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Imperfectly (Dante’s Nine MC #2)(8)
Author: Colleen Masters

I have to stop myself from begging to visit the Forty-Five Club again. Kassie doesn’t know how intrigued I am by that life, I don’t want her to feel like I’m intruding. After all, she’s the one who’s getting deeper into MC life these days, not me. And she’s newer to it than she realizes. I don’t want Dante’s Nine to look down on Kassie for bringing her yuppie, LA friend to the bar. I may know that my cute, professional exterior is masking a grittier past, but no one else does. Least of all some bad boy bikers I only met a couple of times.

But as luck would have it, I don’t have to resort to pleading. Just as my first week in Vegas is drawing to a close, Kassie suggests heading over the Forty-Five Club herself.

“The guys probably won’t be around,” she says, as we whip up a quick pasta dish for dinner in my suite, “Or they’ll be locked in the back room. Again. But we can go hang out with Dani and the girls.”

“Sounds great!” I reply, dropping a cheese grater in my excitement. “I mean, yeah. That could be a good time.”

“Wow. Enthusiastic much?” she says, surprised by my reaction.

“I. I just—” I stammer.

“Uh-oh,” Kassie smiles, “Did someone catch the MC bug last time she was in town?”

“Got me,” I admit, laughing nervously, “But can you blame a girl?”

“I most certainly can’t,” she allows.

After a light but delicious dinner, we fetch Kassie’s car from the garage and take off toward the outskirts of town. I’ve slipped into some dark jeans and a black tank, my hair hanging long and loose. My appearance may look effortless, but I’ve actually toiled over it. I don’t want any of the other girls to think I’m trying too hard. For her part, Kassie looks incredible in her leather jacket, red lipstick, and high ponytail. That Declan Tiberi is a lucky man to have snagged my best friend’s heart.

“Huh,” Kassie says, as we pull into the Forty-Five club parking lot, “Looks like the guys are here, after all.”

I count nine gleaming Harley’s, standing out in front of the bar. That means that all eight remaining brothers are here…but who’s the extra bike belong to? We hop out of Kassie’s car and head into the club’s headquarters. The humble red brick bar, with its glowing neon signs and shabby roof, is a vision I can barely contain my curiosity and excitement. Who would have thought that my quiet friend from Connecticut would be my ticket back into the MC world? And how strange that we’ve both ended up in the orbit of this place? But maybe that’s why we’ve understood each other so well all along.

“Where the holy fuck have you been?” a smoky, feminine voice calls as we enter.

I look up to see the bootylicious bartender Dani grinning at us from across the room. She’s pouring a round for the three resident mamas here at the Forty-Five Club: Sherry, Courtney, and Wendy—my one-time rival for Sam’s affections.

“If I’d known you missed me so much, I would have stopped by sooner,” Kassie says, giving Dani a hug over the bar. They’ve certainly gotten over whatever tension existed between them. That, or they’re really good actresses. “You all remember Kelly, right?”

“Of course,” Dani says, “We all spent a night locked down here together while Declan was fighting to the death or whatever. Remember?”

“Do I,” I whistle. While Kassie and the guys went off to save Declan last year, I stayed at the Forty-Five Club while Franklin kept watch over us ladies. I’d never have admitted it at the time, but that was one of the most exhilarating nights of my life. I only wish I could have gone along with Kassie to get in on the real action.

“What are you doing back here?” Wendy asks, crossing her round arms, “I thought we’d have seen the last of you, now that Sam is road kill.”

“Don’t you dare talk about a brother like that,” Dani snaps, her eyes full of fire. She’s been a Dante’s Nine girl her whole life, as a daughter of another member who was killed in action. Wendy realizes her mistake at once.

“Sorry Dani,” she says, meaning it, “All respect to your pops. I was just wondering why this skinny bitch decided to grace us with her company. Again.”

“I’m working with Kassie on her website,” I reply, trying to be friendly despite her disrespectful tone.

“You mean you’re staying?” Courtney asks, not bothering to hide her disdain. As a fellow tiny brunette, she’s probably worried that I’ll steal her “type” around here. But I have no intention of becoming a fuck buddy for the likes of Chuck and Kip, thanks.

“That’s right,” I tell her.

“Jesus,” Sherry sighs, “That’s just what we need. Another girl hogging up the guys’ attention. We barely get enough as it these days, with them being so busy and all.”

“We have needs,” Courtney pouts.

“I’m not here as a sweet butt,” I inform them.

“Listen to you with that MC lingo!” Wendy laughs, “Where’d you pick that up from?”

“Yeah, where did you?” Kassie asks, eyebrows raised.

“…TV?” I mumble.

“Of course,” Wendy scoffs, “Another uppity princess playing biker babe for a day.”

“You’re just still mad that Sam wanted to fuck me instead of you,” I shoot back, “That was one guy, Wendy. Plenty of cock left around here for you. And I’m no princess, so don’t even come at me with that.”

“Oh, I think I like her,” Dani grins.

“She’s a pistol, that’s for sure,” Kassie says, rolling her eyes affectionately.

“Your man is in the back, with the others,” Courtney says to Kassie, trying to diffuse the tension between Wendy and me.

“They’re voting on the new prospect,” Sherry puts in.

“That explains the ninth Harley,” Kassie nods. “You get a look at the new guy?”

“He’s a baby,” Wendy says sullenly, “Can’t be more than eighteen. You should see the peach fuzz he’s rocking. His road name is even Tot, because he’s so young. But the guys seem to like him.”

“The Nine know best,” Kassie shrugs.

“The Nine know best,” the other ladies echo.

“So, what’ll it be ladies?” Dani asks, “Your first round’s on me. For the sake of old friends. And new,” she says, winking my way.
