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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I felt sick to my stomach. Hearing Noah saying that put new perspective on my rationalizing to tell Tate the truth. I couldn’t lose Noah, and that’s exactly what would happen if the truth came out. I stood up, causing alarm to my cousin’s eyes. “I need to go.”


“I need to see Rusty. He should be here with all of us.”

He started to chuckle. “So you’re finally goin’ to admit that you’re a couple?”

I shrugged. “Yeah, I think I am.”

Since the family was so big, it was easy to sneak away without being noticed. I didn’t know what I would say to him, and there was no excuse for my actions. I’d been a jerk to him so many times that I was having trouble counting. I was done fighting, and after I picked up my pace, I found myself almost running in the direction of his house. By the time I’d made it there I saw my brother walking out. What alarmed me was the way he looked at me as he approached.

“What are you doin’ here?”

“I needed to talk to your boyfriend.”

“About what?” I think I would have been okay if he’d threatened to hurt him if he hurt me, but something told me that wasn’t the reason.

“I think you know what, sis.”

“Please, Jax. Don’t do this.”

“Do what?” He took my chin and pulled it to look him in the eyes. “Tell everyone our secret?”

I couldn’t fight the burning in my throat or the stream of tears pouring out of my eyes. “I don’t have a secret,” I lied.

“Yeah, maybe if you keep telling yourself that you’ll start to believe it. You forget who picked you up that night, Bella. I did the math, and even though I know that guy in there cares for you, we both know he ain’t the father.”

I pulled away from his touch, refusing to look at him for another second. It wasn’t the fact that Jax had figured out my secret. It was that he’d talked to Rusty about it. It was also the fact that he’d forever hold that secret over my head. I’d feel guilty every time I held my baby and knew that I was lying to him or her. More than ever I wished I could talk to my dad about it. I wanted to know how he felt when he’d decided that he’d be my only father. I needed his advice, yet knew I couldn’t ask for it. “Please, Jax. Don’t tell anyone.”

“I’m not going to. Just be sure you can live with yourself. It’s one thing to not tell Tate, but one day that kid’s going to find out the truth. What do you think that will do to Rusty? You can’t let him fall in love with your kid if you’re still thinking about running back to Tate. Have you even considered what this will do to Dad?”

Hearing Tate’s name made my skin crawl. It was like he was demon I was trying to avoid. “Yes, I’ve thought about Dad. This is so messed up. What am I supposed to do? I didn’t ask Rusty to take responsibility.”

“You’re not telling anyone the truth. He can only protect you for so long. I just don’t want to see my niece or nephew resenting their parents because of a huge lie. Don’t you remember what you and Dad went through?”

“Of course I remember. How could you even ask me that?”

“I just think you should have thought about all of this before letting that man make sacrifices for you.”

I pointed at my brother. “Don’t you dare play the perfect card with me, Jax. You’ve got no room to judge my actions.”

He threw his arms in the air. “Whoa. Nobody said I was perfect. I’m just trying to look out for my sister. I don’t want you getting hurt, Bella. Can’t you see what this kind of secret could do?”

“Yes,” I wiped more tears away. “I know what I’m riskin’.”

He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. “You’re my sister, my blood, and I love you. I know you regret that night, and I just don’t want it to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

I watched my brother walk away, while I tried my hardest to calm down. As much as I thought I’d made my mind up, I knew I was more confused than ever. Most importantly, I needed to know if Rusty would still want to help me if my family learned the truth.

I headed up the steps to his house prepared to find out.

Chapter 27


This was the third time someone had knocked on my door, and I was starting to get annoyed. My issues with Isabella weren’t anyone’s business. Besides, she’d pretty much made it obvious that I was just some f**k buddy to her. It was more clear than ever after my talk with her brother.

I opened the door with a pissed off frown. My eyes adjusted, and I blinked twice to make sure that it was really her standing in front of me. Her makeup was running down her cheeks, and she was steadily sobbing. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside, then pulled her to my chest to comfort her. “What’s happened?”

“Don’t make me talk about it. Please, Rusty. Just hold me.”

There was no place else I wanted to be.

Unlike her last visit, I didn’t carry Isabella back to my room to make love. This time I picked her up and held her on the couch. She cried for along time, and then finally explained what had her so worked up.

I wasn’t trying to be insensitive. It was obvious she was struggling with what she wanted to do. The fact that she’d come to me again only validated that she trusted me. I appreciated that, but at the same time also knew she didn’t really have anyone else.

“Either way I go, someone gets hurt. Jax is right, Rusty. I’ve got to figure this out.”

“You need to stop thinking about everyone else. They’ll get over whatever has to happen. This decision is yours. If you want me I’m here, but if you want to be with your ex, than I think I deserve to know, because right now I kind of feel like there’s things you aren’t telling me.”

“I just explained everything.”

I shook my head and looked away from her. “Did you try to contact your ex-boyfriend? When your brothers told you about his accident did you attempt to call him?”

She looked down and sighed, appearing as if I’d caught her in a lie. I think before she answered I knew the truth. “Yes, I called him.”

“Does he know?” I could feel the burn of tears accumulating in my eyes, but refused to let them fall in front of her. If she was going to choose him, than this had to end. I wouldn’t be her consolation prize until her ex could come back in her life. If she thought she could come running to me to fix that problem she was very wrong.
