Read Books Novel

In This Life

“You’ve never been fucked this good by anyone before, have you?”


“Say that.”


“Say it!”

“There’s no one who fucks better than you.”

I gave in and let myself come while urging her to ride hard right up until the end. The desk chair finally succumbed to all this abuse and the back came off, sending us toppling to the floor.

“Shit, you okay?” I asked but she laughed.

“We broke the chair,” she giggled.

“We did.” I tossed a wrecked piece on the desk. “We broke the fuck out of it.”

She was still giggling while she gathered her clothes. I noted the time and realized there were now only three minutes until the store opened. Normally Betty would have been here by now, briskly straightening anything that looked even slightly askew on the shelves, but luckily she had a doctor’s appointment this morning.

Kathleen once again finished buttoning her blouse and I regretted that it would need to stay that way.

“I have to get going,” she said.

I pulled my shirt over my head. “Busy day?”


I kept my eyes on her. Watching Kat had quickly become my favorite pastime. “Come here.”

“Nash,” she warned, “there’s not enough time for a third round.”

“Then give me a kiss.”

She smiled and allowed me to pull her close. She liked to be kissed slow and deep and I could feel her melting in my arms. Sometimes I enjoyed these sweet moments even more than the kinky ones.

“I wish I didn’t have to go,” she whispered with her arms still wrapped around my shoulders. Then she averted her head, as if she was embarrassed that the words had escaped her mouth.

I tugged at a lock of her long hair that had escaped the rubber band. “I’m picking Colin up around five. I could grab some pizzas on the way home. Why don’t you and Emma come over for dinner? I mean, unless you’ve got too much work to do.”

The invitation delighted her. I could tell by the way her eyes lit up for a split second although she seemed determined not to show it. “I don’t think I’ll have too much work. So we’ll be there.”

“Good.” I pinched her ass. She had a great ass. I could be sitting around and thinking about how many stupid Hawk Valley Happiness coffee mugs I needed to order when I’d remember Kat’s ass out of nowhere and get so hard my balls ached.

But at this point I really did need to open the store and Kat really did need to get to a client appointment. I released her with some reluctance. It seemed like every time I held her I felt that way a little more, that I just didn’t want to let her go.

“I’ll see you later,” she said happily and I was really glad I’d invited her over tonight. We didn’t do things like plan outings and dates. We didn’t talk about the future or refer to ourselves a couple. And part of me was starting to wonder if we were going about this all wrong.

“You want any toppings on your pizza?” I asked.


“You’re kidding.”

“Why would I kid about pineapple? There’s nothing funny about it.”

“Except for the fact that it has no business being on pizza.”

“I didn’t know you were a food snob.”

I grinned and puffed out my chest. “Turns out there’s more to me than my ability to fuck you better than anyone else.”

She rolled her eyes and opened the door to the office. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”

“But you did tell me. And you’ll tell me again.”

She blushed. “Whatever.”

I was still smiling long after she closed the door.

Nash was preparing to leave for his short but necessary trip to Oregon. From the moment I showed up at his house he kept handing out instructions like a nervous new mommy but I didn’t mind. In fact it was rather adorable.

“He’s got six bottles in the fridge. And there are plenty of diapers in the nursery but in case you need more there’s a stockpile in the hall closet. And I just did all of his laundry so there’s a bunch of those stretchy little outfits in his room. Oh, and if he gets too gassy the bottle of drops is in the hall bathroom upstairs.”

“Got it,” I said, trying not to smile. Nash had come a long way in a short time. It was hard to believe only two months had passed since the morning I watched him get covered in baby vomit right here in the kitchen after he haplessly overfed Colin.

Over in his bouncer Colin babbled and grabbed for the toys hanging overhead. His chubby fingers latched onto the fuzzy pink pig and he emitted a squeal of triumph.

Nash tickled the baby’s foot and looked anxious. “I’ll miss you, kid.”

I ran my finger over Colin’s smooth cheek and he gave me a drooling grin. “I promise I’ll take good care of him.”

“I know you will.” Nash raked a hand through his hair. “There’s no one on earth I’d rather leave him with. It’s just the longest I’ve been away from him so my stomach’s all tied up in knots.” He let out a hoarse chuckle. “Listen to me. I sound like an uptight jackass.”

“No,” I argued, elbowing his ribs. “You sound like a parent.”

He looked at me and his eyes were serious. “Thanks, Kat.”

“You’re welcome.”

The serious expression left his face and was replaced by something else as his eyes swept over me. The weather had turned very hot this week and I wore a red tank top and shorts, my hair loose and flowing.

“I like the idea of you sleeping in my bed,” he said softly because Emma was in the next room.

“I like the idea of sleeping in your bed too.”

Nash reached out and swept the hair off my left shoulder, his fingers brushing across my skin. It was amazing how the briefest touch from him could produce such a powerful shudder of desire. He slipped one finger under the strap of my tank top and his voice became gruff.

“I’ll be thinking of you there. In my bed. Doing things to yourself and wishing I was there to do them for you.”

“What kind of things?” I whispered, feeling as if I might swoon. The physical chemistry between us was magnetic, irresistible. It grew stronger every day.

“Mommy!” Emma shouted and Nash stepped away from me a split second before she came barreling into the kitchen with Roxie on her heels.

“What the matter, honey?”

Emma stuck out her lower lip and her eyes filled. “I forgot Mr. Ford,” she wailed.

Roxie licked her hand and let out a sympathetic whine.

“Who’s Mr. Ford?” Nash wanted to know.

“It’s this stuffed duck my mother had given her at Easter,” I said.

“You need to get him,” Emma said, nodding over her own solution. “Or he’ll be sad.”

I picked up my purse. “Is it okay if I leave her here while I run back home?”

“Sure,” Nash said. He picked Colin up out of the bouncer. “Hey Miss Emma, let’s take Roxie in the backyard so she can show you how well she catches a Frisbee.”

“A what?”

“A Frisbee.”

“What’s that?”

I smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

Nash was already heading out of the room. “Take your time.”
