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If Forever Comes

If Forever Comes (Take This Regret #2)(20)
Author: A.L. Jackson

It was unbelievable how much I loved it. How much I loved this. I clasped my hands over his that were splayed wide over my belly and rested against the strength of his chest.

Christian’s voice deepened, the words hoarse. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Natalie. As long as the wedding includes me dancing with my wife and her ending up in my bed afterward, everything is going to be perfect.”

A shot of choked laughter ripped from Natalie’s throat, and she turned her wide, disbelieving eyes on me. “What did you do to him, Elizabeth? I think you’ve created a monster.”

I just grinned. She had no idea. She’d not known the cocky boy I met in college, that flirty mouth and those impatient hands that had turned me upside down, twisted me inside out. The Christian she’d known had been one filled with regret, every moment spent trying to make up for what he’d done.

Christian pulled me closer, his mouth curled up in a self-satisfied smirk. “What? We have a lot of time to make up for.”

Now I could recognize that eager boy swimming through the spirit of this caring man. This was the Christian who’d knocked me from my feet, stolen my breath just as assuredly as he’d stolen my heart.

“Let me love on my future wife before you steal her away,” he continued.

Natalie scoffed. “Umm…okay, I’m taking her for her final dress fitting and then to her bridal shower, and Matthew is getting ready to take you off on some crazy boys’ night somewhere he wouldn’t even tell me. Now tell me who’s doing the stealing?”

Matthew laughed as he surprised her from behind, lifting her off her feet.

Natalie squealed, but there was no way she could hide the grin that captured her face.

He placed her on her feet and spun her around in the same second. By her waist, he tugged her close and bent her back as he hovered over her. “You’re not worried, are you?” His grin was as big as hers.

She swatted at him. “Of course not, but if these two don’t knock it off, they’re going to make us late.”

He pecked her lips. “Good. Because I’m going to take our Christian here and make sure he has a good time.” He raised a cocky brow at Christian. “I don’t think this guy has left her bed in months,” he said, gesturing at me with his chin.

I giggled more as Christian rocked me from behind, his laughter all brash with Matthew’s taunting.

“Well considering that’s the only place I want to be…” he said as he tipped his head in overt suggestion.

A rush of color seeped to my cheeks with Christian’s blatant innuendo.

Still, it was true. Christian and I couldn’t get enough of each other. We never would. The need between us came unending, this powerful force that shot through me every time he touched me.

To top it off, we were excited. All of us. It was a joy that sat like a palpable aura in the warm San Diego air. Like I could reach out and touch it.

One week from today, I would be Christian’s wife.

I bit my bottom lip to hide the pleasure that lit deep within me. Christian hugged me closer, and I knew he felt the power of it, too.

Slowly turning me in his arms, an affectionate smile lifted his mouth as he lightly bumped my stomach with his. Gentle fingertips caressed down my sides until he found his way below the distinct prominence jutting out from my belly.

This was the only evidence of my pregnancy, the massive ball that sat out in front of me like a declaration of my and Christian’s love. The rest of my body remained thin, probably too thin, but I wasn’t nearly as bad off as I was with Lizzie. I felt healthy. Good. That was all I could ask for. Christian kept telling me he was worried I should be gaining more weight, but my doctor assured us that, as long as the baby grew, we didn’t have anything to be concerned about.

Christian turned those strong fingers up and tenderly cradled her. Our baby girl. Lillie. Lizzie had named her because she wanted her little sister to have a name like hers. Christian and I didn’t hesitate to agree.

It was perfect.

I stared up at him as he ran his thumbs just under my belly button. “I love her,” he whispered, “and I love you.” He watched down on me with those kind blue eyes that somehow still managed to burn. Christian’s attention found its way back to my ear, his breath hot as it caressed along my skin. “You know I’d much rather spend tonight in bed with you, don’t you?” he murmured.

A shiver traveled the length of my body. “Mmmhmm…I bet you’re going to miss me while you’re out partying with the guys,” I teased, although I knew he wasn’t speaking anything but the truth.

He released a warm chuckle at my neck as he brushed my hair back, kissing me there. “You’re way more interesting. Believe me.”

I smirked a little as I weaved my fingers through black strands of soft hair, lifting my jaw so he could kiss miss me a little more.

Natalie smacked her hands together as if shooing away a wild animal. “That’s it. Break it up.”

I laughed and stepped back. With widened eyes, I mouthed, “Fine,” at her.

She returned the same mocking glare, but I saw it all there, sparkling in her eyes. Relief softly played across her features as she watched us, her expression reflecting joy—her joy for me. I knew she’d worried about me for so long, that she’d hoped and prayed that I would one day find a way to heal the broken heart that had tainted every aspect of my life.

Never could I have imagined that those fractured pieces would be mended in the arms of the one who’d shattered me in the first place.

I’d thought I’d lost the ability to love, the ability to forgive. But forgiveness had come into my life like the most intense burst of light. It had penetrated the darkest recesses of my spirit, the hidden places soiled with bitterness, this poison that had eaten and destroyed everything good in me until only fear remained. I’d been chained, bound by my anger. Ridding my heart of it had changed everything. No, I wasn’t a new person.

I’d just found myself again.

An affected smile hinted at my mouth. I gazed across at her, a silent confirmation that told her just how happy I really was.

Behind me, footsteps clamored from the house and down the sidewalk. I turned to find Christian’s mom, Claire, standing at the end of the walkway, with Lizzie’s hand wrapped in hers. Her face was filled with a joy unlike anything I’d ever seen her wear. She’d come into town just two days before, here to share in the festivities of the upcoming week. She’d stay two weeks after the wedding to help my mom take care of Lizzie while Christian and I were away on our honeymoon.
