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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(5)
Author: Jennifer Foor

In so many ways I hoped that would happen. Even though I’d moved my whole life to get away from him, he’d be the deciding factor for me to come back home to stay. In fact, I knew that if Tate asked me to, I would never leave again.

We pulled up at his apartment, quickly exiting the car. I managed to grab my clothes before running towards the door, so that nobody would see us. I don’t know why I was worried. His neighbors had moved out months ago, and there wasn’t another house for at least two miles. Since there were no street lights, there wasn’t any way for someone to notice that I wasn’t fully clothed, anyway. He opened the door and I walked inside, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light again. Tate picked me up, grabbing both of my legs and wrapping them around his back. I knew where we were headed, and it didn’t even bother me, because I wanted precisely the same thing.

Admittedly, it was probably the first time that we’d been on the exact same page.

We fell down easily onto the mattress of his bed, and I immediately got to work ripping off his shirt, then using my legs to tug down on his shorts. Time had stopped and nothing existed except for the two of us. This man that I’d fallen in love with so long ago had captivated my soul, teaching me everything that I understood about love, and especially sex. I needed him to be inside of me, reminding me that once again we were really together.

I felt my panties being tugged on, then heard the sound of the elastic giving way. He continued doing it until I knew they’d been ripped off of me. Tate then took his hand and grazed it over the smoothly shaved skin of my pu**y. I let out a loud moan as our lips came in contact. His hot breath fueled me to seek out his tongue and mingle it with mine. The obvious erection he now had pressed into my leg as our embracing intensified rapidly. I jerked when his finger slid inside of my folds for the first time. He pulled away from our kiss to speak. “You’re so f**king ready for me, Bella. I knew you’d be back.”

He was being cocky, not that I cared. His words were like the mumbled ones you hear on a cartoon. I knew that he was speaking to me, but nothing he actually said mattered. I was too caught up in having hot sex with him again.

With us both finally naked, he reached down and positioned himself to be pressing on my sex. Right away I began to worry. “Wait. What about protection?”

Tate let out this sarcastic laugh. “Baby, come on. How many times have we done it without a condom?”

I shoved him away and rolled over. “This is different. Things have changed.” In no way was I going to let him stick that used thing inside of me without covering it up. I skidded off the bed and put my hands on my hips. “You knew I was comin’ over. How could you be so careless?”

He cackled again, showing me that my concerns didn’t amuse him. “Bella, come on. Don’t get all whack about this. Nothing’s changed. I want you and you want me. Come back in this bed, and I’ll make you forget all about it.” He went to grab me and I pulled away, hugging my arms around my body.

“No!” Tears filled my eyes. It may have not been a huge thing to him, but after finding out he’d cheated on me I’d felt dirty and violated. “It’s not happenin’!”

Tate got up on his knees and reached for me again. I backed up against the dresser, as far as I could go. He hopped off the bed and went from cocky to annoyed in just seconds. “I didn’t drive out to that farm to pick your ass up for you to reject me. Get back in this bed with me, right now. Quit playing these head games. I know you want me, and I want you. I’ve waited a long time for this.”

I pushed him hard onto the bed, feeling like for the first time I was uncomfortable being alone with him. “Seriously, Tate. How hard was it for you to get a condom? I know you keep them in your drawer. We bought a new box right before I left.” I should have said that I’d purchased them, because his pu**y ass refused to go to the local pharmacy and do it himself.

He tossed his hands into the air. “You know what? If you want to be a f**king bitch than I’m taking you back home. I ain’t got time for this bullshit.”

My heart jumped at the mere mention of going home. I’d come all of this way, waited so many months to see him again, and he was telling me that he wanted to take me home. I couldn’t let that happen. In a matter of two short minutes he’d changed my mind, with little effort. Out of my own stupidity I fell into his arms. “I’m sorry.” We looked into each other’s eyes, and I caught him forming a half-smile over his lips. “Don’t do that.”

He leaned forward and kissed me softly. “What?” After placing a few more pecks to my lips he let out an air-filled laugh. “I want you, and I know you want me. We’ve waited a long time to have this again. I’m sorry about the rubbers. I threw them all away a couple of months ago. Since we never used condoms before I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal. Now, can we please get back in this bed and be together?”

The butterflies were back in my stomach, giving me the nervous push that I needed to proceed with our night. I could have remained standing there adding up all of the reasons why I shouldn’t have gone through with it, but I knew if I didn’t I’d regret it. He was right. I wanted this, and the longer I complained about the little things, the less time we’d have to be together.

I shoved Tate back down on the bed, climbing on top of him. My legs spread apart, hovering over his stiff cock. I rocked myself back and forth, teasing him with the base of my entrance. While biting down on my lip, I moaned and threw my head back, giving into the temptation of intimacy.

He penetrated me with little effort, getting into a pace easily. While he thrust himself inside of me, I became over emotional. Tears streamed down my eyes, so much that I couldn’t see clearly. There was no question whether I wanted to be with this man. I just needed to figure out how to make it happen. I had to find a way to make my family see that he’d changed; that he deserved a second chance.

Tate buried his face in between my breast, licking the underneath of my skin there, before sliding his tongue up to the tips of my ni**les. They hardened immediately, forcing me to cry out while the sensations traveled throughout my body. He lifted my legs, holding them up on his shoulders as he began pumping at a rapid pace. Immediately he started to tighten up, holding me still while he filled me with his release.

I nestled my head on his neck and kissed him on the chin. “I missed you so much. Sorry about earlier. If we’re goin’ to be together again I need to learn how to trust. I want this to work between us, because I feel so empty without you in my life. I’m so in love with you, Tate, and I’m tired of denyin’ it.”
