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Impulsively (Dante’s Nine MC #3)(25)
Author: Colleen Masters

Ugh. This whole snooping thing would be a whole lot easier if I didn’t feel so guilty about going behind Kassie and Kelly’s backs. I need to find a way to stay unattached around here, no matter how awesome my new employers happen to be.

“Sounds like a plan,” I say, opening up my laptop. “You two go ahead, I’ll be fine here.”

Kelly and Kassie head out after a few more words of instruction. I listen as the elevator doors whistle shut and look around the impressive suite. I’m alone with all the intelligence I could possibly need about How’s that for good luck?

I set to work at once, pulling up the shared folder that contains every bit of information concerning the crowd-funding site. There are banking statements, investor breakdowns, personnel information, marketing outlines, the works. Time to start digging. I download a copy of the entire folder onto my own laptop first thing, so I can keep up my investigation at home.

As I begin to peruse the files, I’m struck by how ultra-professional everything is. Kassie and Kelly both studied computer science at Berkeley, I learn from the marketing materials, so it’s no surprise that they know their shit. That also means that they’re probably pretty good at covering shit up, if need be. But it takes a computer nerd to know a computer nerd. With my own degree, I’d say we’re pretty evenly matched.

The further I dig into the CrowdedNest files, the more legit everything looks. Sure, Declan offered the startup cash, and money was shifted from the CrowdedNest account to pay for the construction of the Dante’s Nine auto shop, but none of that is obscured in these reports. It’s as though Kassie and Kelly are trying to be as transparent as possible about the fact that club and site funds are fluid. It’s ballsy of them. They’re not making any effort to hide how involved they are in their MC’s. They may not be married to Leo and Dec, but they’re plenty entwined in other ways.

Just as I’m about to give Mitchell a call to ask about the initial tips against CrowdedNest, I hear the elevator doors open once more. My heart flies into my throat as I close out of the various files I have pulled up on my computer. Sure, I’ve been granted access with the girls’ knowledge, but they may start to wonder about my motives if they see me trolling through their every little file.

I look up as the front door clatters open. Relief and excitement spark simultaneously through my brain as Brooks strides into the suite. His bare, bulging arms are run-through with thick veins. His face is flushed, and engine grease lingers on his exposed skin—almost like an extra set of tattoos. He looks like he’s been hard at work in the garage all morning. But the second he lays eyes on me, alone in the apartment, his tired eyes blaze to life.

“Hey, Red,” he says, closing the door behind him. “I was hoping I’d find you here.”

“Been rolling around in the mud all day, Brooks?” I ask, standing to face him. I lean back against the long wooden table, unconsciously arching my back just a bit. Brooks’ eyes skirt down along the length of my body, lingering on my breasts as they rise with every breath. Those breaths come faster as he approaches, advancing like a lion closing in on his prey.

“Been working all day,” he grins, closing the distance between us. “Not that you’d know what real work is, sitting behind this computer all day.”

“Oh please,” I say, rolling my eyes, “we both play with toys all day. You’ve got your grownup Hot Wheels, I’ve got my grownup Gameboy. I don’t see much of a difference.”

“I told you,” Brooks says, as he places his hands on the edge of the table, boxing me in, “I don’t play games.”

“That much is abundantly clear,” I breathe, amazed at the sudden, brazen closeness of him. My entire body reacts to his presence, begs for his expert touch.

“I’ve been thinking about you ever since you left this morning,” he says, his voice rich and rasping.

“That so?” I ask, as he inches in ever closer. “What have you been…thinking?”

“I’ve been thinking about how sweet you taste,” he growls, brushing his lips against my neck, “how sexy you’d look in nothing but my tee shirt,” he wraps a strong arm around me, drawing me close. “How I’d give anything to get you alone…”

“Well look at that,” I breathe, taking his bearded face in my hands, “you’ve got me.”

Surprise and satisfaction surge through the green pools of his eyes. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s been thinking things over,” he says.

“I don’t want to play games either, Brooks,” I say, sliding my hands along his firm chest, “It’s like you said. You want me, I want you. Why fight it?”

“That’s more like it,” he grins.

We pick up right where we left off this morning, like not a moment has passed. Now that we’re alone, I don’t have to keep my desire at bay. My lust has been growing all day long, boiling over inside of me. How can someone I just met do this to me?

With no effort at all, Brooks picks me up off the ground, setting me down on the long table before him. My legs part to accommodate his huge, powerful body. Without thinking, I hook my ankles beneath his perfectly sculpted ass, tugging him closer to me. My sex is throbbing with anticipation as he presses against me, running his hands along my sides.

“I could lay you out across this table and fuck you right now,” he growls, resting his hands on my inner thighs. Words fail me as his fingers inch upward, closer and closer to that place between my legs that’s been aching for him. Whether I’ve admitted it to myself or not, I’ve wanted this since the first moment I laid eyes on him. And I want it now more than ever.

“Do what you want,” I whisper, letting my knees fall farther apart, “I just want you to take me, Brooks”

“You want someone who can control you, huh?” he growls, running a thumb along the inseam of my jeans. My head falls back as I feel him brush against the length of my sex, a mere layer of fabric standing between me and those hands. “You want someone to conquer you. Tame you. You’ve never had that, have you?”

“Never,” I breathe, my entire world narrowing to the feel of his hands running along my crotch. Brooks pushes me back onto my forearms, and I fall against the long desk. He lowers himself to me, pushing his hands up under my tank top. I shiver as his fingers dance along my bare skin, tremble at the thought of him stripping me down right here on the table.
