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I'll Be Slaying You

I’ll Be Slaying You (Night Watch #2)(61)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“No, it’s not the best plan. But it’s all we’ve got now.” Dee’s eyes narrowed on the line of buildings. “How many, Jude?”

His head cocked. “Ten vamps. Two humans, but—” His nose twitched. “Somebody’s dying in there.”

Simon stiffened. Of course, Grim would be having one of his parties.

“Nina?” Dee whispered.

“Who?” Erin asked.

“The Ignitor I told you about,” Zane said, his voice emotionless.

Erin shook her head. “Ignitors make me nervous. Anyone who can burn the flesh from me with just a look…” She shuddered.

Simon tossed her a long, level stare. “Trust me, the vamps in there are a hell of lot scarier than she is.” They could be killing her while they stood outside, shooting the damn shit. He stepped forward and heard Erin’s mocking laugh.

Her claws flashed before his eyes. Wickedly sharp and very, very long. “The day I’m afraid of a vamp is the day, well, hell, it’s the day that’ll never come.”

He could only shake his head. “It’ll come, trust me.”

“No.” She jerked her thumb toward a watchful Dee. “It’s her I trust.”

His eyes narrowed. Did he have to worry about an attack from her, too?

“Who’s hurt, Jude?” Dee demanded, seeming to ignore the byplay.

Jude’s lips thinned. “Human. That’s all I know. So much blood in the air.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to say for certain.”

Dee inhaled deeply. “Yeah, I can smell it.”

So could Simon. A scent that had once repelled him but now slipped inside and tempted him closer. “Let’s go join the party,” Simon muttered. Before the party joined them. Every second they stood out there, they risked exposure.

If they were slipping in, now was the time.

Dee gave a curt nod. “Stay back,” she told the others. “If this goes to hell—”

“Then we’ll be there to pull you out,” Zane finished quietly.

Her eyes shifted, became black to match the darkness. “No, if I die, you get out of here, fast, because, Zane, you might be a badass, but no way can a demon take down a Born. Especially not one who’s been around for so long.”

At least a thousand years. Plenty of time to amass power. A whole freaking army.

One that he hadn’t called to his side. Why not?

“You guys should go now,” Dee said, voice rising a bit. Her hands balled to rest on her hips. “I can feel—there’s really not much time left.”

What? Not much time, she—

Jude’s head jerked. “Shit. They’re coming.”

A faint, sad smile from Dee. “Not they. He.” Her gaze tracked to Simon. “I really thought he’d find us sooner.”

Simon blinked. Grim? The bastard knew—

Jude swore and grabbed his mate’s hand.

“Go,” Dee said again. “Come dawn, this will be over.”

One way or another.

The shifters vanished into the shadows. They had to move fast or the vampires would find them. Then they’d drain all that powerful blood.

Zane held his ground.

“I need you as backup,” she told him, but didn’t look the demon’s way. No, her eyes were on the shadows that crept ever closer. So close now. “Zane, go.”

The demon left. Disappeared into the darkness.

Grim is coming.

Simon gave his head a hard shake. “How does he know—”

Her broken laugh carried on the wind. “Oh, Simon, did you really think he wouldn’t be able to feel you? This close?”

He tested the spell. No, it was still there, still—

“He knows, Simon, and he’s coming.” Calm. He realized he was part of her plan. The lure to draw out Grim.

She stepped toward him and reached for his hand. “This is what we’ve been waiting for. We’ll end this tonight.”

They had the weapons. She had the promised strength. And he wouldn’t turn on her.

A streak of fire lit up the night. “What the hell?”

“Nina!” Dee spun away. “No! She’s here and she’s going after Grim!”

His vampiress ran toward the flames.

And he went after her. Walking into the fire. No, running into it.

As his legs thundered across that barren Texas soil, he felt a brush in his mind, then the soft echo of a voice.

“Welcome home, bastard.”


Zane’s head jerked up when he saw the flash of flames. Oh, shit. Not good.

The human—Nina—she’d get her ass killed.

Maybe that’s what she wanted. To die so she could join her family.

He’d wondered about Dee once. Wondered if she didn’t take the toughest cases because she wanted out, too.

Humans didn’t understand. Getting out was the easy part.

He slid a stake out of his bag. One of Dee’s, of course. A tiger’s roar echoed in the distance and he knew that Jude and Erin were scouting the area, eliminating guards and doing their best to make sure the coming bloodbath didn’t take out the good guys.

Not that any of them were really that good.

He watched the flames a moment. They were racing across the roof of the building on the far left. The building that looked like some old stable.

The fury of an Ignitor. Something to see.

His fingers clenched around the stake.

A scream pierced the air. A long, tortured scream—a cry that was ripped from a woman’s throat.

The flames flickered. Began to die.

Because Nina was dying?

No. Not another death on her hands. Dee raced forward with a fierce burst of speed. Two vamps came out at her, but she knocked them back, swiping her claws over one’s throat and burying a stake in another’s flesh. She missed his heart, but he hit the ground, shrieking loud enough to make a girl think he was dying.

So much for a quiet entry.

But being quiet didn’t really matter now. Grim knew they were out there.

She turned, following the woman’s scream and the thickening scent of blood. A house, ranch-style, waited. Dee didn’t bother with the door. She hurtled through the big picture window, Simon’s curse following her.

Rolling, she jumped to her feet, claws up, ready for anything, ready for—

Death. A woman, with long, dark hair twisted over her face, lay on the bed. The white sheets beneath her were stained red.

More glass shattered behind her as Simon fought his way into the room.

Her gaze searched over the area. The odors of sex and blood were everywhere. But that woman wasn’t Nina.
