Read Books Novel

Joy Ride

I grab her chin roughly in my hand, and meet her eyes. They’re dazed, glossy. She’s panting. “You fucking drive me crazy,” I mutter.

“And you’re nothing but a cruel bastard,” she says, narrowing her eyes as she scrapes at my hair again with her fingers. The lion in her is fierce tonight. She jerks my head back then pushes my face down, down, down and right between her tits. “So damn cruel.”

I yank up her T-shirt and bury my face in the most wonderful place in the universe. Jesus Christ, her tits are heaven. I shove the cup of her black lace bra to the side—of course she wears black—and bring my teeth down on her nipple. She cries out again.

“This nipple drove me insane in the tub.”

She freezes. “Is that why you kicked me out?”

I raise my face and lock eyes with her. She looks so fucking desperate right now. “I couldn’t take it. You moved in the tub, and I saw it, and I had to fight off every instinct to bite it.”

“Do it now,” she urges. Before she even says the last word, my mouth is wrapped around her, and she is as fucking delicious as I imagined. I moan with her in my mouth, my dick growing impossibly harder as I draw that tight peak between my teeth. I suck as she curls her hands around my skull.

I come up for air. Her brown irises are wild now, and she looks like an animal.

“You were such a jerk that night.” She drags her hands over my T-shirt, lingering on my pecs. “You need to take this off now for being such a complete ass.”

I grip the back of my shirt, yanking it off.

Her mouth falls open in the sexiest expression I’ve ever seen. “You’re so . . .”

She doesn’t finish the thought. She runs her fingers over my bare skin, exploring my pecs, my abs, my arms. Her nails travel along my bicep, tracing the outline of the bands there, then the hawk on my shoulder. When she returns to my chest, she draws the Celtic tattoo on my right pec. My skin sizzles in the wake of her touch. Her fingertips light me up. They send electricity everywhere.

I tug at the waistband of her jeans. “These are really fucking inconvenient, Henley.”

“Why?” Her voice is feathery.

I bring my mouth to her ear, nip the earlobe, and whisper, “Because I’m going to fuck you right now. I’m going to fuck you and make you come hard, and you need to take off these stupid jeans.”

I back up and rustle around in my back pocket for my wallet. I flip it open and grab a condom. She gives me her yes in her busy hands—they unsnap the top button of her jeans. Then she unzips and shimmies them down her ass.

“Wait,” I say, as I put the condom on the yellow hood.


I grab my shirt. “Sit on this.”

I slide the cotton under her ass. Then I help her, jerking one jean leg down to her boot.

“Fucking combat boots,” I mutter as I regard the long string of laces on her shoes.

“Idiot, they have a zipper.” She reaches and pulls the zipper down one side. I tug off the boot, tossing it on the floor, then pull off that jean leg only. No patience for both. She slides her black panties down that leg, and I can’t fucking breathe for a second.

“Holy . . .”

She’s so fucking wet and beautiful. Jesus Christ. Her pussy is divine. Pink and slick and utterly, fucking enticing, like the most delicious dessert ever. I can’t resist. I have to eat dessert first. I scoop my hands under her thighs, spreading them, and I bring my face between her legs.

“Oh God, Max,” she moans as I slide my tongue down her wetness. Her hands grip my head. She digs her nails in, and I love it.

One more lick, up and up, and then I suck on that delicious rise of her clit. It’s hard and soaked, and she jerks against me as I feast on it.

A long, low moan comes from her mouth. It’s my name. Then she purrs, “Do it again.”

I planned to fuck her. Hard and furiously. I swear I did. I had no intention to take a timeout to eat her. But her pussy is too fucking wonderful to deny. I flick my tongue against her clit, and she jerks against me again. She pulls my hair hard, yanking me even closer. “This is what you could have had that night in the tub,” she tells me.

I break contact for a second and meet her hot gaze, processing the enormity of what she just said—she wanted me that night, too. “It’s what I had when I jacked off after you left. Let’s see if you taste as good as you did in my filthy imagination.”

I return to her and drag my tongue down, lapping up all this decadent wetness as I go. A long, feral noise comes from her mouth. It sounds like please.

Ordinarily, I’d tease her. Make her beg. But, for all intents and purposes, she is already. Besides, just this second, I have no tolerance for games. Not hers, and not my own.

All I want now is to have her.

I lick my way back up her pussy to her clit, sucking on that little hard diamond of pleasure until she bucks against my mouth. She chants my name. She grips my hair. She rocks against me. Her fingers tighten against my skull. And then she fucks my face on the hood of the car until she comes like a rock star in under two minutes.

My name has never sounded so good as it does when Henley Rose Marlowe falls apart on my mouth. Her breathing is wild and her chest is heaving, and she’s absolutely glowing from her orgasm.

“I was wrong when I imagined how good you’d taste.” I am nothing but pride and desire as I straighten, unzip my jeans, and take out my cock. “You taste even better.” I grab the condom and roll it on as she comes down from her high. “And you come fast, tiger. Guess you like what I do to you.”

She opens her eyes only to narrow them at me. “It’s been a while. That’s all.”

I wiggle my eyebrows as I pinch the tip of the condom. Her eyes drift down to my dick. They widen. “Oh God,” she murmurs as she stares at my cock.

“Like what you see?”

“That’s a lot of inches.”

“How many?” I shake my head and put my finger against her lip. “Don’t guess. I want you to feel how many. Then see how fucking long it takes you to come again.”

“You ass,” she says sharply, as she grabs my cock and draws me to that sweet Promised Land.

“I’m glad you hate me so much,” I say as I rub the head against her slippery entrance.


“Because it’ll be that much better when you say my name again when you come for the second time.”

She sneers as I sink into her, and then there’s no more sneering, from her or me. Because holy fuck.

I still myself when I’m all the way inside her. “Jesus,” I mutter. “You feel so fucking good.”

“So do you,” she says softly.

She’s out of this world. She’s warm and tight and her pussy fucking welcomes me. She’s so goddamn aroused already that I have no problem filling her all the way.

She grips my shoulders, holding on as she rocks her pelvis up on my cock. “I bet you come first,” she says, in a challenging dare. “I already came.”

I grab her chin as I ease back out. “And you fucking will again,” I say through gritted teeth.

“I doubt it. The first was a fluke. It’s been a long time, like I said.”

I grab her thighs, yank her closer, and punch my hips into her.

“Oh God,” she gasps.

“That’s right, tiger. You’re too fucking wet to only come once.”
