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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(46)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I moved my head from side to side. “Nope.”

“We have a sonogram next week. My mom’s goin’ to drive back to go with us. It’s the one where we find out what I’m havin’.”

“What we’re having, you mean?”

She looked at me with shocked eyes and nodded. “Yes. If that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

“Okay. We’ll do it together.”

“What about the ex, Iz? If we’re doing this together, I’ve got to ask about him.”

“I told you already. He hung up on me.”

“Are you going to call him back?” I had to ask, because it would break me if I wasn’t in the loop. I either had to be all in, or I was going to have to walk away. I was never a jealous man, but that is something I couldn’t compete with.

“No. I promise you. I’m not goin’ to call him back. I’m ready, Rusty. I’m ready to admit that there’s somethin’ real between us. If that’s really what you want.”

I kissed her lightly again. “You know it is. How many ways do I have to make that clear?”

“Then it’s settled. No more secrets. As far as the family is concerned that baby is and always has been mine.”

“What about my brothers?” She had a point, but I knew they weren’t a problem. After all, they obviously wanted her to be taken care of.

“They won’t be a problem. I can assure you that they want what’s best for you.”

“Then I just have one more question for you.” Her lips trailed over mine. As I ran my tongue over my own, I could taste the salty remnants of her tears. “Can I stay with you tonight?”

I held out one hand and waited for her to grab it. When she did I started walking us back to my place. Her family was too busy celebrating to notice what was going on with us. “I might not ever let you go.”

Chapter 28


After all of the stressing, things were finally settling for me. I had a child to think about, and their life was more important than anything else. As reluctant as my parents were about Rusty, they promised to give him a chance.

That’s why waking up late for a Sunday breakfast was so alarming. I sat straight up in Rusty’s bed and looked around the room. I could tell from how bright the sun was that it was past the time we were supposed to be at my great-aunt’s house for Sunday pancakes. It was a tradition that has been going on since before I was born. When the family visited there was always Sunday breakfast.

I kicked off the covers, noticing the naked body lying next to me. He was so handsome, and seemed peaceful. Instead of alarming him, I rolled over and ran my fingers through the tiny patch of hair on his chest. He found my hand and opened his eyes. “You okay?”

“Yeah, but we’re late for breakfast.”

“Oh shit.” He rolled off the bed and started rustling around for his clothes. “How late are we?”

I located my phone and checked the time. “Forty minutes.”

“Damn. Get some clothes on. I don’t want them to have more reasons to hate me.”

“You know, if you told everyone the truth they wouldn’t hate you at all. Besides, I don’t even think it’s that. They’re just skeptical about people they let in. Don’t take it too personal. My family can be a bit over-protective.”

He walked over and handed me my clothes. “Maybe you need protecting.”

“What I need is to change my clothes.”

We hurried out of the trailer and made our way to my place. It was easier to get around on the golf cart, and in this case I was glad we had it. As fast as I could, I showered, washing everything except for my hair, changed, and put on fresh makeup, while Rusty paced around my house. When I came out I could tell he was freaking. We rushed over to the main house, noticing that my brothers were standing outside with Christian. I approached them with caution, knowing that they probably had something up their sleeves. “Is everyone here?”

“Everyone but you. Dad was in there telling everyone Rusty cut you up into pieces. I think they called the police a few minutes ago,” Jax announced, while Jake laughed.

I flipped him the middle finger. “Screw you guys. Rusty’s already on edge.” Christian was on her phone off to the side. She hung up and walked toward us. “I just got home myself. Don’t listen to them. They think they’re funny.”

“Just got home?” It was shocking to hear that she’d just gotten home. I knew for a fact that she was at the party.

“I went out afterwards. There was another party I needed to be at. Anyway, I’ve already heard shit from my dad this mornin’. He thinks he’s a preacher or somethin’.”

When I turned to look at Rusty I could tell he was worried. He wanted to make his presence known, and as the minutes went by it was bothering him more. “I’ll let everyone know you’re here.”

I grabbed his hand and started pulling him toward the front door. It opened before I could reach the handle. My dad stood there with a link of sausage in between his lips. He spoke without removing it. “I was just coming to get you two. Breakfast is ready.” He froze in place, sucking the sausage in and out obnoxiously. I looked to Rusty and saw him shaking his head, and just began to giggle.

With my hand, I grabbed the meat out of my dad’s mouth and started to walk past him. “Grow up, dad. Don’t you know it’s immature to play with your food?”

He stole the link back and took a bite. “Nobody takes my meat without asking.”

My mom came to my rescue. “Tyler Mitchell, it’s way too early for that kind of talk. Get in here and make your plate.” She lead my dad into the kitchen with us following. In the large kitchen was most of my family. Outside in the pool yard I could see my uncle Colt with his youngest daughter, Addison. They were sitting at one of the tables with plates in front of them. For the most part we’d all retreat out there to eat so we could spread out. It let me know that I’d either missed eating with everyone, or that we’d arrived just in time. Thankfully it was the latter. My great-aunt hugged me right before handing me a plate. “Hi, sweet girl. I haven’t gotten a chance to congratulate you yet. If you need anything you know we’re here for you. Me and your grandmother are going to spoil that little one.”

I found my grandmother over by the coffee pot and suddenly realized that I’d left Rusty alone with everyone.
