Read Books Novel


Ignited (Most Wanted #3)(24)
Author: J. Kenner

“You see?” I said, looking at him over my shoulder. “I’m way more resilient than you think.”

He said nothing, and I took that as a good sign. I turned so that I was facing him more directly, wanting to read the expression that he was working so damn hard to keep closed off.

“You didn’t hurt me, Cole. You didn’t even scare me. I’ll tell you what you did do, though. You made me wet. You turned me on.” I edged closer so that I caught the clean, fresh scent of his soap. “Do you have any idea how much I wanted you in your office? How much I still want you?”

I looked into his eyes, hoping to see a desire that matched my own. Instead, I saw only steely determination.

Dear god, I wanted to break that control. It was like I was on a mission. As if I merely had to break this man for all the mismatched pieces of my own life to fall into place with Cole right there at the center.

I took another step toward him, so close now that I felt the flutter of his breath on my hair. So intimate I could see the pulse of his chest in time with his heartbeat, and each tiny pore on his bare skin.

Slowly, I pressed my palm against his abdomen, my fingers pointing down. His already tight muscles twitched under my hand, and I bit back a smile, knowing that, if nothing else, my touch had affected him.

I tilted my head up and found his eyes again. This time, I saw the heat that I craved, and that gave me courage to continue.

Slowly—so very slowly—I eased my hand down until my fingers slipped beneath the loose tie that kept those sweatpants from falling off his hips. I didn’t stop, I didn’t think, I just continued on, keeping my eyes on him, judging my impact on this man by the fire in his eyes and the tightness of his jaw.

A thin line of hair traced down his midline to his cock, and I followed the path eagerly. He was hard and thick, and I greedily closed my hand around his length to stroke him.

Cole groaned, then bit out my name like a curse. I only smiled, stifling my own sigh as I shifted from one foot to the other as the sweet, demanding pressure between my thighs increased.

“Do you want me on my knees?” I whispered, moving my hand in slow, sensual strokes. “Do you want your cock in my mouth? Or should I turn around, bend over the arm of your couch, and let you fuck me from behind? Whatever you want, Cole. And however you want it.”

He reached down between our bodies, and for a moment I was certain he would tug my hand away. But all he did was hold it in place through the thick fleece of his pants, so that I ended up stroking his cock to a pressure and speed that he controlled.

“I told you,” I said. “I’m not pure. I’m not innocent.”

“Maybe not,” he agreed. He let a moment pass, and I saw the regret on his face when he gently tugged my hand free. “But you also can’t be mine.”

The words, so unexpected, acted like a spark on kindling. My temper spiked, and without thinking about it, I reached out and slapped his face.


“Goddammit, Kat, you’re special.” He reached up and massaged the red spot on his jaw. “Maybe you don’t see it, but I do, and I’m not going to risk destroying that by having you get twisted up with me. Because there is nothing clean or pure or special about the shit I live with every goddamn day.”

“That’s a lie,” I said. “It’s fear and it’s an excuse and never once in all the time that I’ve known you have I believed that you were a coward.”

He exhaled, then ran his hands over his head in obvious frustration.

“I know about the Firehouse,” I said. “I get that you’re into BDSM. I understand, Cole. It doesn’t bother me.”

“You don’t understand shit,” he said.

“Then explain it to me.”

“Fuck that,” he said, then lashed out and kicked over an end table, making me jump. “Shit.” There was anger in the word, but also frustration.

“You surprised me,” I said sharply. “You didn’t hurt me. And if you actually want to scare me you’ll have to do better than tormenting a table.”

As I hoped, he almost laughed. Almost. But he did calm down. He drew in a breath, then another. After a moment, he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me. “Do you think what I need makes me proud?” he asked softly. “It’s not a road you want to walk with me, Kat.”

“Dammit, Cole, don’t you dare tell me what I want or don’t want. You don’t have a clue about what I need, and you sure as hell don’t know my boundaries.”

“Maybe not,” he admitted. “But I know my own.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

With a sigh, he cupped my chin, his expression so sad I wanted to weep. “It means that you’re a hard limit for me, blondie. And that’s just the way it is.”


“Fine,” I snapped. “But stay away from me, Cole. Stay away from me and my dad. And while you’re at it, stay out of my life.”

I turned and stormed toward his door. He caught my arm and yanked me back. “I’ll help you with your dad. But not the rest.”

“No. This isn’t a negotiation. I told you what I want. You don’t want to help on my terms, then don’t help. But right now, I want you to get out of my way.”


“Because I already owed you for the employment verification. I’m tired of owing you, Cole. I’m tired of owing you and not being able to pay the way I want to.”

“I’m not tossing your dad to the wolves.”

“Then fuck me,” I said.


“Hard limit? That’s bullshit. Do not tell me what I do and do not want and what I can and cannot have. I’m a grown woman, damn you. I know what I want, what I need. But you’re so goddamned hardheaded.”

I was stalking toward him now, and I was supremely pissed off. So was he. I could see the fire in his eyes. Cole wasn’t defied frequently. I wasn’t sure he quite knew what to do with me.

“How do I convince you that you don’t scare me? This?” I grabbed my shirt by the hem and ripped it up over my head. I tossed it aside. “This?” The bra went next, and as soon as I’d dropped it on the floor I grabbed his hand and tugged so that I was standing right there—right in front of him.

Before he could think or protest, I cupped his hands on my breasts, and as he sucked in air through his teeth, I let go so I could reach down and unbutton my shorts. I tugged the zipper down, shimmied out of the damn things, and then hooked my thumbs in the band of my tiny lace thong.
