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Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond

Into the Woods: Tales from the Hollows and Beyond(54)
Author: Kim Harrison

"Piscary thinks so much of you," he said condescendingly. "He needs to wipe the sand from his eyes and see you as the little girl you are, playing with boys too big for her."

He tensed his arms, and Ivy forced herself to stay relaxed. But the tape held and she bent at the waist to look him in the eyes. "You okay?"

"This isn’t winning you any friends, but yes, I’m okay."

Satisfied she hadn’t hurt him, she rose and plucked up the wine bottle and gave it another pull, the heat of the fire warming her legs. "You’ve been a bad boy, Art," she said, hip cocked.

He ran his eyes over her, going still when he realized she was wearing her usual leather and spandex. His face abruptly lost its emotion. "Why is my hot tub going? What day is this? Who was here?"

Again he pulled against the tape, starting a rip. Ivy set the bottle down and moved closer, sending her wine breath over him to shift his silky black curls. It didn’t matter if her presence was placed here. The entire I.S. tower knew where she was this morning. "I’m not happy," she said. "I came over here to make good on our arrangement, and I find another girl down here?"

Art shifted his shoulders, arms bulging. "What the hell did you do, Ivy?"

Smiling, she leaned over him. "It’s not what I did, Artie. It’s what I found. You need to be more careful with your cookies. You’re leaving crumbs all over your house."

"This isn’t funny," he snarled, and Ivy moved to the stairway.

"No, it isn’t," she said, knowing that the tape would last as long as his ignorance. "You have a dead girl in your hot tub, Artie, and I’m out of here. The deal is off. I don’t need your approval to move into the Arcane Division. You’re going to jail." Adrenaline struck through her when she turned her back and her foot touched the lowest stair. The door was open and ambient sunlight was leaking in. He couldn’t put one foot on them without risking death. She almost hoped he would.

"Ivy!" Art exclaimed, and she turned at the sound of ripping tape.

Pulse pounding, she hesitated. She was safe. It was done. "You made one mistake, Art," she said, taking in his anger. "You shouldn’t have tried to use me to cover up that witch’s murder," she said, and the color drained from him. "That pissed me off." Giving him a bunny-eared "kiss-kiss" she turned and took the stairs with a slow, taunting pace.

"This isn’t going to work, Ivy!" he shouted, and her pulse leaped at the sound of the tape ripping, but she had reached the top and it was far too late. She smiled as she emerged into his kitchen. He was stuck down there with that corpse until the sun went down. If he called in help to get it out, it would damn him faster. An anonymous tip from a concerned neighbor was going to bring someone knocking on his door within thirty minutes. "No hard feelings, Art," she said. "Strictly business." She went to shut the door so he wouldn’t get light sick, hesitating. "Really," she added, closing the door on his scream of outrage.

Scooping up her duffel bag from where Kisten had left it, she sauntered out the front door and down the steep walk to the street. Kisten was waiting, and she slipped into the passenger-side seat, throwing her bag into the back. She imagined the fury belowground, glad she could walk away. It didn’t matter if anyone saw her leave. She was supposed to be here.

"Two minutes on the nose," Kisten said, leaning over to give her a kiss. He was still wearing her disguise amulet, and she caught him looking at himself and his hair. "Are you okay, love?" he asked, hitting his new accent hard and fussing with his bangs.

Rolling down the window, she put her arm on the sill as he drove away and the sun hit her. The memory of being unable to say no to Art resounded in her, and the lure of the bloodlust. Saying no had been impossible, but she had stopped him-and herself. It had been hard, but she felt good in a melancholy way. It wasn’t the glorious shock of ecstasy, but more like a sunbeam, unnoticed when you first find it, but its warmth growing until you felt . . . good.

"I’m all right," she said, squinting from the morning sun. "I like who I am today."


Ivy dropped the empty box on her desk and sat before it, swiveling her chair back and forth until someone walked past her open door. Adopting a more businesslike mien, she looked over her office. Her eyebrows rose, and she plucked her favorite pen from the cup and then tossed the empty box into the hall. The thump silenced the gossip, and she smirked. They could have everything. All she wanted was her favorite pen. Well, and a pair of thicker leather pants. And an updated map of the city. A computer would be helpful, but they wouldn’t let her take the one she’d been using. Some really comfortable boots. Sunglasses-mirror sunglasses.

A soft knuckle-knock at her open door brought her head around, and she smiled without showing her teeth. "Rat," she said companionably. "Come to see me off?"

The large officer eased into her office, a manila folder in his hand. "I won the pool," he said, ducking his head. "I’ve got your, ah, transfer papers. How you doing?"

"Depends." She leaned across her desk, biting her finger coyly. "What’s the word on the street?"

He laughed. "You’re bad. No one will be looking at you for a while." Brow pinching, he came in another step. "You sure you don’t want to work Arcane? It’s not too late."

Ivy’s pulse quickened at the lure of bloodlust she knew she couldn’t resist. "I don’t want to work in the Arcane anymore," she said, eyes lowered. "I need to get out from underground. Spend some time in the sun."

The officer slumped, the folder before him like a fig leaf. "You’re ticking them off with this rebellious shit. This isn’t Piscary’s camarilla, it’s a business. They had a late meeting about you this morning in the lowest floor."

Fear slid through her, quickly stifled. "They can’t fire me. There was no evidence that I had anything to do with that girl in Art’s tub."

"No. You’re clear. And remind me to stay on your good side." He grinned, but it faded fast. "You did contaminate that crime scene, and they’re almost ignoring that. You should lay low for a while, do what they want you to do. You have your entire life and afterlife ahead of you. Don’t screw it up your first six months here."

Ivy grimaced, flicking her attention past him to the outer offices. "They’re already blaming my demotion on my-lapse. They can’t punish me twice for the same thing." The reality was she was being demoted because she refused to move up to the Arcane. That was fine by her.
