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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(38)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Things got better after that moment. My parents stuck around for a short time after that and finally headed back to my aunt and uncles to go to bed. I knew neither of them would get much sleep, but at least they didn’t hate me like I’d feared.

Since I knew my brothers would need to get in the house, I left it unlocked. Never in a million years would I think Rusty would have snuck over to see me, but as I sat up in my own bed seeing him standing over me, I knew it was true.

“What are you doin’ here?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

“If my family finds out they might hogtie and torture you.” There was no telling what Noah had imagined doing to him.

“I’m not concerned about your family. I ain’t here for them.”

“Why are you here? I thought I told you to stay away from me.”

“That’s not going to happen, Iz. I can’t leave you alone, not anymore.”

“This changed nothin’! You’re not even the father of this child. How could you stand up and make such a mockery of yourself. They’re goin’ to find out the truth. It’s only a matter of time.” I wasn’t trying to threaten him, or bring him pain. I just wanted him to feel bad for adding to my stress.

“I don’t care if they find out the truth. By that time it won’t matter anyway.”

I was intrigued. “Why is that?”

“Because you’ll be in love with me.”

His statement shocked me, especially coming out of his mouth. He was always so quiet, never cocky. “What did you just say?”

“I said you’ll be in love with me.” It was freaking me out that he was just standing over me, so I sat up and backed my ass further on my bed. He crouched down and leaned forward so our faces were even. “Once you admit it, there’s no telling what we could be.”

I used my feet to push him away. “You’re foolin’ yourself if you think that will happen.”

“I know you feel somethin’.”

“I know you’re crazy. Please go home Rusty. I’ve had enough drama for one night.” All I wanted to do was go to sleep, or at least try.

“I’ll leave, but only if you let me say one more thing.”

“Whatever. Say it and go.” I crossed my arms and waited.

He pointed at me as he spoke. “You said something to me tonight that I can’t shake off. I realize that I came onto you because of how you reminded me of my girls, but never since that very moment I felt those sweet lips on mine, have I ever compared you to them, or tried to replace them with you. This thing between us is real and it’s new.”

“Please leave.” I could feel that burning in my throat again, and didn’t want him seeing me emotional. If he stayed for another second I was going to beg him to be with me, and that couldn’t happen.

“I’m telling you the truth.”

“I don’t care,” I lied again. “Just go. I’m too pissed at you to ever consider hearing the words comin’ out of your mouth.”

He tossed his hands high above him. “Fine. This is obviously hopeless.”

I listened for him to exit out the back door before I let myself cry. My life was mess, and I knew I had to get it figured out before my baby was born.

Chapter 23


She’d shut me down again. You’d think I’d be used to it and stop trying, but no, I was always glutton for a punishment.

Halfway back to my trailer I saw headlights coming in my direction. Since I was trying to avoid the family at all costs I darted into the woods and crouched down. The last thing I needed was to be in some kind of brawl. I was a grown man with morals. Just because they all believed me to be a terrible person didn’t mean it was real.

When I got back to my trailer I locked the door and just stood there with my hand on the knob. I leaned my head against it and closed my eyes. This was one of those times where I craved a drink. Even though I knew it wouldn’t solve anything, it would at least numb the pain and frustration that I was feeling.

It took me a while to leave that spot and kick off my boots. All of my efforts to impress her family had failed. Not even my ridiculously expensive outfit was going to help my cause. Once I was down to my boxer shorts I headed for the bedroom. The night was ending, and I needed to calm down before I woke up and had to answer all of their burning questions and accusations.

I don’t really know how long I’d been asleep, but when I peered at the clock I noticed it was nearly three in the morning. Something had woken me up, so I sat there, waiting to see if it was just a dream or maybe a critter underneath the trailer. Then I heard it again. A light knocking caused me to jump out of bed and cautiously make my way to the front door. Being that her family was out for blood, I grabbed my large flashlight and prepared to open the door. In just my underwear, I cracked the door, shaking and ready to attack.

Isabella stood there, her hands crossed over her chest. “Can you take a walk with me?”

“It’s the middle of the night. Come inside.”

The light of the moon was the only thing allowing me to see her. She looked down and then shook her head from side to side. “I can’t come inside, because we both know what will happen if I do.”

I have to admit that hearing her say that gave me some comfort. It meant that no matter how mad she was at my actions, she still knew she’d want me. “I need to put on some pants. Can you at least step in here while I do that?”

Even though she was hesitant, I watched as she climbed the three steps and stood in the doorway. I headed back the bedroom, the whole time wondering if I was dreaming this whole thing. She’d obviously walked all the way to my place in the middle of the night. When I came back out she was sitting on the couch. I stood in front of her and reached out my hand. “It’s warmer inside. Are you sure you want to walk?”

“I’m not sure about anything. That’s why I’m here in the middle of the damn night. This is all so messed up. I don’t know what in the hell I’m doin’.” I kneeled down in front of her and placed my hand on her knees. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“You can’t touch me like that. You can’t touch me at all.” She stood up and pushed me to the side as she walked clear across the room. “This is the problem. I can’t be around you and not want somethin’ more. When you’re around it messes with my head.”
