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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“No. I haven’t been in jail.” I couldn’t even laugh about it.

“Are you runnin’ from the law?”

I put the tongs down and let both of my hands fall to my sides. “Why do you want to know about me? Are you interested or something?”

It was sure fire way to make her leave me alone. I could tell from her vibes that she wanted nothing to do with me that way.

“No. I’m not interested what so ever. I’m done with men in general, especially after recent events. Besides, my father would die if I was datin’ a mysterious ranch hand that was much older than me. I reckon I’m just bein’ nosey, that’s all.”

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, ma’am. I can assure you that I mean you no harm. I’m not a criminal, or some kind of stalker.” I chuckled to myself knowing how creepy I sounded. “I’m simply living a quiet life off the beaten path.”

“You’re weird, that’s for sure. I’m goin’ to go change for dinner, and leave you to be alone, like you obviously prefer.” With that statement she headed into the house.

If she only knew that I longed for the company of a beautiful woman. I just knew that I didn’t deserve it. This was my punishment for my past. There was no way to rectify what had been done, therefore I refused to give myself hope.

Noah pulled in on a Gator moments later. “I made dinner,” I announced proudly.

“Damn, I wish I could stay. My girl flew in early and I’m on my way to pick her up from the airport. We’ll probably get dinner in town on our way home. Thanks for the sentiment. I appreciate it, but I can’t pass up seein’ my woman.”

I understood completely. If he only knew how envious I was at the life he had, especially considering that mine used to be so similar.

“Go on and get out of here then. I’ll make sure to save you both a plate anyway.”

“Sorry for leavin’ you to deal with Bells. She’s been such a bitch lately. I swear that chick’s had her period for the past month.”

I laughed to myself. “I’ll be sure to eat in silence, just in case she plans to attack.”

Once Noah went inside I stood there happily cooking, knowing that in just a little while I was going to be in the company of a gorgeous woman for a meal that I prepared. Sure, it certainly wasn’t a date, but it was probably the closest that I was going to get to one, with her especially.

Chapter 7


I heard my cousin come into the house when I was pulling on a pair of shorts. He knocked on my door before just helping himself to opening it. “Seriously, I’m tryin’ to change in here.”

“Whatever. I ain’t lookin’. I just wanted you to know that I’m headin’ in town to pick up Shalan. She caught an earlier flight. You’re goin’ to have to eat dinner with Rusty tonight alone.”

“What?” That wasn’t going to happen. “He’s creepy as shit. Have you seen the way he looks at me?”

He laughed. “Get over yourself, Bells. He’s a nice guy. Just eat the f**kin’ meal and then you can come back in here and sulk in your room all night.”

“Screw you, Noah.”

“I’ll see you later.” He waved as he closed my bedroom door behind him.

I was pissed, especially because the man outside made me leery. Something about him was off and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Normally I could care less who my family had working for them. Hell, Mr. Harvey had been working for my poppy since before I was born. If anyone had a secret past it was him, seeing as he was in the country illegally. He’d snuck over the border when he was twenty, and still sent money back to his family.

My judgment over Rusty was nothing like that. He had secret written all over his face, and it bothered me. I didn’t want to think that my family was harboring a fugitive, or maybe even worse.

Knowing that I’d hear a wrath of shit when Noah got back, I threw my hair into a ponytail and decided that it was just one meal. I’d eat the food, and lock myself in my room afterwards. No harm, no foul.

By the time I came back outside with plates and silverware, my cousin had already left to pick up Shalan. Rusty stood over the grill, placing the food on a large tray to the side. I sat down at the picnic table and laid out the forks and knives next to the plates. He walked over and sat the tray down. “What would you like to drink? I can go grab it.”

I sat down in front of one of the settings, promising myself that I was going to be nice to the guy, for the small amount of time it took me to eat. “Sure. Tea is fine, or a beer. Whatever you’re havin’.”

He brought out two iced teas, and then sat down across from me. I helped myself to the hot food, and smiled when he pushed the glass in my direction. “We’re never going to eat all of this food.”

“I’m starvin’, so you may be wrong.” It was the truth. Sometimes when I got busy at work I’d forget to eat. This had been one of those days. My stomach rumbled as I poked my fork into the grilled vegetables.

They tasted delicious. “These are amazin’.”

He smiled and took a bite himself. “Thanks. Cooking is a hobby of mine.”

After tasting the chicken I was convinced of one thing. “You’re wastin’ your talent workin’ on this stinky ass ranch, that’s for sure.”

He laughed and kept eating. I took a sip of tea, while watching him. Once he was finished chewing he took a drink and then replied to me. “I happen to enjoy what I do. As far as the cooking goes, whenever you want some, feel free to stop by my trailer.”

I think he and I both realized exactly at the same time what he’d just offered. I didn’t know what to say, or even if we were on the same page. Perhaps he was just being a nice man, or it was possible that he was asking me to join him because he was interested. “I, don’t, um -.”

“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded, Isabella. Maybe it came out wrong. All I was saying is that you were welcome to eat dinner. I meant nothing else by it.”

“It’s not that.” I felt bad for acting so stuck up. “Sorry. I’m just all messed up right now. I wish I could explain things more, but some people around here like to get all up in my business. That’s why I refuse to discuss it.”

He placed the silverware down on his plate and folded his hands. “I’m not an open book either, as you’ve probably been able to tell. Some things aren’t anyone’s business but our own.”
