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Immortal Hearts

For the next few days, Billy continued to want to know all about the Sterlings, the Mansion, and their family lineage. For years, he had seen me as the outcast rebellious older sister, and now I was suddenly the coolest sister he could have imagined in the world.

"You have to swear not to speak a word of this," I said to him one day after school. Our parents were still at work, and he found this an opportune time to hound me while I was eating a snack in the kitchen.

"I just want to know more ... about vampires," he pressed while I sat at the dinette table picking at some chips. "What will happen?"


"Will Stormy bite me if I see her again?"

"Uh ... no. But I may if you keep bugging me."

"Will Alexander bite you and turn you into a vampire?"

"I hope so."

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

"I know you want to be a vampire," my brother said, leaning in. "But really be one?" he asked. "Really?"

"Yes. What's it to you?"

"You wouldn't dare do it. Not for real."

I rolled my eyes and turned away. "Let me eat," I said.

"You would," he insisted. "You really would?"

I turned back. "Why not? It's what I've always wanted. Wouldn't you be a Jedi Knight if you could?" He looked at me affirmatively.

"Listen, the way I dress and the things I like," I began, "that's me. I'm not going through some phase. This is who I am. Get used to it."

"So you will get turned?" he pressed, wide-eyed.

"I'm not sure it will happen, no. But it would be cool."

"My sister, the vampire," he said.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it now," I said. "I don't think it's happening anytime soon."

"You mean Alexander won't turn you?"

This time I looked at him affirmatively, but not with glee.

I took his once-bony arm that was now getting more muscular. "This secret remains between us. Everything you know and everything I've told you. If you tell..."

"I know... I won't live to see the next sunrise."

He withdrew his arm, and I returned to my chips. He left me in peace as he headed upstairs mulling over a world he'd only imagined existing in folklore, which was now his n wa, aew reality.

A few nights later, Alexander took me and Stormy to the Crypt. We all danced until exhaustion set in. Luna asked to have a bop with Stormy, and Alexander headed to the bar for a drink while I headed to the restroom to freshen my makeup.

On the way, I was stopped by Jagger.

"Having a good time?" he asked.

"Of course. This place is amazing," I said truthfully. I couldn't imagine that I'd lived so long in Dullsville without such a great place to hang out at. No wonder I'd always been so miserable.

"Can I show you something?" he asked.

"What? Me?"

"You've always been so into the Coffin Club and now this club. I'd like to talk to you about something."

"Let me tell Alexander."

"It will only take a moment." He stared at me, his blue and green eyes glistening. My curiosity was piqued and, before I knew it, he had his arm linked in mine.

He unlocked the small door that opened to the Covenant - the private club below the Crypt. He lit a few candles and led me down a staircase.

"Here, sit down," he said, offering me a chair.

"I think I should go back upstairs. Alexander will wonder where I am."

"This will only take a second. Besides, is he your keeper? Or do you make the decisions about your own life?" I wasn't sure what he was driving at, but I didn't like him implying that I was a doormat, either.

Jagger sat down next to me and scooted close. "I want a partner. And the perfect person is you." I wasn't sure what Jagger meant. "Your partner in the club?" I asked. "I thought Sebastian was your partner. Besides, I don't have money to invest."

"You don't need money," he said cryptically.

"To be part owner?" I asked.

"Yes. I have the key, and I will give it to you. I want to have you as part of my team. I want you to help me run the Crypt. You understand vampires better than most vampires do, and the same goes for mortals. And your style is amazing. Your passion and fearlessness are qualities I haven't found before. I could use them -

you - to helpyoa se me."

His proposal was exciting to say the least. I felt like I was Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. The keys to the factory? The ruler of the Magic Kingdom? The Wizard in the Land of Oz?

"I can make decisions?" I asked.


"About the club?"


"And help with future decor?"

"That's what I want."

It sounded like a dream come true. "And I can come here anytime?"

It sounded like a dream come true. "And I can come here anytime?"

"Yes, you'll have your own office."

An office? I marveled. Like my dad had in our home - and the one he had at work? I only had my bedroom underneath my parents' roof. An office at the factory meant I'd have a place of my own, in the coolest place in Dullsville.

"In fact, you can sleep here, too, if you want. I think you'd fit in very well." His words were macabre music to my multipierced ears. I could only imagine how much fun it would be, sleeping in the Crypt. Hanging out all night with Scarlet and Onyx, being by their side. Maybe I could even have my own coffin bed. Jagger seemed to really get me - genuinely understand what I wanted out of life and feel that I was the one who could help him even further with the Crypt. He'd get my morbid mortal expertise, and I'd get a set of keys to the cryptic kingdom.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

"I'm so flattered! I'd love to be a partner!" I said. "For the whole Crypt?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "And for everything else." He placed his hand on mine.

"I don't know what you mean," I said.

He flashed his fangs at me. "Listen, we both want things. And why not marry them together?"

"What?" I was shocked.

"That's right, I'm talking about us."

"Us?" I asked. "There is no 'us.'"

"That's what I'm talking about. There should be an us. Only it should have happened sooner."

"But I love Alexander." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never knew that Jagger felt that way about me, so I was surprised by his romantic suggestion.

"I know you think you do. But what are the Sterlings providing you with?" he asked. "Nothing."

"Alexander - "

He inched in closer. "The Maxwells can give you everything. Immortality. Living the life of a vampire." He drew his hand across my chin and down my neck. It sent tingles along my spine. I wanted to bat it away, but we locked gazes and I felt dizzy.

"Just look into my eyes," he said seductively. His eyes were hypnotic - the green and blue mesmerizing to me. There was a tiny part of me that wanted what he was offering - but I also knew I didn't want it with him. I wasn't sure if I could break his gaze or if I was just under his spell.

"I want this - but with Alexander," I proclaimed with all my might.

"I think you want this life so badly that you want it with me, too. Don't you? Just a little bit?" Jagger was sexy in a dangerous way. If I didn't know Alexander - had never met him - I might have liked Jagger. But loved him? How could I want to trade my mortal life for one with eternal trickery? He was hot, no doubt, and the things he was proposing were what I'd always wanted. However, they didn't come with the one I truly wanted to spend eternity with - Alexander.

Just then the back door to the Covenant opened and Luna stepped in.

"You can have a best friend," she said, "and a handsome vampire mate. And the club of your dreams."

"I already have a best friend," I said weakly. I tried to break his gaze, but all of a sudden I was melting under his spell.

For a moment we were dancing. I was in Jagger's arms. And though I felt woozy, I knew this wasn't a dream I was going to wake up from. He smelled like fire crackling over wood, and I was even more taken in by his scent.

I closed my eyes at last, breaking our gaze. All at once I felt like myself again and opened them. He smiled mischievously, and before he could lock his gaze with mine again, I pushed him away. "I don't want to. Not with you."

"It won't take long," he said. "The covenant altar is just over there. And it will feel so good. I promise." He hopped up on the stage, and I froze.

Jagger was waiting up by the altar. "I'd like you to join me," he said. "You realize this decision is up to you. The keys to the castle. The vampire life. And me -

someone who understands you. And what you've always wanted."

"You don't understand me. If you did, then you'd know I only want Alexander. Not you."

"But he's not offering you what you want. I am. Doesn't that speak volumes to who really cares about you?"

"You don't want me. You just want to get back at him."

"I don't. He and I are at a truce. This is about something different. How I want to go forward with my life. And I know I found the perfect partner for me. So if he isn't going to jump on the chance to have his dream girl - then I'm going to try to have mine. I can't help it if it winds up being the same girl.

"Just think about it, Raven," he continued. "There's no rush. You'll have all you've ever wanted, I can tell. I saw it in you at the Coffin Club and here at the Crypt. You are one of us. I can help make that happen for you. All you have to do is join me." He lifted a goblet and smiled. It wasn't a creepy smile, but more alluring and friendly. Jagger was offering all I had ever wanted - only it was the wrong guy offering it to me.

"Just think for a moment," he said. "This could all be yours."

I would have everything. The Crypt. Sleeping with the undead. Living life in the Underworld. And finally being a vampire, myself. But the most important thing I'd be missing was Alexander. And to be a vampire without him - to be someone else's eternal bride - would be like living someone else's life. Not mine.

"You don't love me," I said.

"But I like you - a whole lot." He licked his fangs. "All you need to do is make the step. I can help you." He came over to me and offered me his hand.

I didn't take it.

"I can run for the door," I said.

"I know, but you haven't, have you? Is that because you really don't want to?"

I wasn't sure. I think I was so surprised by his offer that I hadn't thought about escaping.

"Sit," he said, helping me down on the edge of the stage.

Luna placed two goblets on the coffin, and Jagger took one. "Here," he said, coming over to me. "You are only a sip and one bite away." Jagger held the goblet before me and flashed his fangs.

I only had one option. I rose.

"So you are ready?" he said. "You won't regret this. We will share everything together. You and me." I slid my hand in my purse and pulled out the one item that could save me.

I held my tube of garlic powder like a sword. "I only have to open it," I said. Both of his eyes turned angry red. His fangs flashed again. He would have lunged at me but he knew he couldn't.

Just then the door burst open.

Alexander, Sebastian, and Stormy rushed to the edge of the stage.

"What is going on?" Alexander shouted.

I felt relieved by Alexander's presence. I knew he could help me get out of this situation.

He leaped to the altar and pushed Jagger away. "Get off of her!" he said.

He leaped to the altar and pushed Jagger away. "Get off of her!" he said.

"I was just - " Jagger started.

"You can't explain yourself!" Alexander said. "There is no reason for her to be up here with you!" Scarlet, Trevor, Becky, and Matt rushed into the Covenant.

"What's going on?" Scarlet asked.

Alexander glared at Jagger. "It's a good thing you are immortal. Otherwise you wouldn't survive this moment." Luna raced up to Stormy. "It is not what it looks like - "

"What are you doing to Raven?" Stormy asked. "Are you trying to force her to bond with Jagger? She's going out with Alexander, Luna! How could you?" Stormy rushed over to me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I was so grateful to be in the company of Alexander and Stormy. They led me off the altar and to my awaiting friends. Trevor glared at me, then at Jagger as if he was trying to figure out what was going on.

"I think it's time we tear this thing down!" Sebastian declared.

"I thought we were going to be together," Onyx said to Jagger. He just cracked a fangy smile in return.

Jagger and Luna slipped out a hidden door at the back of the altar wof ustiithout answering.

Alexander had mortals and vampires alike drawn to him, while the Maxwells had them fleeing. It was a sharp contrast in the reactions the three vampires brought out in people.
