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If Only

If Only (Masters of the Shadowlands #8)(44)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

“I have watched you do scenes with white Doms. Might you have a problem with black skin, young miss?” The man had a faint English accent. He took a step closer.

“No, dude. You do.” She shoved him back, a baby bear cub taking on a grizzly. “You’re all tied up in race issues. You don’t see me—just the color of my skin.” She spun on her heel and walked away from him, tossing back over her shoulder, “You come find me if you ever cut free of your bullshit and decide you like me—me—not what you see on the outside.” She stomped across the room—and out the exit.

Vance glanced at Z, curious as to how the Shadowlands owner would handle the Dom-sub altercation.

“Well,” Z said after a pause. “Normally, I’d bring her up short for her display of temper to a Dom, but if what she said is true, I can’t disagree with her conclusions. Comments?”

“Huh, that’s not a problem I’d have caught,” Anne commented. “How well does Alastair know her?”

“He played with her once last winter in a scene I arranged. I figured they’d suit since he does prefer African-American submissives.” Sam crossed his arms over his chest. “Didn’t consider how a woman might not take to that. Want me to talk with him?”

Z steepled his fingers and considered. “No. Let’s see how this plays out. She did present her objections quite eloquently.”

Jake snorted. “No shit.”

“If she’s that pissed off, the poor bastard might need a guard.” Anne grinned. “Her idea of revenge can be—”

“Fucking warped.” Cullen finished for her. “Like supergluing all Nolan’s ropes together? Or the miniature bag of Sam’s? I about busted my gut with that one.”

The other Masters roared with laughter, adding in other Uzuri tales.

“What’s a miniature bag?” Vance asked Sally under his breath.

“She switched out all his toys and put in doll-sized ones. All his rope was replaced by yarn. She made him a mini single-tail. She even found clothespins that were only an inch long.”

The light in the imp’s eyes was a bit worrisome, and Vance decided to lock up his bag. Maybe his whole room.

“She made a pretty sight when you used that entire bag of tiny clothespins on her, Sam,” Raoul said.

“The begging wasn’t too bad either,” Olivia added with a grin. “How much of a sense of humor does Alastair have?”

“I do believe Uzuri saves her pranks for the Doms she likes,” Master Marcus said. “Hopefully, she doesn’t like Alastair enough to attend to him.”

“Doesn’t matter. He was gone all spring, and he’s returning to Europe for the rest of the summer,” Cullen said.

“Good enough.” Z looked around the circle of Masters. “I think the altercation serves as a good introduction to the matters I want to discuss.”

Z began to talk about the future of the Shadowlands, how the membership had changed and now had a greater percentage of experienced Doms. However, the Masters group had also evolved. Originally, most had been single. Now, aside from Jake, Anne, and Olivia, they were all in relationships, and—Z included—were having difficulties juggling family and club obligations.

Vance shifted uncomfortably and met Galen’s concerned eyes. Apparently, he’d also caught how they weren’t considered “single” Masters anymore. A serious relationship wasn’t in the plans…and yet, when Vance collared Sally, it had felt right. In fact, he couldn’t see a future without her in it. He and Galen definitely needed to have a talk.

“Did you have a solution in mind, Z?” Olivia asked.

“I have some ideas to run past you.” Z leaned forward. “We already plan to expand the Masters group with more single Doms. And we need at least one Master who prefers male subs.”

Cullen nodded. “There are a few who might suit.”

“Meantime, I want to phase out the trainee program.”

Under Vance’s hands, Sally stiffened. Considering how she worried, she probably thought she or someone had done something wrong.

Z looked at the little sub and gave Sally a smile she couldn’t see. “Not because of problems with the current group, but with the lack of single Masters, the trainees don’t get enough attention. I want to focus on finding them Doms. Once that is accomplished, I’ll put the program on hiatus.”

“Gonna hire barmaids?” Nolan asked.

“If needed.” Z glanced toward a group of submissives who were chatting and eyeing the Doms at the bar. “How do you feel about taking volunteers? Serving is still an excellent way for quieter submissives to meet the members in a nonthreatening fashion.”

Cullen scratched his cheek and nodded. “I like it. I can keep a sign-up sheet at the bar.”

“Might could be we’d have some fun with it.” Marcus unbuttoned his suit coat and stretched out his legs. “I’d like to be able to draft submissives who need a kick in the pants to meet more people.”

As the discussion continued, Vance felt Sally’s thigh muscles bunch under his palm, and he glanced at his partner.

Galen was running his fingers over her swollen breasts, teasing the lingering, red dimples left by the clothespins. Circling her nipples. Pinching. After a minute, he slid closer to the middle of the couch and Vance.

Without the support of his thigh, her head tilted back, further enforcing she had no say in what they’d do to her. A quiver ran through her.

Vance smiled. She liked being helpless. She might fight them, but she loved the feeling of being overpowered. Mastered.

With an ear tuned to the discussion, he watched as she reacted beautifully to Galen’s teasing. Their earlier scene had left her aroused—now Galen increased that need.

Might as well lend a hand. Vance slid his fingers under her skirt to the soft, silky skin of her inner thigh. At the apex of her legs, he leisurely explored. Slick folds, puffy enough to flower outward, leaving her entrance open to his touch. With his free hand under her ass, he slid her farther down on his lap until her ass rested on his left thigh and he had a better angle to play. He pressed his finger inside her and watched her color heighten.

With a glance of amused annoyance, Galen shifted to using his left hand and continued playing with her breasts.

Leaving his finger barely inside her cunt, Vance spoke to the Masters. “We have to make a trip to New York next weekend—hopefully for not more than a few days. Unless she has other plans, Sally will stay at our house, but we’d appreciate if someone checked in with her every day. The Shadowkittens are welcome to visit her at the house.”

“As long as they stay away from the toy bags,” Galen muttered.

Raoul, who’d been in the dungeon when Galen found his abused flogger, laughed.

Vance glanced at Sally who had lifted her head to frown at him.

GOD, SHE WISHED they’d stop playing with her. Every touch made her needier, and sheesh, they’d hardly get her off here in front of the others. Sally couldn’t quite believe they were being so…blatant.

And now, they were going to fly off and leave her alone in their house? Why the hell would she want to be there without them? Sally noticed Vance’s frown—right, she was supposed to keep her eyes closed—but she had concerns.

Vance’s brows pulled together. Uh-oh. Galen could intimidate without frowning, but Vance… When Vance actually got annoyed, he was downright scary.

With a huff of disgust, she laid her head back. But before she closed her eyes, she scowled back at him. Abandon her like a stray puppy, would he?

“Bad move, pet,” she heard Galen say to her very quietly.

Like there was anything they could do, right here in front of—

Vance rammed two fingers into her, forceful and fast, and the slick burst of pleasure through her sensitized tissues was like a jolt of electricity. She gasped.

He didn’t stop, thrusting firmly over and over until her need gathered inside her, tightening, heading for an orgasm.

No. No way. Not in front of all the Masters during a meeting. She tried to move, to make him stop, and felt Galen’s palm press down just below her throat. With his left hand, Galen continued to play with her breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers, increasing the pressure to pain before easing back.

She opened her eyes and shook her head. I won’t get off.

“Not your choice, is it?” Galen said, still so quietly.

Not here. I don’t want to come here. She turned her head. Raoul and Marcus and the Mistresses were discussing something. Master Z looked…pleased. But Dan and Cullen were staring at the Feds in disapproval.

She stiffened. She’d known she shouldn’t be here. Shouldn’t be aroused—

Vance paused, his fingers still deep inside her. “Problem with the way we handle our submissive, Masters?”

At Vance’s slight emphasis on the final word, Cullen stiffened, his mouth tight. Then he shook his head and pulled in a breath. “Hell. We try to ensure the trainees don’t attach to us. Guess we should do the same for ourselves. We’re all pretty possessive.”

Sally felt tears sting her eyes. She hadn’t realized that they actually…cared.

Dan narrowed his eyes at the two FBI agents but finally leaned back in his chair, the tension leaving his body. “I knew you’d be good for her. I wanted that. But I didn’t realize how rough it would be to see her move on. She’s been—was—a trainee a long time.” He gave Vance a chin lift. “Sorry.”
