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Impossibly (Dante’s Nine MC #1)(25)
Author: Colleen Masters

“You’re a perceptive man,” I allow.

“And a curious man,” he replies, “I’ve gotten to meet the recent graduate Kassie, the prepared and punctual businessperson. But I’m curious about who you are underneath all that. What is it that you’re trying to hide?”

“Declan…” I breathe, “I don’t know if I’m…entirely comfortable discussing…”

“Don’t sound so serious,” Declan says, taking a step toward me, “I’m not saying we need to have some deep, emotional conversation tonight. Or ever, frankly. I’m not big on the touchy-feely thing. Come on though—how am I gonna help you lighten up?”

“Some vodka and would be a good start,” I tell him.

“They’ll be plenty of time for that,” he says, stepping dangerously close to me, “Whatever you want while you’re here, Kassie, it’s yours.”

“Anything?” I ask pointedly, letting my eyes trail up and down Declan’s perfect body.

A smile spreads across his face as he catches my drift. “Anything. I don’t really have many hang-ups. I don’t believe in taboos, right and wrong, any of that bullshit.”

“That makes two of us,” I tell him.

“Good to know,” he says, his voice rasping along the bottom of his range.

We’re inches apart now, alone at last high above the Las Vegas strip. There’s a hunger twisting my core that I know can only be satisfied by one thing: Him. As I look up into those searing blue eyes of his, I make myself a promise. I will not let this summer go by without having Declan Tiberi. As many times as possible.

“Goodnight, Kassie,” he says, breaking away from me at last, “See you in a few days.”

“Goodnight,” I manage to say, staring longingly after his retreating form.

It’s going to be a long, hot summer. That’s for sure.


And just like that, I’m left to my own devices in Sin City. When I wake up the next morning, there’s a platinum credit card waiting beside the espresso machine with my own name on it. I cradle the surprisingly heavy little rectangle in my hands. Honestly, I’m intimidated. Having access to wealth again, after so many years without it, is disorienting. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m not doing anything wrong or hurtful by accepting Declan’s generosity. After what my family went through, I’ve come to associate money with impending disaster. But if I’m going to be a successful businessperson, I’m going to have to adjust my thinking.

“Let’s do this, little buddy,” I say to my new plastic companion.

I spend a full two days just wandering up and down the Las Vegas strip, staring up at all of the bizarre, outlandish sights. There’s something very strange about Vegas in the daytime. Walking out of my apartment in the morning feels a bit like waking up to find that I’ve accidentally fallen asleep on the playground. The people I pass on the sidewalks are of every type imaginable. There are put-together executive types, eccentrics, teenagers. But mostly, they’re a bunch of lost children, just like me.

Once I finally manage to talk myself into using my new credit card, I find that shopping isn’t at all as terrible as I remember it to be. I treat myself to an entire new wardrobe, just like Declan instructed me to do. I’ve only ever shopped at preppy, suburban mall staple stores my entire life. But here? It’s one designer boutique after another. I stock up on slinky evening dresses, sleek business attire, and well-made everyday essentials. In a particularly daring moment, I even snag myself some wickedly naughty lingerie.

“Is this for someone special?” the shopgirl asks, boxing up my new black lace corset.

“God willing,” I grin, handing her my card to swipe.

“He’s a lucky man, whoever he is,” she whistles.

“I’m the lucky one,” I reply, “That is, if I can land him.”

“If you don’t mind my saying so,” she says, looking me up and down, “I think you’ll be just fine.”

But there’s more to the city than shopping, of course. The rest of my time is spent taking advantage of my new building’s rooftop pool, the excellent spas that are hidden all over town, and having every imaginable cuisine available, whenever I want it. But while I spend plenty of evenings gazing out of my tinted glass windows at the teeming nightlife below, I just can’t seem to make myself brave the unknown territory of the casinos.

My gambling streak is thick. Insatiable. Even knowing how badly things can go when you take big risks, I still have the urge. I’m terrified of letting that part of me loose…but I still want to so badly it hurts. There’s got to be a way to take risks without getting burned. Though perhaps it’s the thought of getting burned that makes gambling such a thrill.

Kelly calls to check up on me every night that Declan is gone. She’s kind of like a worried big sister. It’s pretty adorable.

“You’re not too lonely, are you?” she asks, the night before Declan is set to return.

“I’m doing OK,” I assure her, looking down onto the busy street below. “I’ve stocked up on some very fine whiskey and some even finer chocolates. So my night is pretty much taken care of.”

“I’m glad you’re comfortable and all,” Kelly says over the phone, “But when are you going to get out there and start having some fun?”

“I am having fun,” I mumble around a mouthful of chocolate truffle.

“You know what I mean,” Kelly says.

“As soon as Declan’s back, I’m sure I’ll feel more comfortable taking the city by storm,” I tell my best friend.

“Ah, I see,” she replies. I can hear her grin through the phone, “Kassenia Bennett, you are pining right now.”

“I’m not pining!” I retort, looking guiltily around at my booze and candy. Oh, dear God. I am totally pining.

“I thought the whole summer romance thing was out of the question with him,” Kelly says, “Aren’t you contractually bound not to fall in love with this guy?”

“Who said anything about falling in love?” I scoff, “I mean, hey, I want to jump the guy’s bones. But since when do love and sex have to go hand in hand? You said so yourself.”

“Good point,” Kelly allows, “Just make sure you keep them separate, Kassie. I know how strong you are, but the whole virginity thing…it can be complicated, sleeping with someone for the first time. People get attached to their firsts, you know.”
