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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(19)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Jammer sat down next to me at one of the tables as they questioned me. He said he’d already given his statement outside. When they were all through, one of them turned around before I could close the door. “I suggest your friend stays with you tonight. He seems to do a good job keeping you safe.”

“Oh, he’s not…I mean…”

“I’m not going anywhere officer. She’ll be safe.” Jammer’s voice caught me off guard, but I waited for the police to pull away before I turned around to face him.

“Why would you say that?”

He smiled and reached for my face. I backed away and he held up his hands. “I was checking your nose. Did that punk hit you?”

“No!” I went to touch my nose and pain shot through it. “Holy hell!”

“Yeah, there’s dried up blood. You better get it cleaned up. It could be broken.”

I walked over to the sink and used a rag to clean the blood from my nose. It hadn’t bled that much, because nothing was on my shirt. Jammer followed me and leaned against the counter. “You aren’t staying here!”

He reached up and wiped a spot I missed off my face. “Here’s how I see things. For the past two nights, someone has tried to break in this place. Both times, I was here to save your ass. If you really want to spend the night alone, I can go. There’s a horny chick waiting for me at my buddy’s house. As much as I like pu**y, I’ve somehow gotten myself involved in whatever this is that’s going on with you.”

I put my hands on my hips. “I didn’t ask for your help, Jammer.” I was too proud to thank him. “You should just go. I mean, I’m sure your girl is waiting for you, anyway.”

He must not have liked my tone. “Are you really going to be bitchy when I just saved your ass?”

“I can handle things myself!” I was in over my head.

“Yeah, that’s apparent! Look, I can sleep down here if it makes you feel better, but I am not the kind of guy to leave someone alone when they’ve just been through a traumatic situation.”

My mouth dropped. “Who are you right now? Two seconds ago you were saying pu**y was waiting for you.” I threw my hands up over my head. “Just leave!”

“You are one stubborn little bitch, that’s for sure.” He started walking toward the front door.

I walked behind him so I could lock up the door. “You act like being around you is some kind of picnic. How do I know that you aren’t involved in these break-ins?”

He turned around to face me and for the first time I saw a sort of vulnerability to his demeanor. “I have nothing to do with them.”

I believed him immediately, but he’d already started walking out the door. When it closed behind him, I locked it and slid down to the floor. That’s when the real tears hit me. I tried to put my hands to my face, but my nose was throbbing, so I cried more.

At least five minutes went by and I just sat there bawling. A light knock scared the crap out of me, causing me to scream and back away.

Jammer was standing on the other side of the door. I wiped my face and opened the door. “What do you…”

Again, he put his hand over my mouth. “You can think whatever you want, but I got one block away and felt like a total dick for leaving you alone. I’m staying here with you, at least until you can find someone to help out. I’m a shitty cook, but I know all about liquor and can help you out every night. I’m only staying until you find someone else to work nights, but I will not take no for an answer.”

When he stopped talking, I was still sulking. “Fine!”

“Good, now show me where I have to sleep, because I’m too f**king tired to argue with you anymore.”

Against my better judgment, I walked Jammer up to the second floor. There was a twin bed back in the room that my father had used for his workshop. Jammer handed me his pool case. “This is my prize possession. Take it and keep it with you. If you have it, then you’ll know you can trust me.”

A pool stick was his prize possession?

“My little brother wakes up early. I hope you don’t plan on sleeping in.” I almost wanted to laugh at the way I talked to him. I knew I was being a bitch and I just couldn’t stop myself.

I got halfway down the hall, when I heard him calling me. “Charlie, can you say one kind thing? I am starting to think that I am helping Satan’s daughter. It’s kind of creepy.”

I let out an air filled laugh. “Thank you for saving me again. I don’t hate you as much as I did before.” I turned around and headed back to my bedroom.

Jammer may not have been a complete stranger, but I still didn’t feel safe. Hell, I should have been accustomed to this by now. Half of my life, I’d lived with strangers. When you are moved from foster homes, everyone is basically a stranger. Even though Jammer had saved me, I still had to be cautious. It was how I was wired and I had a child to keep safe.

Once I got my pajamas on, I went in and carried Ry into my room to sleep with me. With the bedroom door locked, I cuddled up next to my brother and tried to finally relax. We were safe. The tavern was locked up and our place was locked up.

I could hear Jammer snoring in the other room and a sense of security washed over me. I’d just been through something so traumatic, and I would never admit this to him, but I felt safe with him staying with us. He’d even offered to help me out at nights at the bar.

He probably needed a place to crash and figured that helping me was like paying rent. At this point, I didn’t even care. I started to cry again, but finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

When I woke up to the smoke detector going off and found the bed next to me empty, I shot out of my bed. My heart began racing as I made it to the kitchen. Ryan was sitting on the counter, while a shirtless Jammer was fanning the smoke away from the detector with a towel. They both turned when they saw me standing there. I waited for the thing to stop beeping before I tried to talk.

“What is going on?”

“I asked Jammer to make me pancakes,” Ryan explained.

Jammer shrugged. “I tried.”

Let me just say that it was very hard for my sleepy mind to work when I got a look at that man’s upper body. Not only was he built good, but his tattoos were sexy as hell. When he cleared his throat, I knew he caught me checking him out. I looked up quickly. “It would be great if you didn’t burn down our home while you’re staying here.” I shook my head and walked back into my bedroom.
