. You did this! You remember that!”

“Vessa, they’re going to hate me. I can’t tell them.”

I pointed right at him. “You should have thought about that when you were sticking your dick into some little hobag! I can’t even look at you without wanting to gag. You make me sick!”

I didn’t wait for him to reply or get up, before I got dresses and headed out to get the kids. When I walked out the door, I could hear him crying. I’d heard it all before and nothing had changed. He’d cheated again, and this time, I wasn’t going to forgive him. My marriage was over.

I took the kids out to dinner, but chickened out when it came to telling them what was happening. This was Gavin’s mess and he would have to be the one to break their hearts. I didn’t want to come out smelling like roses. I just didn’t want to be blamed for something that I didn’t do.

Gavin slept on the couch for the next two weeks. Every time he tried to talk to me, I shot him down. Words meant nothing to me. It was actions that mattered. He never even got mad about what I’d done to his clothes or pictures.

I only cried when he wasn’t around, and even then, it wasn’t as extreme as I would have thought.

It wasn’t until I went to work one night, where I finally hit rock bottom.

It was business as usual at first. My regulars were sitting at the end of the bar, complaining about their day. A pool league was getting ready to start and some girls were picking out eighties ballads on the juke box. I started washing a couple glasses and noticed two emo looking chicks walking into the bar. They looked young and I wasn’t about to be fined for serving a minor.

“You got I.D.?”

They looked at each other and laughed. “We ain’t here to drink, bitch!”

I think I was shocked at them calling me a name. Nobody ever disrespected me in the bar. I sat the glass down slowly and looked from one girl to the other. They were both covered in tattoos and piercings and I should have known right away why they were paying me a visit. “You can turn your little asses around and leave, right now!”

“You think you can just dictate Gavin’s life?” The chick with the longer black hair started shaking her head as she talked. “He was going to leave you anyway!”

I raised my eyebrow and tried to control the steam that was about ready to start blowing out of my ears. “I guess you got what you want then. Gavin and I are over. You can do whatever you want with him.”

The other chick, with the black pixie haircut, stepped forward. “That’s just it. He doesn’t want to see her anymore, because of what you did. You ruined everything!”

I’d had enough. These girls had a lot of nerve. Without backing away, I looked right at them. “Gavin had responsibilities to not only me, but also his kids. If anyone is at fault it is him. He had the affair and he knew what the consequences would be. Get your little skank asses out of my bar, now!”

“I’m having his baby!” The long haired girl cried out.

I shook my head. Sure, I wanted to freak out. I wanted to rip Gavin’s dick off and hang it to the town’s flag pole. “I guess you got the family you wanted then.”

“He wants me to have an abortion. He says that we’re through. He’s blaming me for losing you.” Honestly, the girl looked heartbroken. I couldn’t feel bad for her situation. She spread her legs for my husband, knowing damn well what his situation was.

“Look, you made this bed and now you have to lay in it. This is what happens when you sleep with a married man.”

“Fuck you!”

“Get out, now!” I pointed toward the door. I was done being cordial.

They looked at each other and huffed out the door.

It wasn’t until my shift was over that things got worse. I’d finally calmed down enough to close out the bar. When walking to my car, I noticed right away that it had been vandalized. The windows were smashed out on the driver’s side and my lights had also been shattered. I pulled out my cell phone and called the police, before heading back into the bar to wait for their arrival.

While I sat there, I was fuming. Gavin was to blame for all of this. He’d done this to my life. I dialed his number, not knowing what was going to come out of my mouth.

Vessa? You alright?

Funny that you care so much now.

Seriously, it’s almost midnight. Where are you?

I’d be on my way home if your little whore didn’t vandalize my car.

What are you talking about?

Your little girlfriend…you know, the one that is carrying your child?

The line went silent.

Gavin, you did this to yourself. Now you expect her to get an abortion? What kind of sick ass**le are you? You have kids. You can’t just force her to get an abortion because you screwed up. It’s your responsibility to take care of that child.

I just want you, Ves.

That ship has sailed. There is no us and there never will be. You ruined everything and I can’t stand to look at you.

Please give me another chance.

Hell to the no! Once the officers take my statement I am coming home. I’m packing up the rest of my things and starting a new life. When we are separated for twelve months, I will file for divorce. Do you understand what I’m saying, Gavin? We are done!
