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If Only

Laughing at the tiny annoyed growl from their submissive, Galen set his shaft against her asshole. He slowly worked through the tight little ring of muscles. Easing in and out.

Her fingers clamped onto Vance’s shoulders, her head was up, neck rigid. She still couldn’t take a cock easily, and he could feel tremors of anxiety running under her skin.

With an unheard pop, the head of his cock made it past the rim. He surged in steadily, feeling her engulf him. Her ass provided less snugness than her cunt, but the squeezing as the constricting ring of muscle slid down his shaft was very, very good.

A second later, Vance worked his dick back in, and the pressure was almost overwhelming.

Not just to him. Sally gave a little mew and buried her head in the curve of Vance’s neck.

Vance’s gaze met Galen’s, sharing the pleasure.

As Galen slowly pulled back, Vance slid deeper.

So their little submissive didn’t get too accustomed to their habits, Galen listened to the music on the radio for a second and held up his hand. Index finger, index finger, thumb.

Vance’s swift grin showed he realized the beat would give him twice as much fun. Gripping Sally’s ass firmly, he pumped smoothly twice, and pulled out as Galen plunged in hard.

They continued, thrusting in time with the music. Da-da-dum. Da-da-dum.

The increasing volume of Sally’s moans was a carnal joy, and she grew louder when Galen slid a hand around her so he could play with her breasts. Fuck, he loved the way she squirmed.

He managed to worm his other hand down to lay a finger against her clit, and her whole body stiffened. “Oh, oh, oh.”

Galen managed to hang on—barely—as her insides did a vise clamp on his cock. He saw Vance grit his teeth, fighting off his release as well.

But from the feel of Sally’s engorged clit, from the increasing clenching of her little ass around his shaft, she was close to coming again.

Da-da-dum. Da-da-dum. Galen wiggled his finger over her clit with each thrust. Sweat dampened his brow as he fought for control, as his body demanded he simply pound into her and get off.

But fuck, she felt good.

And he wanted to feel her get off while he was inside. Nothing was more intimate or rewarding.

His balls drew up against his groin, demanding release. Not. Yet.

And there she went. Sally’s body froze from her head to her toes, and she turned to a rigid statue in their arms. Even her breathing ceased.

She broke with a series of high mewling cries, and he felt the exhilarating pulse of her core around him.

As she slumped against his partner, Vance grinned, although the muscles in his face and neck were taut from holding back, and his face was moist with sweat.

Go, Galen mouthed. He could hold on another minute. Maybe.

Vance’s fingers tightened on the imp’s striped little ass, and he started pumping forcefully. Sally moaned, rubbing her head against his shoulder as, with a long, low groan, he shoved in and came. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’re killing me,” he whispered.

Galen couldn’t keep his smile back. It all felt fucking good. He loved seeing them both sweaty and satisfied. By God, he loved them.

Vance hauled in a breath and gave Galen a chin lift. Go.

Hell, yes. Sucking air, Galen worked in and out of Sally’s tight little asshole, then drove deep, deep inside, pressing in hard, enjoying the lingering clenching of her muscles as he went over the edge. A growl escaped him as his cock poured out heat in long, mind-bending blasts.

“Makeup sex.” Vance sighed, nuzzling the imp’s cheek. “Fuck.”

“Yeah,” Galen agreed as he pulled out. “Let’s fall onto the bed and sleep for a week.”

“Really?” Sally looked up and wrinkled her adorable nose. “Guess at your age it takes longer to rest than it does to get tired.”

Biting back a grin, Galen swatted her tender butt for the insult, getting a satisfying eep.

Old, my ass.

The imp was asleep before Vance even laid her down on the bed.

Chapter Eighteen

In the back of the taxi, Sally snuggled closer to Vance, resting her head on his shoulder. Seated in the front, Galen turned to smile at her before resuming his conversation with the driver about some scandal in the legislature.

Too bad the drive to Galen’s mom’s house wasn’t longer. A nap would really be nice. After all, the past couple of days had been pretty stressful. Breakup with two Doms, lose a father, gain a brother, get punished with a Jesus-help-me switch, and conclude with mind-boggling makeup sex.

She sighed. For a while after the breakup, she’d figured she could leave everyone behind and find a job in some remote corner of the world. A simple solution, if more than a bit lonely.

With the derailment of that plan, her yes-no questions were suddenly multiple choice. Like, okay, Galen and Vance said they loved her. What did that mean for the future?

And how could she handle a long-term relationship with two men? Hell, she hadn’t even been able to keep one Dom happy.

And if she could, what about marriage and babies and stuff?

And finding a job?

She rubbed her cheek on Vance’s shoulder, fortified by the slow sweep of his hand up and down her back. Eventually, she needed to sit down and figure out her future. So far, all they’d decided was that she’d return with them.

Jeez, but a girl sure had to be careful what she asked for. Two months ago, she’d been pining away for a Dom to love, and God had decided to gift her with two.

Maybe Glock was right, and God really was a cat, just toying with the human race.

But…her two Doms said they loved her.

If that wasn’t a miracle, she didn’t know what was. As her heart went all mushy, she leaned up to kiss the blunt angle of Vance’s jaw, inhaling the fragrance of his crisply sexy aftershave.

He rubbed his knuckles over her cheek. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“Oh sure…”

When he narrowed his eyes at her nonanswer, she scowled. “You can sure be a pain in the ass, Mr. Buchanan, Sir.”

“Yeah, and I can give you a definite pain in your ass, Miss Hart,” he growled. “Tell me. Now.”

“Fine.” Skipping over her vast field of problems, she plucked something from the miniworry garden. “I’m kinda paranoid about visiting Galen’s mom. She doesn’t sound very nice.”

“She won’t be rude, Sally. She’s just… Hmm. You know how cold Maine is in the winter?” His voice stayed low enough so Galen wouldn’t hear.

“Probably like Iowa.”

“Right. Well, Thea Kouros fits right in with the climate she lives in—chill enough to freeze your face off.”

“Oh lovely. And why are we visiting this woman?”

Vance chuckled. “If Galen is in this section of the country and has time, he stops by. About once a year.”

Once a year? Guess she couldn’t tease Galen about being a mama’s boy.

The taxi stopped in a neighborhood of elegant brick houses. The yards had been manicured with more fussiness than Gabi with her nails.

After climbing out of the cab, Sally looked around in disbelief. Who’d ever think that a man raised in a house like that could be so comfortable sitting on the back steps of a farmhouse?

Galen finished paying the driver and shut the cab door.

When he joined her, Sally gave him a nice squishy hug.

“What’s that for?” he asked, his expression a little distant as he looked over her head at his mother’s house.

“Because I like you. Maybe almost as much as I love you.”

The way his eyes turned soft and his mouth curved affectionately would probably sustain her through a battalion of ice mothers. Pulling her close, he rubbed his chin on her head. “You are a gift I never expected,” he said under his breath.

Oh hell. Once released, she had to turn away to swipe at her damp eyes.

With a wink of approval, Vance handed her a handkerchief and ruffled her hair…just so she’d have to laugh and hit him.

By the time they caught up to Galen, he had already rung the doorbell.

The door opened. Galen’s mother was around sixty, almost obsessively thin, hair colored to a rich brownish black, with eyes as dark as her son’s. “Galen, it was a surprise to hear from you.”

Oh boy, Vance was right. Darth Vader at his worst had shown more warmth. Sally frowned. Mrs. Kouros didn’t even appear to notice the bruising on his cheek and jaw. Jeez, most mothers would be busting with pride to have a son like Galen.

Of course, Sally’s father sure wouldn’t win parent of the year either.

Mrs. Kouros looked at Vance. “Vance, you’re looking well.”

Sure and he looks just fine. That knuckle-sized purple bruise on his face is from nicking himself shaving, right?

“Likewise, Thea,” Vance said easily. Trust Vance to not let anything upset him.

Sally was surprised when Galen tucked his arm around her. “Mother, this is Sally Hart. Sally, my mother, Thea Kouros.”

“How do you do,” Sally said, since the standard it’s nice to meet you simply wasn’t true.

“Quite well, thank you.” Thea’s eyes narrowed as if assessing how closely Galen was holding Sally. Her lips thinned even farther. “How nice you could accompany my son. Please come in.” She stepped back to let everyone enter.

Christ in a corset, if this was Galen’s role model growing up, no wonder he had trouble showing affection. The woman hadn’t even touched her son. As Sally walked past into a house that was as stiffly formal as its owner, she decided on a couple of things.
