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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(28)
Author: Jennifer Foor

As the weeks passed, I felt even more regret when it came to pushing Rusty away. He consumed my thoughts, and left me in a state of depression knowing that it wouldn’t happen again. Exactly one month after I slept with him, I’d woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning and decided that I wanted to work outside in my little garden. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a bunch of marigolds and some hastes, that were definitely in need of some pruning. Every day my little belly seemed to be getting bigger, but that could have just been my imagination. At any rate, I put on a baggy t-shirt and headed outside into the breezy morning sunshine. I’d been down on my knees for a good thirty minutes when I realized that my back was feeling stiff, so I stood up to stretch, and noticed Shalan and Noah riding horses towards the tree line. In that instant I don’t know what got into me. Before I even thought to wash off my dirt-filled hands, I was walking toward the stables with one thing on my mind. After countless hours of lying awake at night, and even more daydreaming at my job, I knew I had to see him again. I felt like if I just gave myself a couple of minutes to be around him, I’d be able to focus on my life again.

It would have been better if I’d found him shoveling large piles of manure, or bailing some hay. Instead I walked into to find him pouring a bottle of water down his bare chest. All I could do was stand there and watch, as if it were in slow motion. Even only having been with him for one night it was hard to not picture my hands on his skin, and the way he’d touched me over and over again. I licked my lips, and tried my best to slow down to rapid breathing. It was no use. As I stood there spying on the man who should steer clear of me and my problems, I knew one thing for sure.

I had to make my presence known.

After crossing my arms and leaning against the old wooden door, I cleared my throat. Rusty looked up, tossing the bottle in the trash can to the side. “Iz, what are you doing here?”

I didn’t move from where I was standing. “I needed to see you.”

“Is something wrong?” He immediately started to walk in my direction. My arms dropped to my sides, but my feet never left where they stood.

My teeth drug over my bottle lip while contemplating how I should answer. “Maybe.”

His strong hands grasped both of my arms, holding them while his eyes focused on mine. “What is it?”

“Just kiss me.”

His lips were on mine so quickly that I barely had time to take a breath. His mouth, that I’d been so perplexed over before, placed gentle kisses all over my lips and cheeks. Our mouths clashed together again, this time allowing our tongues to dance in a harmonious pattern. I could feel my heart beating rapidly as my clammy hands reached up to touch that bare, sweaty chest for the first time. His skin, so hot and sticky, was just as rock hard as I’d recalled it to be. From the moment my fingertips coursed over his smooth skin, a fire ignited between my legs. The burning desire that I felt for this man was only being heightened, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to stop myself until I had everything I wanted from him.

After a few moments of reconciliation, Rusty picked me up and carried me into a stall filled with hay. He stood me up and grabbed an old horse blanket to lay out over the pile. I didn’t wait for him to motion for me to lay on it. I already knew what was about to happen, and I didn’t care if we were outside, or in the open so that anyone could walk in us. The only thing running through my mind was being able to be satisfied by this beautiful man.

Before Rusty laid down beside me, I lifted off my top. He leaned forward to lay me down with such ease that it felt like I’d floated back. Our lips met again, this time honing in on the focus at hand. I let my foot lift up until it stroked over his growing erection. My need to removed his fitting jeans had become very apparent.

Rusty lifted his body. His boots came off first, while never taking his eyes off of me. While he worked on himself, I removed my bra and fell back down on the thick blanket for comfort.

I watched his belt buckle unclasp as he proceeded in dropping the denim he had on, to the floor. From that moment I knew there was no turning back. The intent in his eyes let me know we were on the same page, and as he crouched down to be close to me, I knew that he was going to make me regret ever pushing him away.

Rusty smiled as his lips came down over mine. His slow, passionate kisses filled my body with such anticipation. I longed for his touch, and soon got a lot more than I could have bargained for. He pulled a piece hay out from the large stack beneath us, while leaning up on his elbow. At first he drug it over my lips, causing them to part. The dried plant skated across my chin as it slowly brushed the tip of my ear lobe. The tickling sensations overwhelmed my skin, sending chills all the way down to my toes. My ni**les hardened even before the tip of that hay was being circled around them. One at a time he traced those sensitive buds, causing me to moan out little cries of sheer bliss.

I could feel myself becoming soaked with expectation. Rusty wasn’t just teasing me. He was deliberately memorizing every inch of my skin, while giving me pleasure as he did so. This wasn’t like our first encounter, as neither of us were over emotional. Our drive to be together was fueled by need.

When that long stem ran across my abdomen my body began to shiver. Rusty, still focused on watching my reactions, leaned down and kissed it tenderly. I touched his hair and smiled, knowing it was meant to comfort me in my obvious condition.

We didn’t speak to each other, and I was glad of that, considering I had no idea what to say. This was premeditated, and I couldn’t let myself rationalize about what was happening, because I knew I’d overthink it and want to stop.

The piece of hay stroked over my pu**y, causing sporadic jolts of delight. I gasped again, taking in a deep breath and exhaling while trying to keep my body from trembling. Rusty moved down, rubbing his hands over my dirtied knees. He kissed one of them before moving unhurriedly up my thighs.

I had to sit up on my elbows to be able to watch as he teased my pu**y with that same piece of hay, rubbing it over the smooth folds, and then finally lightly brushing it over the crease. This time I couldn’t contain the amount of sexual tension that it was placing on me. I knew I was wet, probably soaked with eagerness, so he continued teasing me on purpose.

Rusty licked his own lips and turned the strand of hay around so that the thicker end was now at the top. He pressed it ever so gently over my clit, moving side to side to get me aroused. I couldn’t stop watching him, so focused on what he was doing to me. His stiff erection was apparent, and I’d never wanted to satisfy a man the way that I was feeling at this very moment.
