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Hustle Me

Hustle Me (Bank Shot Romance #1)(59)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I wish I could lie and say that it didn’t turn me on. It wasn’t like I was cheating on Charlie. She’d made it clear that we were over.

I met the girl in the back hallway near the men’s room. She was still walking around in just a tiny thong, so everywhere my hands touched her was naked skin. Her tits were nice, but they weren’t Charlie’s. I was actually getting pissed at myself for thinking about her when I had the chance to get laid. I was getting ready to play the biggest match of my life and needed the stress relief.

I pressed my lips against the girls and felt her tongue slipping into my spread open mouth. Her kisses were sloppy, but in a sexy way. She knew what she was doing as she slid her hand down the front of my jeans while continuing to mingle our tongues together. I lifted her up against the wall and felt her legs wrapping around my waist. I didn’t know her name, but I didn’t want to either. I just wanted to get my dick wet and forget about how much I’d f**ked up the relationship with the only person I had ever loved.

Suddenly, as the chick had my rock hard c**k in her hand, I let her body slip back down to the floor and I pulled away from her. She backed against the wall seemingly confused and licked her lips.

For the second time in my life, Charlie had stopped me from being with someone who was ready and willing. Her beautiful body flooded my mind. The way her voice got when she became mad. The way her kisses made me crazy. She was all I could think about.

The girl reached her arms out for me, but I backed away more. I put my hands into air. “Sorry, I can’t do this.”

I walked away from her and went right into the bathroom. I heard the door swing behind me as I leaned my arms against the base of the sink. The naked girl hopped up on the sink and leaned against the mirror. “So who is she?”

I shook my head and looked at her face instead of her perky br**sts. “She’s someone that doesn’t want me anymore.”

She laughed and shook her head. “I find that hard to believe.”

“Yeah, well I am pretty good at f**king things up.”

She leaned over and put her arm on my shoulder. “Most guys would have f**ked me and just never told anyone what happened. It takes a real love for a man to stop a free lay. If I were you, I wouldn’t give up on her. I think if she knew you felt that strong about her, she would want you back. So, did you cheat or something?”

I shook my head. “No, not that I didn’t have opportunities. I couldn’t do that to her. She’s all I think about. Yeah, I lied to her about things that were important. I won’t bore you with the details, because I can assure you that after the first couple hours you would get sick of hearing it.”

“I feel so bad for you. If it’s any consolation, I think she’s a fool for letting you go.” I appreciated her being nice to me, but I’d done this to myself.

“Thanks, listen I need to get out of here. Is there a back door I can use?” I was feeling tipsy and just wanted to avoid the other pool players that I’d come with.

She led me to the back door that the employees used. After slipping me her number in case I wanted to “talk” again, I started walking toward the motel. When I got to a bench that was facing the beach, I sprawled my body on it and breathed in the cool salty air.

I shouldn’t have done it, but I reached my phone out of my pocket and listened to the saved message from Charlie. It broke my heart every time I heard it. I knew I’d had too much to drink, but it hadn’t stopped me from doing it. I pressed call on the screen and heard the phone ringing in my ear. Sure, this was going to cost me, but I just had to hear her voice.

“This better be good, Jammer, it’s three in the morning.”

Chapter 35


“Jammer, did you hear me?” I was wondering if this was just a butt dial.

“I’m a liar.” From just those three words I could tell he was slurring.

“Are you seriously calling me at three in the morning to tell me something I already know? Get a f**king life and leave me alone!” I hung up the phone and rolled over, feeling so immediately pissed that I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.

My phone started ringing again. I don’t know why I answered it, but I did. “What do you want now?”

“Charlie, I lied to you.” This was getting old.

“You’re drunk Jammer. You aren’t even going to remember calling me. Just go to sleep and stop calling me.” I hung up the phone and got up to go to the bathroom.

While I was relieving myself, the phone started to ring again. After four rings the voicemail had picked up. I figured he would realize I wasn’t going to answer and stop calling, but it rang once again. “What?”

“I feel like I can’t breathe.”

“Call a doctor.”

“Charlie, I’m nothing without you.”

“If you think I am going to fall for your bullshit lies you have another thing coming.” Drunk or not, this was not cool with me. He’d hurt me worse than anything in my adult life. I just wanted the pain to go away. Him calling was a reminder of what was never going to be.

“Listen to me. I lied to you, Charlie.”

“Yeah, I get it. Are you looking for me to accept this crappy apology? Jammer, you’re shitface drunk. Please leave me alone. You walked away from us. You told me you never wanted us that way. I can’t hear your voice and not hate you for what you did. You hurt me.”

I swear it sounded like he started to cry. “Please just listen to me. I hurt myself. I made a mistake. Charlie, I can’t even f**k another girl anymore. Why did you do this to me?”

If steam could have shot out of my ears, it would have been. “Don’t f**king call me again.” I hung up the phone and took the battery out.

Oh my God, had he really just talked about being with someone else. I wanted to scream and cry and throw up all at once. For three weeks I had wanted nothing more than to hear his voice and when I did he was drunk and mentioning being with someone else.

It took me two hours to finally cry myself to sleep. When I woke up I found my brother sitting on the bed beside me trying to put the battery back in my phone.

I grabbed it out of his hand reassembled it. “Good morning, Ry.”

“What happened to your phone, Charlie?”

It would be easier to tell him that flying bats dressed as clowns swooped down from the ceiling and took it, than tell him who really had called. “It kept ringing and waking me up, so I took out the battery.”
