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If Only

If Only (Masters of the Shadowlands #8)(51)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

Galen actually smiled at her, his deep voice rich with approval. “Very, very good, Sally.”

And Vance echoed his words in a sweet stereo effect.

ANGER SMOLDERED IN Galen’s gut. Next time he met Sally’s father, he’d give the bastard a few lessons in how to treat a daughter. And then he’d hand him over to Vance, who had just as much rage. But this wasn’t the time.

Right now, Sally was trembling with anticipation, flushed and beautiful, and Galen wanted to take her that extra step further into submission. She was ready.

He glanced at Vance. “My requirements are that she lay on her back, ass on a pillow, legs out of my way. Otherwise she’s all yours.”

His partner grinned, studying the bed and Sally, obviously formulating his plan for restraints.

The imp’s eyes were wide.

He ran his finger down her cheek. “This might be uncomfortable, but if it really hurts, I’ll stop.”

The questions—and worry—in her eyes added spice to the scene.

After clipping her wrist cuffs to ropes on the sturdy iron headboard, Vance took a minute to suck her nipples until they stood up, distended and dark red.

Her pleasingly round ass was already squirming. By God, she responded beautifully.

While Vance worked the restraints, Galen checked his fingernails—already clipped as short as possible—washed his hands, and donned a long surgical glove on his left hand.

Vance had put a wide leather belt around her waist and with rope, secured each knee to the belt at her sides. “Ready for you, pard.”

Ass high, knees up and out, arms restrained. “Perfect.” He looked at Sally. “Your safe word is red. But for this, I will be talking to you. No will be the same as yellow. I’ll stop and check how you’re doing. Clear?”

He was sadist enough to enjoy the way apprehension creased her forehead.

After propping a pump-action bottle of lube against her hip, Galen settled himself on one elbow perpendicular to her position.

Slowly he explored her entrance before inserting a finger. Her cunt clenched down on him, making him smile. He pulled out and teased her clit until she squirmed. Two fingers. Play for a bit. Three fingers.

Vance was caressing her breasts, kissing her mouth, her neck.

And within minutes, she was wiggling and close to begging.

Four fingers. He’d done four with her in the past, pressing in far enough to feel the stretch, to hear her worried squeak. This time, he worked her for a while. In, out, play with the clit. He stretched her with each set, adding more lube. The musky scent of her arousal was heady, and he was already growing erect again.

Raised on one elbow, stretched beside her, Vance teased his favorite bits between kissing her.

After covering the glove on his left hand and wrist with even more lube, Galen stroked her clit, taking her to the edge. And this time, when he worked his fingers into her cunt, he kept going, folding his thumb inside his fingers to make a duckbill shape.

“Galen!” Her head jerked up as she felt the press of his hand. She stared at him, panic starting to fill her face.

“Give her a pillow so she can watch,” he told Vance. Once her head was propped up, he looked at her. “Do you trust me, Sally?”

“Yes.” The instant answer warmed his heart.

“I’m going to fist you—put my hand inside you. Can you trust me to do that without hurting you—not more than you can take?”

Her gaze went right to his free hand and his face, showing her disbelief. And a shudder went through her. “I can stop you?”

“Ayuh, pet. You can call a stop at any time.”

She blew out a breath and said dubiously, “I’ll try.”

“Brave baby girl.” Galen smiled at her and met Vance’s gaze.

Vance reached down, his hand settling over her engorged clit.

FISTING. OH GOD, why hadn’t she put fisting on her list of hard limits? Sally wondered. Vance’s touch on her overly sensitive clit made her clench around Galen’s fingers, and she gasped.

“Breathe, pet,” Galen murmured, pressing forward, stopping, pressing in again. “This is the toughest part—”

It hurt, didn’t feel good at all. His knuckles were hard. Huge. “You won’t fit.”

His grin flashed white in his tanned face. “Women’s bodies are designed to stretch. My hand will fit.” He tilted his head at Vance. “His might not.”

She moaned as the pain increased.

“Easy, baby girl. I’ll go slow,” Galen said as he pulled back slightly.

Vance took another kiss, teasing her lips, whispering how well she was doing. Between kisses, he’d run a finger around her clit, rubbing firmly on one side, on the other, then up and over the hood.

Within minutes, in spite of the pressure from Galen’s advancing hand, she felt the tendrils of nerves gathering, working toward an orgasm.

“Sally,” Galen said. “I want you to tighten your cunt and hold.” He waited until she did. “Now take a big breath. Exhale and relax everything. Push out if you can.”

When she clenched around him, his hand felt huge, huge. She hauled in a breath, held it, gave a powerful exhalation and let herself go limp, inside and out.

As his hand pushed inward, she gritted her teeth against the pain, yanking at her restraint, holding back the “no” that threatened to burst free.

“In,” Galen murmured.

She was panting in little gasps. The pain was gone, but the feeling—oh God, the feeling. She was terrifyingly full.

Head up, not moving, Galen was studying her, his black gaze moving over her face, her shoulders, her hands.

As Vance moved his fingers, light and slow, over her clit, he was doing the same. His lips curved up. “Look at you, filled with his fist.”

She’d never felt anything this overwhelmingly intimate. Never felt quite so vulnerable. Galen’s hand filled her completely; he could hurt her badly. And yet, she knew he’d never do anything to really hurt her. The trust in him was bone-deep—went deeper than his hand.

He was smiling too. “I didn’t know if you’d be able to do this, even though I’d been working toward it.”

Her mouth fell open. He had, hadn’t he? Sneaky bastard.

“Tell me what you feel, Sally,” Galen said.

“I— Strange. A little scared. Full. Very full.” Neither Dom moved. Just waited. She tried harder. How could she express the…intimacy? “It feels as if there’s a…a tie between us, all of us,” she said, looking at Vance. “Even more than I can say.” She shook her head.

Galen nodded, understanding in his face. “I feel it too, baby girl.”

Vance leaned up to kiss her, so very, very sweetly and she knew she could never have relaxed enough to permit this without his presence. “Yes.”

She pulled in a breath. Okay.

Galen smiled. “I’m going to move, pet. You tell me if it’s too much.”

The hugeness that was his hand opened slightly, growing even bigger, moving ever so slowly up toward her cervix, and down.

And suddenly she felt each little caress of Vance’s slick fingers on her clit. With every movement of Galen’s hand and the stretching of her center, more and more sensations poured into her with sheer sparkling brilliance. Like a star being born inside her, everything began to whirl and coalesce, turning into a hot, hot core as her entire body tightened around Galen’s fist, as her world inside her and around her utterly exploded. The nova of pleasure expanded outward, filling her universe, shaking her body until her bones dissolved. “Aaahhhh!”

On and on and on.

As she moaned, as her eyes started to focus, Galen opened his hand inside her, and she went over again in long, sweetly terrifying spasms of pleasure.

And again.

He’d wait long enough for her to settle—then move his fist, just an inch or two, and she’d come hard, devastatingly hard. Like nothing else. Sweat rolled off her forehead, between her breasts. Her breathing came in harsh gasps; her heart was slamming inside her rib cage like a rocket with no controls.

“The next time you come, I’m going to pull out, pet,” Galen said, the crinkles around his eyes showing his enjoyment.

Vance was chuckling. He slid his hand back to her clit and licked her breast even as Galen turned his hand completely over inside her.

The rush of the orgasm was huge, screamingly huge. “Ooooh, noooo.” As her hips tried to buck, Vance ruthlessly pressed down on her mound, keeping her flat and in place. The roaring sun at her core shot flares of sensation streaming through her and filled the air around her with sparkling lights. Oh God, oh God, oh God.

As she went limp, Galen pulled out slowly. She felt a flash of pain as his knuckles passed through; then she was empty inside.

He rose off the bed, leaving her feeling like a deflated, exhausted balloon.

Vance moved up beside her, kissing her, slow and sweet, his arm over her keeping her from disappearing into the foggy air around her.

Hands cleaned, Galen removed the restraints on her wrists and helped her lower her aching arms so she could hold on to Vance. He released her legs and removed the belt. When he stretched out on her other side, she was pinned between the two Doms.

My Doms.

Vance ran his fingertips over her damp cheek. “Sweetheart?”
