Read Books Novel

Immortal Hearts

I waited impatiently in my family room in anticipation of Alexander picking me up. He was taking Stormy to visit the Crypt, and he wanted the three of us to go together. I knew Luna would be at the club and that Stormy was looking forward to seeing her. I had hoped for a little more time for Stormy and me to bond before she reunited with Luna, but I was excited that I was going to be with Alexander to show her the club. When the doorbell rang, I raced to the door. I got a few heavenly smooches in before Alexander led me to the Mercedes. When we reached the car, Stormy was sitting in the front seat. Alexander shot her a look and gestured for her to hop in the back. Billy Boy and I F

"No," Alexander said. "Stormy will sit in the back."

I heard a large "humph!" from her. I was okay with riding in the backseat. After all, she wasn't Billy Boy, and it really had been more about our sibling power struggle than about looking out the front window.

Stormy started to open her door, but I jumped into the backseat.

"It's okay," I said. "I like it back here. I feel like I'm being chauffeured."

Stormy shrugged her shoulders as Alexander sneered at her.

"All right," he said, changing his mood. "Off to the Crypt."

"I can't wait to see it," Stormy said. "I've never been to a club before. So will there be boys my age there?" she asked.

"Uh ... not usually," Alexander said.

"Who am I going to dance with?" she asked.

"We'll all dance together," I offered.

"Oh..." She was audibly disappointed, and her voice trailed off as she gazed out the window.

Alexander turned into the gravel lot, and Stormy was amazed by the size of the factory. "This is the club?" she asked.

"Part of it is," Alexander said.

"What's in the other parts?" she said, wondering.

"Jagger's office," Alexander said, parking. "Their sleeping quarters. A covenant altar."

"They have a covenant altar in this place?"

"Yes," Alexander said. "Jagger doesn't leave anything out."

"Wow - this is so fabulous!" she exclaimed, hopping from the car.

"I thought you might like it," he said as we got out and joined her. "You could be the youngest one there."

"So Luna and Jagger sleep here?" she asked as she looked up at the huge abandoned factory. Large windows were missing and, from the alley, one could see discarded boxes filling some of the rooms.

"Yes," Alexander replied.

"The Maxwells don't have an apartment?" she asked.

"I think they feel this is their apartment."

"I want to sleep here, too!"

We waited at the end of a small line that had formed. When we reached the entrance, the burly security guard looked us over and took a moment when he saw Stormy.

"Is this your sister?" he asked me.

"No. She's his sister."

"I would have sworn you two were sisters," he said, gesturing to Stormy and me. "The same hair, the same style." I was flattered, but I wasn't sure if Stormy felt the same. I glanced over to catch her expression, and she had a huge grin on her face. I was hoping she wasn't just being polite.

We stepped into the club, and Stormy was entranced by her new environment.

"This is stellar!"

Among the crowd of clubsters, it was obvious that Stormy was the youngest one in attendance. I was proud to be in the company of Alexander and his sister. It felt so amazing to be walking into a fabulously morbid dance club in Dullsville in the company of my vampire boyfriend and his younger vampire sibling. It wasn't something I'd ever imagined happening - and here I was doing it.

"Look at all the tombstones," she said, pointing to the walls. "I feel so at home." That was exactly how I felt. It was like I was standing next to a younger version of myself.

"Where's Luna?" Stormy asked. "I want to see her."

"We have plenty of time to run into her," Alexander answered. "Raven and I will show you around."

"Yes, look over here," I said to Stormy. I led her to the coffins Jagger had in the corner of the club. Several clubsters were lying inside and mugging for their friends.

"Aren't these awesome?" I asked enthusiastically.

As soon as I said that, I realized how mundane these were to her. For the mortals in Dullsville, this was freaky and fun. But Stormy always slept in a coffin. It was like someone being excited to show me beds at a mattress factory. And on top of that, she couldn't even be photographed. I'd missed the mark on two vampire poin K valigts.

"Uh ... cute," she said politely.

I rolled my eyes at myself and led her back to Alexander.

"Did you find Luna?" she asked.

"No," Alexander answered. "She's not that fond of me, you know."

I was surprised how clueless Alexander was about Luna. And I was surprised she wasn't draping herself all over him the moment I left him unattended. I thought she might be hanging out by the bar with Romeo, so I guided us away from that area to give us more of a chance to be together.

Just then I spotted Scarlet and Becky talking at the edge of the dance floor.

"Where are your better halves?" I asked.

"Practice," Scarlet said, obviously bummed.

"Aren't they always practicing?" I whined.

"Aren't they always practicing?" I whined.

"Yes," Becky replied. "That's why they are so good."

"Is this Stormy?" Scarlet asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" I wondered.

"Luna mentioned she was coming tonight. I'm Scarlet," she said, turning to the younger Sterling.

"Pleased to meet you," Stormy said, extending her hand, which Scarlet shook.

"Wow, she's so cute and polite," Scarlet said.

Alexander beamed proudly.

"And I'm Becky," Becky said, extending her hand to Alexander's sister.

"Becky has been my best friend since third grade," I said to Stormy as the two shook hands.

Stormy eyed us both as if she didn't believe me. I guessed it might seem weird to a stranger, since Becky and I were polar opposites in appearance.

"Why don't we all dance?" Scarlet asked.

Just then Sebastian found us. "Hey, girl!" he said, and swooped Stormy up in his arms. Even though she clearly wanted to be treated like an adult, Sebastian grabbed her like she was a child, and she shrieked in his embrace as if she was one.

nt size?"How are you?" he asked, setting her down.

"I'm fabulous," she said.

"Still have those braces?" he teased.

"Yes, but I'll be getting them off soon."

"I think I like them on you. Those purple and black bands are sexy!"

Stormy giggled with delight.

Jagger spotted us from the bar and gave a polite wave to Stormy.

Stormy didn't know how to respond. She hung next to Alexander and Sebastian as he headed over to us.

"It's okay," Alexander said. "Remember, our feud is over."

"I don't trust him," she said with a whisper. "I never have."

"So we have a guest here?" Jagger said, his green and blue eyes shining down at her.

"Yes, Stormy came to visit me," Alexander said.

"And one of her first stops was this club?" Jagger asked, pleased.

Alexander reluctantly nodded his head.

"She came to dance with me," Sebastian said.

Jagger shot him a glare but turned his attention back to Stormy. "Well then, you've come to the right place. What do you think of it?"

"I love it!" she said genuinely.

Jagger beamed with pride. "I thought this town needed something like this to give it some life."

"Well, it sure has," I chimed in. "You are doing so well here."

"I'm glad you think so," he said. "And I'm hoping the club will get even better." He eyed me with a lingering stare. It made me slightly anxious; I wasn't sure what he meant by the comment.

"Is Luna here?" Stormy asked Jagger.

"Yes, she's buzzing about here somewhere. I know she was looking forward to seeing you."

"I can't wait to see her," Stormy said eagerly.

"I saw he a few minutes ago. I think she was talking to Romeo. They are quite the item, you know," he said specifically to Sebastian.

Sebastian glared at Jagger, who slipped into the crowd. Then Sebastian turned to Stormy. "So am I going to get that dance?" he asked, offering his hand.

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Hey - " Scarlet said. "We asked her first."

"Fine, why don't we all dance?" Sebastian winked at Onyx, who couldn't help but smile.

"That sounds like fun," Stormy said. Just as they started for the dance floor, I saw pink hair bobbing our way. Within a few moments, she broke through the crowd and there stood Luna in all her glory.

"Stormy Girl!" Luna called, her twiggy arms outstretched.

"Luna!" Stormy ran to her like I'd wished she'd run to me when I first met her. Luna picked up the young Sterling and swung her around. They giggled and squealed exuberantly. Their embrace was that of best friends reuniting after years of separation.

Luna fiddled with Stormy's hair and bracelets as the two girls talked.

I tried not to sulk openly, but Alexander must have sensed my awkward feelings.

"It's okay," he said, patting me on the shoulder. "They've known each other for years."

"I know...." I said. Normally I didn't care what people thought of me, but Stormy was different. I really hoped for a friendly relationship with Alexander's sister.

Luna took Stormy by the wrist and led her out onto the dance floor, leaving Scarlet, Becky, and me on the sidelines.

"Pure evil," Scarlet mumbled.

"Yes," Becky said. "Luna acted as if we weren't even here."

"I ought to pummel her," Scarlet snarled.

"It's okay," I said. I didn't want to start trouble, and I really wanted Stormy to have fun while she was in town. And if that meant being with Luna rather than being with us, I had to be the bigger person and accept that.

Stormy and Luna bopped up and down like firecrackers. Alexander's sister was having a great time. And though I'd wished she was having it with me, I was pleased that she was enjoying her visit, regardless.

"How's it going so far?" Becky asked.

"I think really well."

"I knew you'd hit it off," she said supportively.

I pulled Becky aside while Scarlet went to find Onyx. "But there's this whole Luna thing."

"Yes, I see."

"It's like Luna is trying to take her away - to show me that she is a better friend to her than I can ever be. Like she wants to throw it in my face that she and Alexander's little sister are BFFs or something."

"That's Luna," Becky said resignedly. "She's always sticking it to you."

"I know. But this time she's right."

"So, Luna knew her first. What's the big deal?"

"I think Stormy wanted Alexander to..." I began but then stopped. I realized I hadn't told Becky the real story about Alexander and Luna's history. "Uh ...

never mind."

never mind."

"No, tell me. Is it about them being vampires?"


"Then I have to know! Tell me."

"Okay... The Maxwells and the Sterlings had an agreement that Luna and Alexander would have a covenant ceremony. Kind of like an arranged marriage, only a covenant ceremony bonds two together for eternity."

"Wow - that's a long time."

"Yes, and Luna wasn't even a vampire then. So when he'd bite her she'd turn into a vampire and they'd be together forever."

"Like you want?"


"So, did he do it?"

"No. Thank goodness."

Becky smiled.

"Alexander didn't love her. And he didn't want to turn someone he didn't love."

"Aww, he was waiting for you," Becky said.

"But he hadn't met me yet."

"You think I'm the one?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course," Becky said, smiling.

I loved being reassured that Alexander might think of me in that way, even though he had told me so himself. But since he hadn't turned me yet, I liked knowing that it could possibly happen in the future.

But I still wondered if Alexander were to turn me, when would it be? How long would I have to wait? I wondered if I'd be an old lady and he'd still be youthful looking. Did Alexander even think about a time for us to take that plunge together?

"So tell me more," Becky said, breaking me out of my trance. "I'm dying to know all the juicy details!"

"Oh yeah. There was a big feud between the families when Alexander refused to have the covenant ceremony with Luna, and that's when Alexander left Romania to come here to Dullsville to live in his grandmother's mansion."

"Wow - that sounds really hard. Having to leave your family and come to a foreign country and live alone." Her voice was filled with concern, as if she was imagining that as her own fate. "And all of that, just to get away from Luna and Jagger?"

"Yes. Only the Maxwells followed him. Jagger was seeking revenge for his family's humiliation." Becky's eyes grew wide. "Wow. That's why they came here?"


She paused, really thinking the change of events through. "Wait, you said Alexander didn't turn Luna. But isn't she a vampire now? How did that happen?"

"Yes, someone else turned her. But she still wants to be bonded with someone - Alexander, really - and that's why she tried with Sebastian. So she could be close to Alexander. But now I'm hoping she'll fall in love with Romeo."

"I didn't know any of this. I wish you'd have told me sooner."

"I just couldn't. Not until you knew about Alexander. About him being a..."

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry - but what about Luna now?"

"I don't think she got over it - or him. And how can I blame her?"

"It is hard. You feel compassion for her - but yet you want Alexander for yourself."

"And now I'm learning that Stor Kingr Kingrmy felt spurned, too. She wanted Alexander to fall in love with her babysitter, Luna. Only he didn't."

"He fell in love with you."

I patted my friend's arm as a thank-you.

"But don't feel guilty," she told me. "You are way cooler than Luna."

"Aww, thanks," I said. "But I don't think Stormy sees it that way."

"Well, she will."

I glanced over at the pink- and black-haired girls dancing as if no one else was in the club. They seemed to be having so much fun, I wasn't sure how I'd be able to fit into the mix.

"Alexander said we'd spend some girl-time together," I went on. "Just Stormy and me. I'm looking forward to getting to know her one-on-one."

"Well, just relax," she said. "Alexander is the one you really want to like you. And by the looks of it, I know he feels he's made the right decision." I turned and caught Alexander staring at me. He must have been watching me while I talked to Becky. I ran over to him and squeezed him with all my might. If he hadn't followed his heart that night in Romania, I'd never have mine filled with love the way I did today.

Alexander handed me a soda, and eventually Stormy joined us. She was hot and sticky, her bangs stuck to her forehead, her charcoal eyeliner bleeding.

Alexander flagged Romeo, and he handed Alexander a drink. The liquid was red, so I assumed it was blood. Alexander gave the drink to his sister and she quickly gulped in down.

"Can I sleep here after sunrise?" she asked. "Luna asked me to."

"Yes, she can sleep with us," Luna said excitedly. She stood behind Stormy and wrapped her lithe arms around her shoulders. "It'll be a blast." I turned to Alexander.

"Please?" Stormy whined.

"But you just got here," Alexander said. "You don't want to hang out with me?"

"Of course I do. But I haven't seen Luna in forever. It's just one sleepover."

"Well..." Alexander began, thinking.

"I'll take good care of her," Luna insisted.

"She babysat me for a million years," Stormy said. "It'll only be this one time." Alexander looked to me for an answer. I wasn't going to be the one to say no.

"Please, Alexander?" Stormy asked.

"Well ... all right," he said.

All right? I thought. Just like that? Becky and I would have felt we needed to observe the girl the whole time. But Alexander was a guy and since he knew she'd be okay, he just wanted her to be happy.

"I will pick you up tomorrow just after sunset," he said. "Not a minute later."

"Thank you!" She gave Alexander a hug and me a friendly wave. Luna shot me a devilish smile and a glance that meant she had won.

I sidled up close to Luna. "Stormy might know you longer than she knows me, but I'm the one going home with Alexander," I whispered to the Maxwell twin, and headed for the exit. When Alexander and I were outside the club, I stopped and turned to him. "Why did you let her stay?"

"This will give us a chance to have some time together," he said. He pulled me in to him, and his deep, dark eyes stared into mine. "I haven't been able to kiss

"This will give us a chance to have some time together," he said. He pulled me in to him, and his deep, dark eyes stared into mine. "I haven't been able to kiss you properly in nights."

Then he leaned in and kissed me with such tenderness and passion that I forgot all about the Maxwell and Sterling siblings.
