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Infatuation (Club Destiny #4)(23)
Author: Nicole Edwards

As she stood in her kitchen, sipping coffee and watching out the front windows, McKenna let her mind drift back to the day before and the kiss they had shared. The full on mating of mouths was more than any kiss she’d ever experienced and the thought of it still left her flustered.

Lord, have mercy, the man could kiss. The instant their mouths fused together, his exquisite taste annihilated her brain cells, which only went to prove that she was crazy for agreeing to do this. Considering the sheer velocity of the chemical reaction that ignited when they were in the same room together, McKenna knew it was only a matter of time before they gave in to it.

McKenna knew she would’ve given in to him yesterday had he just said the word. She knew she should proceed with caution, but her body didn’t seem to understand the limits her brain normally tried to implement. Having known what his body felt like pressed against hers, the only thing she wanted more was to see him naked while he rubbed up against her.

What McKenna didn’t understand was why these feelings of intense lust and desire seemed to be morphing into something else. Did she want something more? With Tag? Hell, with anyone? She didn’t know how to answer the question because until the day she came face to face with him, McKenna had been satisfied with her life – lack of sex and all. She had a vibrator, what more could she possibly need?

Ever since she met him, McKenna found that the more she learned, the more she wanted him. Her physical attraction to him was insane, she realized that. She just couldn’t help but wonder whether this was more than just merely physical. He made her hot, and he made her want things she hadn’t wanted in a long time, that was clear.

Of course, most of the things he made her ache for did relate to sex in some manner, but there was something else too. She respected him. Of all the things she had learned about Tag in recent months, not one of them was anything that made her not like him that much more. And she got the impression he respected her too.

With her coffee mug to her lips, her attention was drawn to the long, sleek, black limo that pulled down her street and up in front of her house. Maybe for the next few minutes she would be able to distract herself from the astonishing thoughts of Tag.

Dumping the rest of her coffee in the sink, McKenna rinsed the cup and placed it in the dishwasher. With her heels clicking on the hardwood floor, she made a beeline for the front door, not wanting to keep the limo driver waiting. She reached the door at the same time the doorbell rang, and McKenna quickly pulled it open and smiled at the handsome man before her.

“Ms. Thorne?”

“That’s me,” she greeted, trying not to smile too much. It seemed the grin had been permanent ever since her libido had awakened the day before and quite frankly, she knew she looked like an idiot, but she couldn’t seem to help it.

Taking a step back, McKenna let the driver in so he could help with her things. When she went to pick up one of the suitcases, he immediately stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm.

“No, ma’am. I’ll get those.”

“I’ll be happy to help,” she insisted, reaching once again for the bag.

“I’ve been informed not to allow you to lift one pretty little finger.”

With that, the driver easily moved all four of her bags onto the front porch, allowing McKenna to lock the door behind her.

“Please, follow me,” he instructed, hefting one bag under each arm.

She felt a little silly not assisting him with her things because they could’ve easily accomplished it in one trip if she had, but she wasn’t about to argue with him either.

Once they reached the car, the driver opened the rear door and allowed her to climb in, quickly shutting it behind her as soon as she was situated.

“Hello, McKenna,” Tag’s deep voice rumbled through the car’s interior, and McKenna’s heart nearly pounded out of her chest.

He wasn’t supposed to be there, yet he was.

Sitting comfortably on one side with his ankle resting on the opposite knee, one arm reaching across the back of the seat, he looked as calm as ever. She wasn’t faring nearly as well. Her palms were suddenly clammy, and she had to ignore the urge to fidget as she stared back into those glistening emerald eyes.

“Good morning,” she managed to say with more confidence than she felt. It was one thing to feel off center around him, it was an entirely different thing to let him know she felt that way. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”

“I wanted to greet you personally.”

Was it just her or was his voice extra smooth today? The rich cadence of his tone was like a physical caress, her tummy immediately tumbling as though she were on the downward curve on a roller coaster.
