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I'll Be Slaying You

I’ll Be Slaying You (Night Watch #2)(3)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“Give it to me.” She glanced back over her shoulder. “I don’t want to have to explain this shit to all of them right now, not with the last silver shooting still hanging over me.”

Silver shooting? Sounded like an interesting story.

Slowly, he released his hold and she jerked the weapon from him. Kneeling, she shoved the weapon into some kind of custom holster near her ankle.

When she lifted the ragged hem of her jeans, he caught sight of her leg. Nice. Smooth and pale and—

She shot back up, nearly clipping him in the chin. Again.

Simon shook his head. She was so not what he’d been expecting. “You didn’t answer me,” he said and tried to ignore her scent. A heady scent, rich and dark. A woman’s sensual flavor.

She licked her lips. A quick swipe of her tongue that had his c**k jerking.

Definitely not what he’d been expecting, but he wasn’t going to complain. No way.

“Trust me on this, you don’t want to know.” She shuffled back a few steps and tossed him a careless smile. “Thanks for watching my ass tonight, Chase.”

Then she was gone. Turning away and marching through the cops still on scene, and he kept watching that ass. Nice and firm, round enough to hold tight.

Yeah, he kept watching that ass, right until the moment she disappeared around the corner.

He waited a beat. Two.

Then he stalked after her because he wasn’t about to let his prey escape that quickly. There’d be no fun in such an easy exit.

He followed her, giving brief, polite nods to the cops as he made his way past their vehicles.

It only took a moment to realize that Dee wasn’t headed back to the main street. His eyes tracked her. No, the woman wasn’t retreating to the safety of her car. She was snaking through the back alleys, going even deeper into the underbelly of the city.

And she wasn’t even glancing back.

Because she was hunting, too.

What the hell? The woman had almost been shot, shouldn’t she be hesitating a bit? His hands fisted as he followed her. The night closed around him, her, and they both hunted.

The minutes ticked past. Another tight corner. Another alley. He kept her in his sights. His nostrils stung because these streets reeked. Garbage. Shit. Who knew what the hell he was stepping in as he trailed her?

The woman had better be worth this effort. She’d better—

He rounded another turn, one that led him between two thick buildings.

Dee had vanished.

He froze and stared straight ahead.

A soft footfall sounded behind him. Could have been a whisper, could have been—

Simon spun around and came face to face with Dee. She was armed, not with a stake this time, but with her gun, and the lady had it pointed dead center between his eyes.

He probably should have acted scared. Should have mumbled some kind of half-assed apology for following her.

Instead, he just stared at her.

“There a particular reason why you’re tailing me?”

The gun didn’t waver. Those sexy-as-sin lips pressed into a thick line.

“Yeah.” He allowed himself a glance down her body. He’d have to be careful with her. He kept forgetting how small and fragile she was.

Maybe because of the gun. Maybe that was making him forgetful.

She acted tough. But that body—soft curves and sweet, tender flesh.

“Eyes up, ass**le.”

Apparently the lady didn’t like him ogling her br**sts. Fair enough. “You left before I could get your number.”

Her jaw dropped. “What?”

He shrugged. “Your number. I mean, I saved your life. Shouldn’t I at least be able to get your number for that?”

She growled and finally lowered the gun. “Look, buddy—”

“Simon Chase.”

“Whatever. I don’t have time for this shit. I’m not going to screw you because you shoved me into the pavement. And, just so you know, I didn’t need you to save me. Not like it’s my first ball game, okay?”

I’m not going to screw you. Hmmm. “Don’t remember asking for a screw.” Though he wouldn’t refuse one with her. “Just your number.”

She barred her teeth. Pretty teeth. White and straight. Not too sharp, though, but then, she was human.

His tongue scraped across his own teeth. A bit sharper than hers.

“I’m working now, I don’t have time for this—”

“Yeah, you never did answer my question.” Simon cocked his head to the side. “Just what kind of work do you do?”

She holstered the gun. “The kind you wouldn’t understand.”

Doubtful. “Let’s see…you had a wooden stake and you were about ten feet away from a vampire the first time I saw you.” He paused. “I’d say that makes you a hunter.”

Her gaze raked over him. “So what? You know about vampires? Good for you.”

“Oh, I know about vampires.” Too much about them. “I also know about the demons and the charmers and the shifters that are running this city.” He even knew her boss, Jason Pak. Pak was the Night Watch Agency. He’d started the bounty hunting business almost twenty years ago, and Dee was one of his top hunters.

But she didn’t need to know that he’d already researched her.

His hands were loose at his sides now. “I know all about the Other.” The humidity from the hot July night had his shirt sticking against his flesh. “And I stopped being afraid of the monsters in the dark one hell of a long time ago.”

Her lips parted.

“Fucking hunter.” A snarl, high-pitched with fury.


Simon’s stare shot over Dee’s shoulder. The vamp was there, blood dripping down her arm, her fangs bared and her eyes glazed black.

“I’m going to rip your throat open and drain you dry, bitch, I’m going to—”

Dee shifted her stance slightly. Simon’s gaze jerked back to her. “Sure you’re not afraid?” She whispered.

He gave a curt nod.

“I’ll slice your lover open! He’ll beg for death. He’ll—”

Dee spun around. The stake was in her hand. Wow—he hadn’t even seen her grab it and now the wood was in her hand, no—it was in the air. Flying end over end in a deadly arc.

Then sinking into the vampire’s chest.

The vamp gave a muffled scream and dropped to her knees.

“I wanted to take you in alive,” Dee murmured. “But you just couldn’t make this night easy, could you?”
