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Imperfectly (Dante’s Nine MC #2)(55)
Author: Colleen Masters

Leo and I turn to see the Wraiths president beckoning us inside the Devil’s Playpen. It’s an unconventional place for a trial, but hey, unconventional is what these guys do best.

“Let’s go deal with our vermin problem,” Leo says, wrapping his arm around my waist.

“All of us?” I ask, “The Wraiths and the Nine, together?”

“Sure,” he shrugs.

“You guys were just about to kill each other a minute ago,” I point out.

“Yeah, well, a lot can change in a minute,” Leo says, “Come on.”

We walk across the Wraith’s Nest together, united as ever. I can scarcely believe that this is all really happening. Here I thought that the truth would ruin everything between Leo and me. But really, it’s only going to make us stronger than ever. I guess it truly is like Leo said—no matter what happens, we will always be alright, in the end.

There will always, always be us.

Chapter Sixteen

“Mac, the early birds will be showing up any minute,” Blaire pouts, hands planted on g-stringed hips. The four senior strippers of the Devil’s Playpen are not pleased about a horde of soaking wet men interfering with their business. It’s quite the peculiar sight, a foursome of scantily clad women staring down a throng of bikers and holding their own.

“You have to have your interrogation here?” Rachel asks, “That’s not exactly a turn on for most people, you guys.”

“We don’t like snitches any more than you do,” Quinn points out, arching a perfect eyebrow at Tot. He’s flanked by Teddy and Frank, trapped like the rat he is.

“I’m not a snitch,” Tot squeaks.

“No. You’re just a damned idiot,” Emma sniffs, flicking a blonde tress over her shoulder.

The men of the Wraiths and the Nine stare, transfixed, at the four women before them. Leave it to a herd of dudes to be distracted from high treason by a few sets of tits. I shake my head at the speechless men and take a step toward the Playpen ladies.

“We’ll be quick, I’m sure,” I tell the girls, “Just keep your customers at bay until we figure out what to do with Tot.”

“Alright,” Blaire sighs, “If I were you, I’d just toss him in a ditch. But I’m a traditionalist, I guess.”

The quartet of star strippers walk away, glaring daggers at the disgraced prospect. You don’t mess with an MC’s women, after all. The moment the girls are gone, Declan pushes Tot down into a chair and cuffs his wrists behind him. I raise an eyebrow at Kassie when I spot Declan’s cuffs, and she offers a wink in return. To each their own, I always say.

“Alright,” John Baxter growls, standing in front of the trembling Tot, “Give us one good reason why we shouldn’t end you, kid.”

“Come on you guys,” Tot pleads, “The girls are safe, nobody died, everything’s fine—”

“The ‘girls’?!” Leo and Declan shout in unison.

“That’s my old lady you’re talking about, scum bag,” Declan spits.

“You don’t refer to Kelly as ‘the girl’. Not ever,” Leo growls.

As dire as this situation is, I can’t help but be a little pleased by my guy’s hair trigger protective impulse. That kind of thing always bothered me in the past, but only because the guys I used to date could never back up their posturing—Leo’s not all talk.

“If you won’t be straight with us, we’ll do this the hard way,” Leo goes on, pulling a fierce switch blade out of his cut, “Are you working alone?”

“Shit…” Tot mutters, “You know I can’t tell you guys anything. They’ll kill me if I do.”

“We’ll kill you if you don’t,” Declan shrugs, “But if you talk, at least you’ll still be breathing we’re done with you.”

“What’ll it be?” Leo says, advancing on Tot with the blade drawn.

“Wait,” the prospect pleads, “I can explain—”

“Then explain,” Leo says, grabbing a handful of the boy’s hair. He yanks back, leaving the prospect’s throat exposed. For a heartbeat, I’m convinced that this is the end for Tot.

“Fine! Fine,” Tot cries, “I’ll tell you everything I know.”

Leo lets go of him roughly, keeping the blade open in his hand. The prospect’s chest is heaving, fear shining in his eyes.

“There. Was that so hard?” Mac smiles menacingly.

“Here’s the truth,” Tot whispers, staring at Leo’s blade with wide eyes, “My name is Michael Lorenzo. I only used the name Matthew DeVito to get into your MC. I’m sorry I lied—”

“You’re not in our MC,” Chuck sniffs, “You’re just a damn prospect.”

“My uncle was the man you got locked up last summer,” Tot goes on.

“He got himself locked up,” Declan says, “He was having men fight to the death. He got what he deserved.”

“My family would beg to differ,” Tot replies. I can hear the familial pride shining through his voice, as scared as he is. It’s buried beneath ice cold terror, but there all the same.

“So, what, they sent you in here to stir up trouble between our MC’s?” Leo asks, “I get their beef with the Nine, but what do we have to do with it?”

“The Lorenzo’s needed the Nine to be destroyed, and knew that the Wraiths would be strong enough to do it,” Tot blabbers, “The plan was to sic you guys on each other and collect your territory and businesses in the aftermath. My father is a big fan of the Playpen, here.”

“How sweet,” Mac laughs shortly, rolling his eyes, “We love our fans.”

“You have to understand, I never wanted to come here,” Tot pleads, “But no one says no to my family. Well, no one lives to tell about it. I was just a pawn in their game.”

“Oh please,” Leo snaps, “What are you, twenty?”

“Nineteen,” Tot mutters.

“Old enough to make your own decisions,” Leo says, “The only reason I’m not already beating the shit out of you is because I don’t want to get rat all over my hands.”

“You’re not going to hurt me, then?” Tot whispers.

Declan and Leo exchange loaded looks at the rest of the members look on. They may only be the treasurer and VP of their MC’s, respectively, but it was their women who got wrapped up in this mess. John Baxter and Mac cross their arms and nod at the younger men, signaling that what happens to Tot is up to them.
