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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(28)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Now things were awkward. I didn’t know what to say to him after I woke up and he was gone. In the kitchen, I wanted to tell him that I had a great time. I didn’t know he was going to cut me off and say that we could forget about it. Which, by the way, was completely impossible to do. Jammer had given me the best orgasms of my life and left me panting for more. The last thing I wanted to do was forget about it.

Part of me was mad at myself for even letting myself believe that he could want me differently than all of his other one night stands. If anything, he should hate me the most. I was probably the only girl to treat him horribly, that’s for sure.

I dread having to work with him later in the day, but when Elle came in, everything changed. Jammer and I talked and I agreed with him about being friends, even though the whole time I was picturing the way his lips kissed tender parts of my body. I tried not to stare into his eyes and give away that fact that I was getting wet just being close to him.

Elle came running back in the kitchen, just as I had left my conversation with Jammer. She was all giddy and red in the face. "Oh my God Charlie, tell me that fine specimen doesn’t have a girlfriend or a wife somewhere."

My stomach hurt hearing her ask that because I knew that ladies’ man, Jammer, would spend one night with Elle and forget I existed. "He doesn’t date. He just f**ks."

Her eyes got really big and she smiled. "Yummy, no strings. What does a friend have to do to get the hookup?"

GO HOME! Okay, I didn’t say that. I knew she was here to promote Karaoke night. "You don’t want to hook up with him. He’s a whore, Elle. He sleeps with anything that walks."

Way to go, Charlie. You just called yourself trash.

"Did he tell you that? I thought you just met a few days ago?"

"He lives with me. We talk sometimes and I saw one of the girls he was trying to get rid of. She was all up on his junk."

Jammer’s voice startled me. He was peeking through the service opening. "I need a club sandwich with extra mayonnaise and onions, when your friend is done talking about my fine ass." He winked and disappeared through the window again.

I rolled my eyes before turning my attention to my blushing friend. Her smile was from cheek to cheek. "Do you think he likes me?"

I wasn’t used to talking about my feelings, but I wanted to scream them out loud when she asked me that. I’d never been jealous, or given myself a reason to be, and here I was feeling like I wanted to run upstairs and cry. "If you want to know, ask him yourself. I can’t read his mind."

"Well, at least we know he noticed me. Now, I just have to show him what he’s missing."

Great, not only can I never have that again but, I have to watch my only girlfriend have a go. "Don’t you have to go help the guy set up his equipment or something?"

She smacked me on the ass. "Good idea. Maybe if I shake my ass in front of Jammer all night, he’ll want to hook up later."

I waited until she left before I slumped down on the countertop and covered my face with my hands.

What was wrong with me? I’d never stressed over someone and, of all people, I was stressing over Jammer. He just wanted to be friends with me and I had to live with that. Since he told me he didn’t have relationships, his fling with Elle would be over in a day and I wouldn’t have to watch her swooning all over him. In fact, before I knew it, he would be gone and I could forget all about the one night we’d spent together.

I made the club sandwich, but not fast enough to Jammer’s standards. He met me back in the kitchen and saw me cutting the bread in half. "You alright, Charlie?"

I raised my eyebrow, but kept looking down. "I’m fine. It’s just been a bad day. Hopefully it gets crowded in here and I forget about it."

"I just came in for the sandwich but, if you need something else, I can stay."

I gave him a dirty look. "I think my friend has something else for you. Just do me a favor and f**k her somewhere other than my apartment."

He started laughing at me. "Yeah, I can do that. She really said she’s into me?"

I was still holding the knife and could see myself drawing an imaginary line across my neck if I heard the two of them talking about hooking up anymore. "Ask her yourself! God!"

I went to walk away, but he jumped in front of me. "Whoa, for someone that wants to forget, you sure don’t like someone else having a go."

"A go? You say it like it’s a freaking carnival ride. Sorry, I don’t want to buy any more tickets for the Jammer ride. I think it needs to be retired since it’s been ridden too much. Some of its parts are going to fall off soon." Yes, I compared him to a carnival ride. He deserved it.

"You didn’t complain when you were riding me last night."

I shoved him out of the kitchen, almost knocking the sandwich on the floor. I was so pissed at him that I wanted to scream.

Karaoke started at ten, exactly when the kitchen closed. Since I had gone up and put my brother to bed early, I had to go check on him. He was old enough to know how the baby monitor worked and I always worried he had turned it off and snuck and got into something he shouldn’t have. When I came back down I saw Elle talking to the small crowd. Jammer was handing a couple a few drinks and taking their money. When he got to the register, he looked my way and winked at me, but all I could do was roll my eyes. In just a few hours, he would be banging one of my only friends in the bathroom, or some other random place, while I cried myself to sleep for letting myself sleep with him in the first place.

I got the rest of the kitchen cleaned up and knew that Jammer would take out the trash once the bar closed. Hell, maybe he would take Elle out back where I was assaulted and bang her up against the brick wall. The bruises on my eyes were starting to fade, but I was still freaked out over it.

I turned out the lights and made my way to the bar. Jammer was washing out a couple glasses at the small sink and drying them as he washed. Aside from the sexual tension and mess that was happening between us, he was a damn good bartender and he seemed to really have fun doing it. I walked up to the register to clear out any large bills, just as he was walking by. The front of our bodies brushed against each other and I felt butterflies immediately. This was not good at all.

I looked up into his eyes and saw him looking back. "I need to tell you something," he shouted over the music.

"It will have to wait until I can hear you better."

He nodded as I took my envelope of money up the stairs. I almost hated that the music could be heard through the walls, because it was only a matter of time before my brother was awake. Sure enough, as soon as I walked inside, he was coming out of his room. "Charlie, it’s too noisy."
