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Immortal Hearts

That night at the Crypt, I was anxious to see what information I could get on Jagger's Halloween haunted house plans and how Luna and Romeo's relationship was percolating.

Alexander drove me to the club, and when I entered, the new lovebats were cuddling next to the bar. Luna was stroking Romeo's wavy hair and flashing her butterfly lashes. When he broke away to serve a drink, she blew kisses at him.

I was really impressed with how quickly her affections had turned to Romeo. But I couldn't blame her. He was really cute, and being older made him alluring, too.When Luna caught sight of me, she waved me over. She was sitting at the bar in a tattered black shirt, a coral-colored flirty skirt, and chunky Doc Martens with pink laces.

I was shocked and checked around to make sure I really was the object of her attention. She waved again, as if it were obvious we were old friends; Alexander hung by Sebastian while I headed to the bar.

She spun around on the barstool. "Isn't Romeo dreamy?" Luna stopped and pressed close to me as if she wanted to literally rub her words in my face.

"Uh ... yes," I agreed.

"And he's so mature. Not like these younger guys." I knew who she meant and who that comment was directed toward: Alexander. Funny, these younger guys had been fine with her before as she tried to date most of them.

"Well, I think some guys here are really mature," I said defensively.

She didn't have time for my response and threw her long pink locks behind her. "Romeo loves so many things," she explained. "And I'm one of them!"

"That's great." I was really excited for Luna; after all, I was the one who set her up with Romeo, so naturally I wanted them to hit it off. But Luna Seshad a way of turning everything good into something adversarial. Instead of letting me find joy in her newfound happiness, she was tormenting me.

Luna twirled a piece of her Barbie-pink hair around her snow-white fingers. "He said he always liked me but thought I was younger than I am. I think it's because of my smooth skin."

"Yes, that's probably it." I did my best not to roll my eyes.

"And he knows what he wants out of life. He isn't floundering around like the guys in this town - freaking out at commitments. Romeo is mature - he's not a total commitment-phobe, unlike some people around here."

I did my best not to yank her off the barstool.

"I'm so happy you finally found someone," I said like a thrilled parent.

Luna stopped twirling her hair. Her smile stiffened, and I knew she didn't like my crack.

"Well, I'll have you know, we talked all last night about our future - that is, when we weren't making out. Romeo wants to take me downstairs to the covenant altar, bite me, and bond our lives together for eternity. Isn't that dreamy?" She batted her eyelashes purposefully.

My heart dropped. How could they make that decision so quickly? It had only been a few days - nights, in their case. Or was this one of Luna's lies to get me jealous? Or even worse, was this another Maxwell ploy, like it had been with Sebastian, to be bonded without his knowledge? I assumed that Romeo had heard by now that the downstairs club was built right over a Civil War burial site. I wasn't sure if this idea was something real or something Luna made up to spite me.

Instead of being mad, I decided to try the opposite approach.

"I'm the one that fixed you up, remember? I'm so happy that you found love so quickly."

"Oh yeah. That's right," she said as if she was disappointed it had been me who was the one who had found her true-love-for-the-moment. Her scowl brightened, and she gushed like a bride. "Then I have you to thank," she said. "You can be my bridesmaid!" She gave me a fake girlie hug - the kind that the popular girls at Dullsville High give when they greet each other at their lockers, then talk behind one another's backs.

The last thing I wanted was for Luna to beat me to the covenant altar. In Romania, fine. But here in Dullsville? I was first in line. And to be her bridesmaid?

Forget it. I wasn't even going to attend!

The Maxwell twins were known for their tricks. It wasn't too long ago that Jagger and Luna tried to trick Sebastian into bonding with her for eternity. Was Romeo the next ong ll the nee to be taken to the sacred altar unknowingly? That wasn't part of my plan when I had arranged for them to date.

"Does he even know he's the groom?" I charged. "You do have a history of leaving important information out when taking your boyfriends to a covenant altar.

Like the fact that it's on sacred ground."

"He knows. Romeo knows all about the Crypt. And about the burial sites below the Covenant. It was his idea to be bonded, not mine," she said, triumphantly flipping her nose at me. "Can you say the same about your boyfriend?"

Her words stung me. Always giving me a jab about Alexander and my relationship. And she was diverting me from the task at hand.

If Romeo really did want to be with Luna, perhaps it was a good thing. The more she knew that it made me jealous, the faster she'd be to get hitched. Maybe I was thinking about this in the wrong way. The sooner Luna was locked and loaded to some guy, the sooner I could breathe easy that she wouldn't be so stuck on Alexander. So what was there not to like about this plan?

"Sure," I said. "You should do it soon! Before he gets away. You name the time, and we'll go shopping for dresses."


"And even though you just met him, you'll have all of eternity to find out if you guys made the right decision so quickly." Just then, I spotted Jagger coming up from downstairs. "Let's go talk to your brother about the good news," I continued. "We'll make a huge affair for you. We can invite the whole town."

Suddenly Luna's waxlike face flushed cherry red, and her pink lips tensed. She wanted me to be mopey and in a jealous frenzy about her fast-moving relationship and obviously didn't like my enthusiasm.

"I'm not so sure..." she said, her bright tone darkening.

"Yeah, this will be great," I went on. "Alexander can be one of Romeo's groomsmen!" That image hit her hard. Alexander standing on the altar with her but not being the one she was bonding with for eternity. I thought she might explode.

"What?" she said. "Are you nuts? We just started dating!" She hopped off the stool and glared her baby-blue eyes at me. "Gosh, you are so immature!" She threw her hair back again and left me standing alone by the empty stool.

I spun the stool around in victory. I guess I didn't have to worry about Luna's covenant plans for now. I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything with her was tied up for a while into a nice pink-and-black-skull bow, and I could go back to normal - whatever "normal" meant.

up for a while into a nice pink-and-black-skull bow, and I could go back to normal - whatever "normal" meant.

I was starting to leave to join Scarlet and Onyx when someone grabbed my shirtsleeve. I turned back to find Luna suddenly by my side.

"By the way," she said, "I can't wait until Stormy comes here. It's as if the puzzle will be completed. She's like family to me, you know." My heart dropped. Like family to Luna? They were close - that close?

"Uh ... you know Stormy?"

"Know her? I practically raised her. I was her babysitter," Luna exclaimed as if I should have known. "We are like sisters. I guess you couldn't know," she continued. "You haven't even met her."

Now my lips were tensing. How did Luna even know Stormy was coming to town? And why was she so excited?

"She's coming to visit Alexander," I said emphatically.

"I know," she said, almost squealing. "I can't wait!"

This was something I hadn't even imagined. I knew Alexander had been in an arranged covenant with Luna - which he rejected - but I wasn't aware of Luna's history with Alexander's sister.

"I thought you were mortal then," I said. "Wouldn't it be hard to sit for her when she's up all night and you're not?" I was hoping she was lying.

"It was. But I'd stay up all night with her until the Sterlings got home. I was her favorite sitter. I can't wait to see her again!" Jealousy seared through me, this time in a big way. Not only did Luna know about a sister that Alexander had who I'd only recently learned about - but she had already had a relationship with her. I could only wonder what Luna was like as a babysitter. She had to be the coolest one ever. Making Count Chocula treats, telling ghost stories instead of bedtime stores, and sliding down banisters like witches on broomsticks.

Not like my sitters, who mostly never returned after one night of playing with the shaven-head dolls in my Barbie Nightmare House and cooking spider-shaped cakes in my Easy-Bake Oven.

Luna had everything I wanted - except Alexander - and though he was the one thing that mattered most to me, she still wound up getting under my temporary-tattooed, bone-white skin.

"She gets in soon," she went on. "I can't wait to have her here at the Crypt. She'll die when she sees it!" Then she let go of my sleeve. Luna whirled away from me, and I could hear her laughing as she slipped behind the bar and cozied up with Romeo.

Luna was evil. I wanted to be the one to bring Stormy to the Crypt, and Luna already had plans for that. How could I compete with her? I normally wasn't jealous of others - there wasn't much that I desired from people in Dullsville. But Luna had it all, and even though I had one thing she wanted - Alexander - she somehow managed to make her life's mission to see to it that I was the loser. And if I let her, she would do just that.

"Where have you been?" Scarlet asked when I caught up to the girls.

"Talking to Luna," I answered through gritted teeth. I couldn't hide my frustration.

"What about?" Becky asked. "You seem tense."

"Yes, are you okay?" Onyx asked sweetly.

"Just about Romeo," I said. "She's all into him, which is great. Hopefully this is for real this time." Becky received this news with a smile. But then she asked, "So why do you look angry? This is what we wanted."

"I know," I said. "But she just likes to throw all her relationships in my face. It gets old."

"Well, you have the one she really wants," Scarlet said. "So don't give her another thought." I was comforted by my friend's reassurance, but I still was bugged about Luna having such a strong relationship with Stormy before I'd even gotten the chance to meet her. When I saw Trevor walk into the club, another foe's taunts flashed before me.

"Did you hear that Jagger is planning on having a Halloween bash?" I asked them suddenly.

"No," Scarlet replied. She put her hands on her hips as if she, too, was surprised to have not been involved in the business-minded Maxwells' plans.

But Onyx didn't answer.

"You know something?" Scarlet asked her friend.

"Well..." Onyx responded softly.

"Spill it," Scarlet ordered.

"I think he's going to turn the Crypt into a haunted house for Halloween."

"That's awesome!" I said.

"I can't wait!" Becky said.

"That will be the greatest, ever," I added.

"I overheard him talking," Onyx said. "He's still working on the plans."

"But why didn't he tell us?" Scarlet said. "What's the big secret?" Just then Sebastian approached us, his blond dreadlocks bouncing with every step.

"Can I have this dance?" he said to Onyx, like a gentleman.

Scarlet, Becky, and I were surprised by Sebastian's invitation. He knew Onyx was smitten with Jagger, but since Sebastian had been tricked by the Maxwells, I assumed he didn't care.

No one was more surprised than Onyx. "I was waiting for..." she began.

"Go ahead," Scarlet said, gently pushing her toward him. "It's time you branch out." Onyx reluctantly obliged, and she and Sebastian rocked together in the middle of the dance floor.

"If Jagger keeps holding secrets from us," Scarlet said, "then it's time for us to find a new Jagger." My blood was boiling when I finally found Alexander by the bar.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Where is that beautiful smile?"

I tried focusing my energy on Alexander, but I couldn't help but think of the Maxwells and how they got on my nerves.

"Well, Jagger is going to have a haunted house and he told Trevor and not us, and Luna is going to bring Stormy here before I can."

"Whoa. Slow down," Alexander said. His calming tone melted me, but I was still frazzled. "What about Jagger?"

"For Halloween, he is going to have a haunted house here at the Crypt. I found out from the girls at the club. And Trevor knew something was up before we did. He told me Jagger was going to have a 'spectacular event' for Halloween."



"Oh." Alexander looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing..." But his voice was shallow and distant.

"Please tell me."

"I don't know.... It's just annoying that he'e ag that s the one that gets to see you all day when it should be me."

"Believe me, you are the only one I've ever wanted to see," I tried to reassure him.

"I know. But it's one of the things I miss by being a vampire."

"I know. But it's one of the things I miss by being a vampire."

I felt for him. Alexander experienced the same longing I did for him by not being able to completely share our worlds.

"I hate it, too. I wish you could be by my side at school. Hang out by our lockers. Sneak off for a kiss. But then again, you wouldn't be you." I gave him a soft smile.

"So, Trevor knows first," Alexander said. "Is that really a big deal?"

"Yes," I insisted. I wanted to be the first to have any new Crypt information, and I thought we deserved to be in Jagger's inner circle. "We hang out here all the time. We should know everything. And that means Jagger is still keeping secrets from us. What else does he have planned?"

"But a haunted house isn't something that we need to know about," he said in Jagger's defense.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," he went on, pushing his dark locks away from his face. "It's his right, really. If he wants us to know, he can tell. If not, no big deal. It's just a haunted house."

Just a haunted house? I thought. This was a haunted house dreamed up by a living, breathing vampire. And not being in on the idea from the beginning made the news really sting, especially when Trevor knew before me.

"Now what's this about Luna and Stormy?" Alexander went on.

"Luna is shoving it in my face that she and Stormy are like sisters. And I haven't even met her." I folded my arms like a child.

"Stormy's not here yet," Alexander said. "Why are you worrying about this now?"

"Luna seems to think she gets to bring Stormy to the Crypt, not us. Not me."

I felt like I was in first grade. I was getting all wound up over something Luna might or might not do. But just the thought and her goading me was enough to make steam rise from my multipierced ears.

"How about this?" Alexander said. "Stormy's my sister, and I'll bring her here. And since you are my girlfriend, you'll be coming with us. Luna will see her in due time. I want you and Stormy to get a chance to hang out. And I know Stormy will want that as well."

"Thank you!" I flung my arms around Alexander. I wanted to be a part of his family, and I didn't want anyone to come between us - especially someone as wicked as Luna Maxwell.

For the rest of the night I was buzzing. When I wasn't dancing with Alexander, I was hanging with Becky and my vampire ghoul friends. It was interesting to see Luna and Romeo together, whether it was for spite or if she truly found him irresistible. Sebastian seemed to be in heaven dancing with Onyx, and I was happy to find him having such a good time.

Jagger finally came up from his office downstairs and noticed Sebastian and Onyx on the dance floor together. His ashen face flushed as blood-red as the dyed tips of his white hair. Jagger immediately stormed over to Sebastian and wedged himself between the two.

"What's up, dude?" Sebastian asked, surprised.

"Can't find your own date, dude?" Jagger charged.

Sebastian wasn't deterred. He wasn't a menacing figure, but he wasn't one to be pushed around, either.

"Yes I can, and she's right here," he replied, continuing to dance.

"I can have you removed from the club," Jagger said, snapping his black-fingernailed fingers, "like that." The tension was mounting, and I worried it was going to break out into a fight.

Scarlet must have overheard the commotion because she bravely stepped in.

"I think Onyx can choose for herself," she said to Jagger defiantly.

Onyx looked at all of us and got flustered. For a moment she stood speechless, then fled the dance floor.

Scarlet hurried after her. Alexander came to Sebastian's side and pulled him away from Jagger and off toward the bar, diffusing the tension between the two vampires.

Jagger put his hands on his hips, shook his head, then disappeared the other way. I grabbed Becky and we found Scarlet and Onyx talking in the restroom.

"I'm not sure what to do," Onyx said, patting her face with a paper towel. "I really like Jagger." There was only one mirror on the wall for the mortal attendees. The vampire girls were standing on the other side of the room so as not to raise suspicions about any absent reflections.

"But I think Sebastian is cool, too. I love his dreadlocks," Onyx continued, "and he is so laid back and kind where Jagger seems..."

"Dangerous?" I prompted.

"Yes." Onyx turned to me, surprised by my answer.

"He is," I said. But wasn't that why Jagger was appealing? He did ooze sex appeal and power, and that tinge of danger was just the right kind of edginess that made him attractive.

"But Sebastian is so fun," Onyx went on. "He's really sweet, and I like that he loves to just hang out."

"Yes, Matt is really laid back, too," Becky said. "That makes it really nice."

I thought about Alexander, who was so exciting to be with, too, no matter what we did.

"Well, I love the danger," Scarlet chimed in. "Trevor seems so clean cut, but he does have this dark edge. He's so conservative, but it's really like he should be wearing chains and studded earrings."

"So you like his dark side?" Becky asked. "I don't like that side of him."

But I knew what Scarlet was referring to. She found the side of Trevor that was conniving and menacing attractive.

"Yes," Scarlet wailed. "And that he is mega-hot!" They all giggled, but I rolled my eyes.

"That's why I'm confused," Onyx said. "I like that Sebastian is spontaneous, but I also like that Jagger is so headstrong and focused on his clubs. It's really sexy."

"Matt is passionate about soccer. It is really cool to date someone who has a passion. I can see why you like that in Jagger," Becky said.

Alexander was passionate about his art. It was one of the traits that made him so alluring. I agreed that their interests did make our guys that much more dreamy.

"Well, Trevor is passionate, too." Scarlet paused and looked to me. I wasn't sure what she was going to say next, but I sensed she was referring to me. "Soccer, too," she eventually said. "Trevor has so many layers to him."

Yes, I thought. You peel back the layers of a jerk and find a bigger jerk.

Everything just felt right with Alexander. I could make a list of the things I liked about him, but there was something deeper to it that I couldn't quite put into words but that let me know he was the one. Our relationship just felt like heaven.

"You don't have to make a decision this minute," Scarlet said. "For now, we'll dance together."

"Yes, let them fight for you," Becky said like an old pro in the romantic game. "It canon.e. "I be very exciting." d
