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Isabella (The Mitchell/Healy Family #2)(6)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Don’t worry about it, baby. All is good. We’re going to work everything out.” He kissed me on the top of the head. “You know you’re my one and only, right?”

It felt so good to hear him say that. I wanted to believe it. Another bout of emotions took over as I started to sniffle. “Yeah, I know that.”

He sat up and moved away, as if we weren’t having a serious conversation. “I’m just going to take a piss real quick.”

After he’d made that announcement, he climbed out of the bed and went into the bathroom, saying nothing else. I sat up and looked around for something to put between my legs to clean up with. That’s when I spotted his phone blinking on the floor. It was half hanging out of his pocket. A message had just come through and the name from the sender displayed Jennifer. Once I’d checked to make sure he wasn’t coming out of the bathroom, I opened it up to peek.

I can’t wait to see you, baby. I’ll be home in two more days. My parents keep asking about you. They love my engagement ring. – Jenn

I put my hand over my mouth to keep Tate from hearing my shock. While trying not to sob, I scrolled through the old messages. He’d deleted everything except the last few, which he probably hadn’t had time to do yet.

I hate that I had to take this trip without you. My whole family is so excited for us. – Jenn

I can’t wait to watch you walk down that aisle. It’s like we always planned. – Tate

Loving you is so easy. I’ll be the best wife. I promise. – Jenn

I’ve loved you every single day of my life, Jenn. Come home soon. I can’t sleep without you in my bed. – Tate

I was in such shock that I hadn’t heard him come out of the bathroom. He startled me when he called out my name. I dropped the phone on the floor and turned to him with tear-filled eyes. “You’re engaged to her?”

He put his head down and shook it. “It’s not what you think. I planned on telling you.”

“What? When? After we had sex?”

“Oh, come on, Bella. It’s not like that.”

“Does she live here now?” I stood up and looked around the room. It was dimly lit, but I could clearly see no evidence of a female in plain sight. So I walked to the closet and opened the door. Right away I noticed dresses that were hanging. I held my lips tight to prevent from feeling them quiver. Then I rushed over toward the nightstand and pulled it open.

Tate grabbed my arm and spun me around. “Bella, please. Listen to me, baby.”

I pulled away from him. “Don’t you dare baby me.”

Looking in that drawer and seeing the slew of pictures that had been removed for my visit made my stomach turn. I picked one up and looked at the happy couple. “Is this really happenin’? You hid her stuff so that you could f**k with my head again? You did this to be able to f**k me?”

I slammed the picture down on the table, listening to the glass shattering all over the place. Tate hugged me from behind, desperately attempting to get me to calm down, but the damage was done.

“My family was right about you. They saw what I was too blind to see.” I started putting my clothes on, silently thinking of ways to get home without his assistance. “Don’t you ever try to contact me again, Tate. We’re done.”

He fell back on the bed and rubbed his hands over his face, as if this was all some kind of joke. Little did he know that I was about to walk out of his life forever, no matter how much it hurt to do.

Before walking out of his bedroom, I leaned over and picked up his cell phone, sticking it in my pocket so that he didn’t notice.

Tate stood up and grabbed his pants, pulling them on. “Just wait, Bella. I’ll drive you back. Don’t do anything else stupid. You know we can work this out. We always do.”

I pointed toward his face. “No. This time I’m done, for real. You’ve destroyed me for the last damn time. If you try to follow me, I’ll tell my brothers. Hell, I’ll tell my father. I’m sure he’d like to light your ass up for what you’ve done to me.”

Tate put both hands up and backed away. “Whoa. This is between us. Don’t go getting your crazy family involved.”

I kicked him in the balls so hard that it injured my ankle. After watching him fall to the floor beneath me, I turned and walked out of the apartment, hoping that he wouldn’t be able to follow me.

Chapter 4


The first thing I managed to do was dial my brother, Jake. Since I knew he hadn’t come home, there was a good chance he was in town, close to where I was stranded.

It rang five times before the machine picked up.

I tried again, getting no answer for the second time.

When I started to dial my father I began sobbing. He was going to be so disappointed in me, the whole family was. Before I could hit the send button, my phone started to ring.

“Jake. Where are you?”

“Jesus Christ, Bella. I’m f**king sleeping. It’s three in the morning.”

“I know.” I started to cry even harder, and I was sure he couldn’t understand my next sentences. “Are you home? I need you to come and get me without mom and dad findin’ out. Please, Jake.”

“I ain’t home. I’m at this chick’s place. Where are you?” My little brother’s tone had changed from annoyed to worried.

“I’m on cross street, right outside of town. Are you close?”

“We’re five minutes away. Hang tight, sis. I’ve got to find Jax and get him up. We’ll be there in a few. Stay outside.”

He hung up before I could make that promise, but it wasn’t like I was going back inside with Tate. If I never saw him again it would be too soon.

After I put my phone back in my purse I pulled Tate’s out of my pocket. That cheater wasn’t going to live happily ever after if I had anything to do with it. So I did what every distraught woman would have done in my situation. I made a video.

“Hi Jenn. Sorry you’re gettin’ this so late. As you can see I’m sendin’ this from Tate’s phone. We just slept together in the bed that you’re about to come home to.” I started to cry and looked away from the recording camera. “Sorry, this is all so hard to do. You see, I’ve been talkin’ to Tate for a while now, and he told me that you weren’t together. I found his phone and saw your messages. He’s a liar, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave his lyin’ ass. I’m sorry that you had to find out, but I thought you’d like to know.”
