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Imperfectly (Dante’s Nine MC #2)(25)
Author: Colleen Masters

“You’d never be able to tell if I was faking or not,” I grin, reveling in the feel of his hand against my skin.

“Trust me,” he says, his voice raspy and rich, “If there’s one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it’s how to get a woman off.”

“So you say,” I shrug, as we pass by a ramshackle RV. I’m baiting him mercilessly, and it’s almost too much fun. Getting back at him for making me wait to get laid, I suppose.

“That sounds like a challenge,” he says, grabbing my hips and guiding me up against the cool wall of the RV.

“That’s because it is one, darling,” I reply, cocking my head playfully.

He places his hands above my shoulders, penning me there before him. His golden eyes are absolutely roiling with desire, and I can practically feel him getting even hotter for me by the second. Knowing that I can turn Leo on makes me feel like a total badass. It’s powerful, this kind of hold I have on him. I would have expected to feel less in control with someone as strong and ruthless as him. But instead, I feel like his mightiness makes me mightier, too.

“You don’t fuck with me, I fuck with you,” he growls.

“I am fucking with you,” I say, bringing my hands to his crotch, “And it looks like I’m close…”

He closes his eyes as I stroke along the length of his cock. I marvel at the enormity of him, the pulsing power between his legs. And we’re not even in the heat of the moment, yet. How massive is he when he’s really revved up? I need to know. I need to feel what it’s like to take all of this man inside me.

Leo catches my wrists in one strong paw and pins my arms up over my head. I arch my back, raising my breasts to him, tempting him with everything I’ve got.

“Two can play at this game,” he growls.

I gasp as his hand trails up my thigh. He lets his fingers brush against that place between my legs, and I know at once that I’m a goner. I get wet in a heartbeat as he teases me, running his fingers along my sensitive sex. My head falls back against the RV as I feel his fingers trace the waist of my jeans, tucking beneath the tight fabric.

“God yes,” I moan.

“You like that?” he asks, sliding his hand down the front of my jeans. His breath is hot, his eyes ferocious, and his hands searching.

“I want to feel you,” I plead, “Let me—”

“Feel me what? Slip my fingers inside of you?” he goes on, advancing by mere millimeters toward my sex, “Roll them over your clit? Flick you? Rub you?”

“Everything,” I breathe, “I want to feel everything with you—”

“And I want you to,” he whispers, “But not. Yet.” And with that, he steps away.

“Ugh!” I cry, staring after him as he turns and walks away from me, “What are you, made of stone?”

“Something like that,” he says with a wicked wink, “Tour’s over, baby. You’re free to go, for now.”

“Seriously?” I ask, “That’s it?”

“That’s it,” he says.

“So I’ll just…see you tomorrow then?” I go on.

“You know it,” he says, “Go home and get a good night’s sleep. And think about me while you’re taking care of yourself.”

“You’re terrible,” I tell him.

“I know,” he replies, crossing his thick arms.

“Oh shit,” I say, remembering suddenly, “Matthew drove me here on his bike. My car’s back where we left it.”

“Nice move,” he says sarcastically, “You gonna walk back to the border?”

“Guess I could call a cab or something,” I say uncertainly, “Or drive that RV over there, if it comes to it.”

“Don’t be dumb, I’ll take you,” he says, “Let’s go. I gotta be back in time for church.”

“It’s kinda far,” I tell him, hurrying to keep up as he strides away, “You really don’t have to do that—”

“I don’t mind a good ride,” he says, “What’s the matter? You afraid to get on the back of my bike?”

“That’s not—I don’t—” I stammer.

“Kelly, babe, you’re breaking my heart,” he says dramatically, “Here I thought we’d grown so close.”

“Do you ever just say what you mean?” I ask.

“You’ll see,” he replies, “So, come on. You gonna let me give you a lift?”

All I want is to hop on Leo’s bike and spend hours upon hours clutching those hard abs of his. I picture us whipping down desert roads, my curls flying out behind me. My arms wrapped tightly around him, memorizing the feel of his muscles. Sounds like heaven. Or a country song. Or both. But he doesn’t have to know that, now does he?

“Fine,” I sigh, “We’ll do it your way.”

Leo and I make our way across the lot, passing a couple burly guys in Wraith’s cuts along the way. They look to be around Leo’s age, thick with muscle but not incredibly tall. One sports a thick red beard, the other is clean shaven with slicked-back black hair. Their banter dies on their lips as they spot me. They look at me with hungry curiosity, trading eager glances, and I stiffen. As if sensing my unease, Leo slips an arm around my waist. At once, the two other Wraiths cool their gaze, backing down.

“What’s up, Leo?” the red-bearded man asks.

“Not too much, Sparky,” Leo replies, “Just showing my new friend Kelly around the Nest is all.”

“Well hey there, Kelly,” replies the slick, slender man, “I’m Fiver.”

“Hey…” I say cautiously, looking back and forth between the two men, “Blaze and Fiver, huh? Those are you road names, I take it.”

“You bet your ass,” Blaze says, “They’re kinda like job descriptions, too, now that I think about it.”

“That’s right,” Fiver crows, “You set shit on fire, and I steal whatever’s valuable before you do.”

“No wonder we make such a good team,” Blaze laughs, ambling away with the chuckling Fiver on his tail.

“Church at eight,” Leo calls after them.

“You got it, VP,” Blaze replies.

It’s like they’re a pack, I think to myself. And it would seem that I’ve been chosen by the alpha male. A smile spreads across my lips at the thought of that. I press against Leo’s side, relishing the feel of his hard body. This man could have any woman he wanted, and god knows there are plenty to choose from in the Wraith’s Nest. But above all the women he could have picked, Leo chose me. He wants me for his own. Hell, he practically placed an order for me.
