Read Books Novel


Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Chapter 1


I rushed out of room, trying to get away from his constant badgering. “You don’t know what it’s like, Noah.” Arguing with my cousin was getting me nowhere fast. He couldn’t fathom that my heart was broken, and that sometimes I felt like moving to Kentucky had been a huge mistake, because it had forced me to walk away from Tate. There was a time when he was my everything, my reason for existing, and my future husband. Sure, I missed my immediate family, but it didn’t compare to the constant ache that I experienced from losing my ex. Yes, he’d cheated on me, several times in fact, but I still loved him. That’s why it hurt so much to hear my cousin constantly degrading him. Didn’t we all make mistakes? Shouldn’t we be able to change without judgment? He of all people had no room to talk.

Noah got up in my face, shouting like he always did. “The hell I don’t. You sit there sulkin’ about that prick every damn night. I know you’re still talkin’ to him, Bells. What I don’t get is why you can’t see that he’s a piece of shit. He treated you like dirt, and you refuse to admit it.” He turned away, backing up and shaking his head in disappointment.

I took two steps toward him, so that I could jab him in the chest with my finger as I replied. “Stop actin’ like you know what’s best for me. I’m a grown damn woman. If I tell you that I’m fine, then leave it be. God, you can be so annoyin’. You ain’t my daddy, and you sure as shit ain’t my keeper.”

He lifted his hands to sit on my shoulders, looked down and peered into my eyes. I could already see the worry in his stare. Noah wasn’t trying to make me hate him. His determination was built on months of doing everything in his power to make me see that Tate was no good for me. “Bells, look at me. Have I ever given you bad advice? Have I ever steered you in the wrong direction?”

“No.” I turned away so that he couldn’t see the agony on my face. He was right and I was wrong. What else was new?

“Look, cuz, I love you. Shalan and I like you livin’ here in Kentucky at the ranch, but I’ll be damned if I sit around watchin’ you make this kind of mistake again. The last time this shit happened I was rescuin’ you in some flea-bag motel. Please, for the sake of your livelihood, sever ties with that fool for good. I promise you that there’s someone out there that’s better for you. There’s someone that will appreciate you.”

I darted for my room in an attempt to end the conversation, huffing and puffing with no means to otherwise defend myself. He didn’t know what I was going through. How could he, when all Noah had ever known was to control his own relationships? He’d never been on my side of the situation, or experienced heartache. Hell, he was engaged to a famous country singer that practically worshipped the ground he walked on. Not all of us could be that lucky.

After it slammed in his face, Noah beat on my door, trying to get me to talk as if we were still teenagers arguing over some immature object. I buried my head in my pillow and put my ear buds in, so that I couldn’t hear him any longer. The vibration against my leg let me know that I had a new text message. My heartbeat became rapid as I pulled out my phone eagerly hoping it was Tate.

I opened the message to see that it was from my dad. My trip home was only a day away, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted to be there.

One more day until you get to smell your mother’s farts. I bet you can’t wait. Love: Best Dad on Earth

I laugh at his humor. My dad was a silly man. While everyone in my life called me Isabella, Bella, or Bells, he’d called me Izzy. He always had and he always would. It was just something that made our bond so special. I can’t wait, Dad. Love you too. – Iz

Don’t forget to pack underwear and deodorant, as we’ve stopped using both here on account of saving the environment. – Dad

I refuse to come home if you’re free-balling. That’s where I draw the line, Dad. – Iz

Honey, I’ve been free-balling since before you were born. It’s your mom that’s made the change. She loves letting it all air out. – Dad

My father’s sick sense of humor actually made me feel better. Believe it or not, after being raised by the constant jokester, it was comforting hearing his banter. My dad had this thing about making me smile. Even in my darkest of times, he would find ways to make it happen. I loved him for it, too. Throughout my life, he’d been my constant rock.

I thought back to the day I discovered that he wasn’t my biological father. I’d never felt such heartache as I had in that moment. He’d been my everything, since the day I was born. In fact, he’d helped deliver me in the back of my aunt Van’s car. Of course, I was too young to remember that day, but I’ve been told that from the moment I came out of the womb I’d been wrapped around my daddy’s finger. I didn’t care what a blood test showed, even though he’d adopted me, he was my one and only father, and I was a Mitchell in every way that counted.

I may have just thrown up in my mouth. – Iz

Better eat light before you come then. – Dad

Having a comedian for a dad wasn’t the only perk to being the daughter of Tyler Mitchell. He was my biggest fan, aside from my mother, and because of the way they raised my brothers and me, we’d learned the real meaning of family and love. They’d instilled us with morals, and I knew that one day I’d pass them on to my own children, if I ever had any.

After arguing with my cousin, and very best friend, it was nice to be able to smile at something. For the past couple of weeks I’d been talking to my ex, Tate, again. I’d tried to keep it a secret, but Noah had seen his name appear on my phone one night and hadn’t let it go since. He was determined to make sure I had no contact with him. Little did he know that I had my own plans for my visit home, which included a secret rendezvous with the man that I couldn’t fall out of love with.

I wasn’t a fool. I knew about all of his faults. I also knew that he’d been going through hell since I’d moved to Kentucky. After months of not seeing me, he’d been begging for me to just spend some time with him. As much as I wanted to end up in his arms afterwards, I was determined to be strong. My new life was in Kentucky, and I was going to have to keep reminding myself of that.

My next message came through right as I was getting up to finish packing. I thought it was my dad again, so I ignored it and kept placing things in my suitcase. Once I had it zippered up, and double-checked my list to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything, I peeked at my phone.
