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If You Were Mine

If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(31)
Author: Bella Andre

It shouldn’t have been an erogenous zone. She should have been laughing, not softly moaning as his tongue moved across the skin at the back of her legs.

“I think we’ve found a whole set of other sensitive spots,” he confirmed for her as she trembled so hard that his hands on her hips were actually holding her up. “But I bet there’s more.” He paused and her breath caught as he said, “A whole lot more.”

The next thing she knew, he was back on his feet and lifting her in his arms.

“Zach, what are you doing?”

No man had ever picked her up like this before and carried her over to a bed. It felt too romantic for what they were to each other, for what they’d agreed on.

“Heather, I’m carrying you over to the bed!” he teased, mimicking her shocked tone.

How could she do anything but laugh, even though she was more aroused than she’d ever been in her life? Laughter and sex had never been connected for her before.

Then again, she’d never been with a lover like Zach before, had she?

Chapter Sixteen

Zach Sullivan should have been in his element. Giving women pleasure was what he did best.

It didn’t make sense, then, that he felt so far off his game, so totally lost in Heather that every other sexual experience had fallen away—leaving him to have to figure it all out one kiss, one touch at a time.

He’d turned off the lights to make sure that he stayed in control of the evening. Only, the darkness was doing a number on him, too.

Her scent was everywhere, sweet and aroused. Her skin was impossibly soft. And when she trembled as he kissed her, when she gasped with pleasure as sensation took her over, his chest clenched tight.

“Your arms are going to get tired soon if you don’t put me down.”

He lowered his mouth to hers again, but stopped just short of making contact. “Questioning my stamina, are you?” Without waiting for her sure-to-be-sassy reply, he covered her lips with his own and kissed the breath from her lungs.

Both of them were panting by the time he finally laid her down in the center of his bed and then quickly took off his clothes.

He hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told her he had great night vision. My God, she was beautiful. He just wanted to look at her, wanted to memorize every soft curve, every hollow laid out before him.


She reached out into the darkness and he captured her hands in his. “I’m right here. Just enjoying the view.”

She made a sound of surprise at the knowledge that he really could see her in the dark, even as her fingers threaded through his. Coming palm-to-palm with her was yet another moment of connection he hadn’t expected. One more to add to the all the rest that had already come.

Zach didn’t hold women’s hands. But he didn’t want to let go of Heather, so he moved onto the bed with her, straddling her thighs with his own to keep her right where he wanted her.

“You really can see me?”

Well enough to see the panic on her face at being naked when he was still fully dressed. Of course, he greatly enjoyed throwing her off kilter, especially when she tried so hard to be the steadiest woman on the planet.

“Sure can.”

She made a frustrated little sound that he had to cover with another kiss, a soft one this time. Not letting go of her hands in his, he put them on either side of the pillow and took his time exploring her sweet mouth.

God, he’d wanted to kiss her like this for so damn long, desire eating him up more with every second he spent with her. He loved the way she didn’t hold anything back, that she wasn’t trying to tease him or turn him on. She kissed the same way she did everything else, with sweet focus.

Zach had planned on seducing her, but as her tongue stroked against his, as her fingers tightened against his, and she lifted her hips up to try to find the release he was drawing out, he had to wonder if it was really the other way around…and Heather was the one seducing him.

He pulled back from her mouth on the crazy thought, determined to get back on track. The one where he was the one holding the cards, not the woman he hadn’t been able to resist from the first moment he’d set eyes on her.

Staring down at Heather in the shadowed room, he marveled again at just how beautiful she was. Other women with bodies like hers would have done whatever they could to showcase it to the world, not cover it up with faded shirts and shorts.

Only, hadn’t he been going crazier day by day, wondering exactly what was hiding beneath those shapeless clothes? Almost as if by not simply showing him her assets, she’d amped up his anticipation of the moment he finally got to see all of her.


He could hear the bravado covering the insecurity, and the fact that she had any worries at all about her worth made that twinge come back in his chest again.

Knowing he wasn’t the kind of man who had words for moments like this, he decided to show her how beautiful she was in a way that she couldn’t possibly misunderstand.

He lowered his mouth to the tip of one breast and tugged it between his lips. Heather arched up into his hands and gasped out his name, but he was so focused on the sweet taste and feel of her aroused flesh against his tongue that he barely heard her. He swirled his tongue around the taut peak before letting it go to taste the other.

Using his hands on hers and his thighs on either side of her hips, Zach held Heather still as she tried to writhe against him while he loved her perfect br**sts, one to the other, again and again, until she was begging.

“Please, Zach, I need—”

He lightly scraped his teeth over the tip of one breast and her gasp of pleasure swallowed up the rest of her plea. He didn’t need her to tell him what she needed because he needed it, too, needed to taste every inch of her skin, needed to know the feel, the scent of her all over.

He moved up from her br**sts to her shoulders, then to the soft underside of one arm. But instead of turning even more into liquid, she stiffened as his lips and tongue trailed toward her elbow.

Of course, that only made him more intent on making her feel good. On helping her to forget anything but how good it was to finally be together like this.

His mouth found her softness again, only this time he realized the skin was slightly raised. When he tasted the crook of her elbow and then the underside of her forearm, each time he found more of the same. Slightly raised skin that came as a total surprise against the perfect smoothness of the rest of her.

“Heather,” he asked, his gut twisting at the pain she must have felt to have such scars now, “how did you get hurt?”
