Read Books Novel


Ignited (Most Wanted #3)(61)
Author: J. Kenner

Bree hooked her arm through mine as she led the way through the lobby to the elegant bar next to the hotel’s signature restaurant. “Let me guess. Only child?”

“Um, yeah.”

“I’m Cole’s mother’s sister. She had him when she was fifteen, then died about five years later.” I nodded, remembering what Cole had told me about his mother. “I was born about five years after that.” She shrugged. “My mom was really young when she had my sister, and she had complications when she had me.”

“She had a stroke during the birth,” Cole said. “They think that may have contributed to the Alzheimer’s. She had Bree when she was forty-two and a few years later she was pretty much mentally gone.”

“That’s so sad.”

“It is,” Bree said. “And that’s another reason I’m more like Cole’s little sister than his aunt. He pretty much raised me and took care of my mom.”

Cole caught my eye, then took my hand. “I should have told you she was younger, but it didn’t occur to me,” he said, obviously realizing that I’d been thrown a bit off-kilter. “Bree is just Bree, and I didn’t think to explain that she was younger.”

“Explain?” Bree asked, as sat down at one of the tables in the bar.

“Cole was telling me the story of his life last night,” I said.

“Oh, really?” Her brows lifted. “I hope that’s true. Cole keeps too much of that stuff to himself, and there’s no reason to do that.”

“Bree.” The warning note in Cole’s voice was unmistakable, and I couldn’t help but wonder what family secret rattled around in his closet that Bree so fervently believed he should set free. Not Anita. Frankly I doubted that Bree knew that secret. But something else. Something that put that clipped, secretive tone in his voice.

“It’s not a state secret, Cole. And you know that I think it should be out in the open.”

“This isn’t a discussion we’re having. Not right now. Are we clear?”

She rolled her eyes, and I bit back a grin. Secret or not, I liked the dynamic between these two. It was normal and human and a little bit sweet. On impulse, I reached for his hand, then squeezed tight.

He looked at me, his expression mildly surprised. “Sorry. I love her, but she pushes my buttons.”

“She’s sitting right here,” Bree said.

“You two are wonderful,” I said, unable to keep the laughter out of my voice. “I’m so glad to meet you, Bree. Really, I am.”

“See that?” Bree said, aiming a triumphant smile toward Cole. “I knew I’d like this girl.” She cocked her head and looked at Cole. “Don’t mess it up, okay?”

“I’ll try my best,” he said dryly.

“Don’t worry,” I added. “I won’t let him.”

“Good,” Bree said. “Between the two of us, there just might be hope for him yet.”

After two rounds of drinks and several more rounds of conversation about everything and nothing, Cole and I poured Bree into a taxi, then waved her off as the cab disappeared from view.

“I like her,” I said, though I was certain he’d already picked up on that little fact. “She’s great.”

“She is,” he agreed. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you ahead of time that we might get together with her. I wasn’t sure the timing would work out. But Bree’s incredibly important to me. And since you are, too, I really wanted you to meet her.”

“I’m glad,” I said, though the words sounded thick with emotion.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t know how much you mean to me, Kat. It’s hardly a secret that you fill me up.” He held his hand out for me, and I took it, then came willingly when he drew me close. “You’re my future,” he said, “and Bree’s my past. It made sense for you to meet.”

“You’re going to make me cry.”

He brushed his thumb under my eye, wiping away an errant tear that had escaped as if to prove my point.

“Walk with me,” he said, taking my hand as we walked down the sidewalk. “I wanted you to meet her first, but there’s more to the story I told you yesterday. It’s not something I talk about, but Bree’s right. You need to know. No,” he corrected. “I want you to know.”

“All right,” I said, twining my fingers with his as we started to walk down the pristine Beverly Hills street.

“You know about my rages, the impulse-control issues. You know about the crack and my bitch of a mother and how much it all fucked me up for sex.”

“I know what you’ve told me,” I said. “And I still don’t think you’re fucked up. I think you’re you. You’re the man I fell in love with, Cole. And that man is solid.”

There I went, telling him I loved him again. And he still hadn’t said the words back to me. But it didn’t matter. He needed to know how I felt. More than that, I needed him to know. I wanted him to have my love to hold tight around him like a blanket when he told me these horrors. So that he could remember that no matter how bad it had been or might be, I would always be there.

And so what if he hadn’t said the words back to me? Yes, I wanted to hear them out loud, but the truth was that he said them to me every day. Not in words, but in actions. In the way he talked to me. The way he took care of me. The way he treated me.

I thought of the wicked way that he’d fucked me last night. The myriad of ways in which he’d taken his pleasure. The things he’d done to bring me both pain and pleasure. And more than that, I thought of the reason why.

Because he wanted to take me higher. Because he wanted to mark me as his.

Cole August was in love with me whether he admitted it or not. And that simple reality not only made me happy, it made me proud.

“You didn’t know me as a child,” Cole continued. “I was wild. Anything would set me off. It was Bree who taught me control. It was Bree who kept me grounded. Not so much because she did anything—hell, for most of that time, she was just a baby. But it was the fact of her. The fact that there was this little person in my life, and I was responsible for her. Because by that time, my grandmother was broken. She was there—but she’d checked out. I was father and brother and best friend all rolled into one for Bree. And for the longest time, she was my world.”
