Read Books Novel


Ignited (Most Wanted #3)(64)
Author: J. Kenner

“Cole, it’s stunning.”

“I made it with the idea that it would be worn by you. I promise, it will be even more spectacular once it’s around your neck.”

“You made this?” I stroked my finger over the intricate necklace, a bit awed by the detail and time that had gone into it.

“I did. And now,” he said, taking it gently from my hand, “I want to see it on you.”

At his direction, I lifted my hair and turned so that he could fasten it around my neck. There was no mirror in the house yet, so I used the tiny compact I keep in my purse to take a look. Even from that awkward perspective, I could see that the necklace was more than a piece of fine jewelry. It was art. It was a statement.

It was a collar—and it was mine.

More than that, it meant that I was his.

I brushed my fingers over it, trembling a bit as I did because the gift had moved me. “Thank you,” I said softly. “It’s perfect.”

“Wear it tonight,” he said.

“To the party?” I asked, referring to the cocktail party on Evan’s yacht.

“Yes, and then I want you to wear it after.”


“The Firehouse,” he said, the words simple but underscored with heat. “If you still want to go, then I’ll take you tonight.”

Except for the water that surrounded us, the yacht that Evan kept docked at Burnham Harbor—His Girl Friday—might as well have been a luxury condo.

Granted, that was a slight exaggeration, but the truth was that the boat was huge and comfortable and more than capable of hosting this party of thirty to fifty guests, the number being in flux because it was an open-house style function, with friends flitting in and out to get drinks and offer wedding congratulations before heading out for their own exciting night on the town.

Then again, maybe I was projecting. Just because I expected my night with Cole to be exciting—what with the promise of the Firehouse—I could hardly be certain that my fellow partygoers had equally engaging plans.

We’d only been at the party for half an hour, and already I was getting antsy. Unfair, I suppose, considering this cocktail party was in celebration of my best friend’s upcoming wedding, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wanted out of there. I wanted to explore this dungeon. I wanted to know its secrets.

I wanted to understand what Cole wanted and needed.

Most of all, I was just too damn curious.

And the two Cosmopolitans I’d already downed hadn’t chilled me out at all. Instead I had a nice little buzz going. The kind that made me feel just bold enough that—if I wasn’t careful—I’d sidle up to Cole and whisper inappropriate comments in his ear just to see if that got him moving faster.

It was a tempting plan—and one I was seriously considering—

when Flynn caught up to me on deck. “Hey,” I said, throwing my arms around him. “I’ve missed you.” Not that it had been that long, but I was in the house now, and he was still in the apartment. And the truth was that most of my time was spent with Cole, which meant that roommate time got pushed to the wayside.

Unfair, maybe, but thus was the bloom of new love.

“Are you almost all packed up?” I asked. “The lease runs out pretty soon.”

“Yeah, I was going to talk to you about that.”

I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I decided to go ahead and keep the apartment. It’s not that I don’t love rooming with you, but I’d forgotten how much I enjoy having my own place.”

Warning bells started clanging in my head. “Flynn, having your own place isn’t worth—well, you know.”

He shook his head, managing to look both amused and chastised. “I’m not. I swear. But with the new job, I can afford it.”

“New job?”

He cocked his head, eyeing me strangely. “Cole didn’t tell you? I’m managing the main bar at Destiny.”

“Oh.” I realized I was standing there, a little shell-shocked, then pulled him into a hug. “Sorry. I was just—anyway, that’s wonderful,” I finally managed. I meant it, too. Destiny was a great place to work, and I was sure that Flynn would make much better money. What had thrown me for a loop—and still had me reeling—was the fact that I wasn’t as sure about Cole’s motives. And considering he’d neglected to tell me this little tidbit of news, I had a feeling that his motives weren’t entirely pure.

“We had an opening,” Cole said simply when I cornered him a few moments later.

“Uh-huh. And that offer had nothing to do with the fact that you weren’t happy with my roommate situation?”

“Seems like a win-win,” he said to me. “Flynn gets better pay and better benefits. And you,” he added, running his finger over the intricate collar that I wore, “have a house all to yourself. Honestly, the possibilities are endless.”

I tried to maintain my stern expression, but it wasn’t any use.

“Speaking of,” he said, tapping the necklace, “I think you and I should make the circle and say our goodbyes.”

We did, pausing a bit longer when we reached Angie, not just to thank her for the party, but to wait with her while the harbor security escorted away a wiry little man she’d seen sitting on one of the benches along the pier.

“At first I thought he was a guest,” she said. “But then he just sat and sat and stared at the boat. It creeped me out.”

The security guard who escorted the man away called Angie right before we left to tell her that the man was a tourist from Kansas who apparently thought that watching a party on some rich man’s boat was the kind of event that rounded out his bucket list.

“People are strange,” Angie said philosophically, and since I couldn’t argue with that, I didn’t even try.

I was still thinking about that statement when Cole pulled the Range Rover into the valet slot at the Firehouse. He came around and opened the door for me, and I stood there for a moment, just looking up at the nondescript building that hid what I imagined were dozens of fantasies and adventures. The possibilities both intrigued me and made me nervous, and I looked to Cole for support.

He took my hand automatically, but I felt distance, not the support I craved. My stomach twisted unpleasantly, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was about me. If he was afraid that I couldn’t handle whatever went on in there.

“Mr. August,” a pretty young blonde wearing next to nothing said as we entered. “Welcome back.” She smiled at me, then returned her attention to him. “Your usual room?”
